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Ri Jesús cucunaj jun achi ri cˈo itzel chˈaˈc che

Aretak ri Jesús xkaj lok cho ri juyub, e qˈuia winak xeteri lok chrij. Xopan cˈu rucˈ ri Jesús jun achi ri cˈo itzel chˈaˈc che. Xxuqui chuwäch ri Jesús, xubij che: Tat, ri in wetam chi cäcowin la che nu cunaxic we caj la, ―xcha che.

Xuyuk cˈu ru kˈab ri Jesús, xuchap cok ri achi, xubij che: ¡Cwaj! Chutzir baˈ la, ―xcha che.

Xuwi waˈ xubij ri Jesús. Xutzir cˈu ri achi ri cˈo ri itzel chˈaˈc che. Xubij cˈu ri Jesús che: ¡Tampe la! Cˈo jas mäbij la che jachin jun. Oj la, jecˈutu ib la cho ri sacerdote. Ya la ri sipanic ri takom can rumal ri ka mam Moisés chi cäyiˈc aretak cäcunataj jun ri cˈo itzel chˈaˈc che. Are cˈu kˈalajisabal waˈ chquiwäch ri winak chi utzirinak chi la, ―xcha che.

Ri Jesús cucunaj jun ala patänil re jun qui nimal soldados

Aretak xopan ri Jesús pa ri tinimit Capernaum, xpe jun achi rucˈ. Are jun chque ri qui nimal soldados aj Roma. Xutaˈ cˈu jun tokˈob che ri Jesús. Je waˈ xubij: Tat, ri ala ri patänil we kajinak pa chˈat cho ja, cäminak u cuerpo. Sibalaj cˈäx u rikom rumal ri yabil, ―xcha che.

Ri Jesús xubij che: Quineˈ na chucunaxic, ―xcha che.

Ri qui nimal soldados xchˈawic, xubij che ri Jesús: Tat, man takal tä chwe chi coc la pa ri wachoch. Xak xuwi takan la chi quel ri yabil che ri patänil we, rucˈ cˈu waˈ cutzir na, ―xcha che. Ri in xukujeˈ cˈo jun ri cätakan pa nu wiˈ ri nim u banic. Xukujeˈ ri in e cˈo nu soldados ri quintakan pa qui wiˈ. Aretak quinbij che jun chque ri nu soldados chi queˈc, queˈ cˈut. Aretak quinbij che jun chic chi cäpetic, cäpe cˈu ri areˈ. Aretak quintak ri patänil we chubanic jun chac, ri areˈ cuban ri quinbij, ―xcha ri qui nimal soldados che ri Jesús.

10 Aretak ri Jesús xuta waˈ, sibalaj xucajmaj, xubij cˈu chque ri winak ri e teren chrij: Kas tzij quinbij chiwe, chi man cˈo tä jumul ri nu rikom chquixol ri winak aj Israel jun achi jas we achi riˈ ri sibalaj cäcojon chwe, ―xcha chque. 11 Quinbij cˈu chiwe chi e qˈuia ri quepe na chrelbal kˈij, xukujeˈ chukajbal kˈij, ri quetˈuyi na junam rucˈ ri ka mam Abraham, ri ka mam Isaac, ri ka mam Jacob chuchiˈ ri mesa chilaˈ jawijeˈ ri cätakan wi ri Dios. 12 Are cˈu ri xa xquichomaj queboc chilaˈ jawijeˈ ri cätakan wi ri Dios, man queboc taj rumal chi man xecojon taj. Xane xa queqˈuiäk na bi pa ri kˈekum. Chilaˈ cˈut quebokˈ wi na, chilaˈ cäquikuchˈuchˈej wi na ri qui ware, ―xcha ri Jesús chque ri winak.

13 Te riˈ xubij ri Jesús che ri qui nimal soldados: Oj la cho ja. Rumal chi xcoj la chi cäcunataj ri ala, je cˈu cäbantaj na, ―xcha che.

Tzare chiˈ cˈut xutzir ri ala aretak xubij ri Jesús waˈ we tzij riˈ.

Ri Jesús cucunaj ru jiˈ chichuˈ ri tat Pedro

14 Ri Jesús xeˈ cho rachoch ri tat Pedro, xril cˈu ru jiˈ chichuˈ ri tat Pedro kajinak pa chˈat rumal jun nimalaj kˈakˈ. 15 Ri Jesús xuchap ri chichuˈ che ru kˈab, xel cˈu ri kˈakˈ chrij. Chanim cˈut xwalijic, xuchap qui patänixic.

Ri Jesús queucunaj qˈuia yawabib

16 Aretak xkˈekal chic, e qˈuia winak ri cˈo itzelalaj tak espíritus chque xecˈam bi cho ri Jesús. Xa cˈu rucˈ jun tzij ri xubij ri Jesús xebel bi ri itzelalaj tak espíritus, xukujeˈ xeucunaj conojel tak ri yawabib. 17 Jeˈ xbantaj waˈ rech jeˈ quelic jas ri xubij ri ka mam Isaías ri kˈalajisal re ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios: “Ri Areˈ xurik cˈäx rumal kech, xuya ka chukˈab, xujucunaj che ri ka yabilal,” ―xcha ri ka mam Isaías.

Waral cäkil wi ri winak ri xquibij chi cäcaj quebeˈ rucˈ ri Jesús

18 Ri Jesús xrilo chi e qˈuia winak qui mulim quib rucˈ, xubij chque ru tijoxelab: Chujkˈax chˈäkäp che ri mar, ―xcha chque. 19 Xpe cˈu jun tijonel re ri Pixab, xkeb cˈu rucˈ ri Jesús, xubij che: Ajtij, cwaj quineˈ ucˈ la apawijeˈ ta ne ri queˈ wi la, ―xcha che.

20 Xchˈaw cˈu ri Jesús, xubij che: Ri yac cˈo qui jul, xukujeˈ ri chicop ri querapap cho ri caj cˈo qui soc. Are cˈu ri in, in riˈ ri Ralcˈual ri Dios ri Kas Winak, man cˈo tä jawijeˈ ri quinwar wi, ―xcha che.

21 Jun achi chic, jun chque ru tijoxelab, xubij che ri Jesús: Tat, ya la chwe chi nabe quineˈc, quinmuk can ri nu tat aretak cäcämic, ―xcha che.

22 Xchˈaw cˈu ri Jesús, xubij che: Tasaˈj at wucˈ, chaya chque ri cäminakib chi chquimuku ri qui cäminak, ―xcha ri Jesús che.

Ri Jesús cubano chi cätäni ri quiäkikˈ

23 Te riˈ xoc ri Jesús pa ri barco, ru tijoxelab cˈut xebeˈ rucˈ. 24 Xpe cˈu jun nimalaj quiäkikˈ ri sibalaj cˈäx puwiˈ ri jaˈ, je riˈ chi ri nimak tak uwojaˈ tajin queboc pa ri barco. Are cˈu ri Jesús tajin cäwaric. 25 Xebeˈ cˈu ru tijoxelab, xequicˈasuj, xquibij che: ¡Kajaw Jesús, chujtoˈ la! ¡Tajin cujcämic! ―xecha che.

26 Xchˈaw cˈu ri Jesús, xubij chque: ¿Jas che sibalaj quixej iwib? ¡Ri ix kas tzij man nim tä más ri i cojonic! ―xcha chque.

Xwalij cˈu ri Jesús, xuyaj ri quiäkikˈ xukujeˈ ri mar. Xtäni cˈu ri quiäkikˈ, xlilob ronojel ru wiˈ ri mar. 27 Ri achijab sibalaj xquicajmaj, xquibij cˈut: ¿Jachin lo riˈ we achi riˈ, chi ri quiäkikˈ xukujeˈ ri jaˈ re ri mar queniman che? ―xecha ri achijab.

E cˈo quieb achijab aj Gadara ri e cˈo itzel tak espíritus chque

28 Aretak xeopan chˈäkäp che ri mar, pa ri qui tinimit ri winak aj Gadara, xebel lok quieb achijab pa ri campo santo chquixol tak ri mukubal, xeopan cˈu rucˈ ri Jesús. E cˈo itzel tak espíritus chque we achijab riˈ. Sibalaj xibibal quepetic, je riˈ chi man cˈo tä chi jun cäcowinic cocˈow pa ri be riˈ. 29 Xquichap cˈu u rakic qui chiˈ, co xechˈawic, xquibij che ri Jesús: ¿Jas caj la chke uj, Jesús, lal riˈ ri u Cˈojol ri Dios? ¿A petinak la waral chubanic cˈäx chke pune mäjaˈ curik ri kˈij? ―xecha che ri Jesús.

30 E qˈuia cˈu ri ak tajin queyukˈux apan chilaˈ pa ri juyub riˈ. 31 Ri itzel tak espíritus xebochiˈn che ri Jesús, xquibij che: We cujesaj bi la, ya la chke chi cujoc chque ri ak, ―xecha che.

32 Xubij cˈu ri Jesús chque: Jix baˈ, chixoc chque ri ak, ―xcha chque.

Xebel cˈu bi ri itzel tak espíritus chque ri achijab, xeboc bi chque ri ak. Conojel cˈu ri ak xquiqˈuiäk bi quib chutzaˈm ri juyub, xekaj cˈu pa ri mar, xejikˈic.

33 Are cˈu ri ajyukˈab tak ak sibalaj xquixej quib, xeanimaj bic, xebeˈc. Aretak xeopan pa ri tinimit xquesaj u tzijol waˈ ri xquilo, xukujeˈ ri xbantaj cucˈ ri achijab ri xecˈoji ri itzel tak espíritus chque. 34 Conojel cˈu ri winak ri e cˈo pa ri tinimit xebeˈ jelaˈ jawijeˈ cˈo wi ri Jesús. Aretak xquil ri Jesús, xquibochiˈj, xquibij che chi chel bi pa ri qui tinimit.

Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy(A)

When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy[a](B) came and knelt before him(C) and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone.(D) But go, show yourself to the priest(E) and offer the gift Moses commanded,(F) as a testimony to them.”

The Faith of the Centurion(G)

When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed,(H) suffering terribly.”

Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?”

The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.(I) For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”

10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.(J) 11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west,(K) and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.(L) 12 But the subjects of the kingdom(M) will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”(N)

13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.”(O) And his servant was healed at that moment.

Jesus Heals Many(P)

14 When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. 15 He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him.

16 When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.(Q) 17 This was to fulfill(R) what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:

“He took up our infirmities
    and bore our diseases.”[b](S)

The Cost of Following Jesus(T)

18 When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake.(U) 19 Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.”

20 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man(V) has no place to lay his head.”

21 Another disciple said to him, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

22 But Jesus told him, “Follow me,(W) and let the dead bury their own dead.”

Jesus Calms the Storm(X)(Y)

23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. 24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”

26 He replied, “You of little faith,(Z) why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.(AA)

27 The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

Jesus Restores Two Demon-Possessed Men(AB)

28 When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes,[c] two demon-possessed(AC) men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. 29 “What do you want with us,(AD) Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”(AE)

30 Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. 31 The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”

32 He said to them, “Go!” So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water. 33 Those tending the pigs ran off, went into the town and reported all this, including what had happened to the demon-possessed men. 34 Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.(AF)


  1. Matthew 8:2 The Greek word traditionally translated leprosy was used for various diseases affecting the skin.
  2. Matthew 8:17 Isaiah 53:4 (see Septuagint)
  3. Matthew 8:28 Some manuscripts Gergesenes; other manuscripts Gerasenes