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Tek ri Jesús xubij yan apo ri xtiban chare ri rachoch ri Dios

13  Y tek ri Jesús ntel cˈa pe ri pa rachoch ri Dios, jun chique ri rudiscípulos xubij cˈa chare: Tijonel, tatzuˈ re nimaˈk tak jay riche (rixin) re rachoch ri Dios, y re nimaˈk tak abej re ye ucusan chare, xchaˈ.

Y ri Jesús xubij chare ri rudiscípulo: Riyit can yeˈatzuˈ cˈa chi re jay reˈ can ye jabel y ye nimaˈk, pero xtapon na jun kˈij tek xa can xquewulex y majun chic ri xtipaˈeˈ ta ca. Ronojel re nimaˈk tak abej re ye ucusan chique re jay reˈ, xa can xquewulex cˈa pe. Can majun cˈa abej ri xticˈojeˈ ta ca achiˈel la rubanon wacami, xchaˈ chare.

Ri xquebanatej yan tek can cˈa ma jane niqˈuis ta re tiempo re kachapon

Y tek ri Jesús xapon cˈa pa ruwiˈ ri juyuˈ Olivos, xtzˈuyeˈ cˈa ka ri acuchi (achique) jabel niquitzuˈ wi pe ri rachoch ri Dios, y yacˈariˈ tek ri Pedro, ri Jacobo, ri Juan y ri Andrés xejel cˈa apo riqˈui ri Jesús y xquicˈutuj cˈa chare: Tabij cˈa chake, ¿ajan (jampeˈ) cˈa xticˈulwachitej ri xabij yan ka chrij ri rachoch ri Dios? ¿Y achique cˈa retal nibanatej tek xa yecˈulwachitej yan riˈ? xechaˈ chare.

Y xpe ri Jesús quecˈareˈ ri xuchop rubixic chique: Can jabel cˈa tichajij iwiˈ riche (rixin) chi ma xquixkˈolotej ta. Ruma can ye qˈuiy ri xquepe y xtiquibilaˈ: Yin cˈa riyin ri Cristo, xquechaˈ. Y sibilaj ye qˈuiy ri xquekˈolotej pa quikˈaˈ.

Y tek xtiwacˈaxalaˈ cˈa chi yecˈo ruwachˈulef ri cˈo chˈaˈoj ntajin chiquicojol y xtiwacˈaxalaˈ rutzijol chi cˈo chukaˈ chˈaˈoj ri xquepe, man cˈa tisach ta icˈuˈx, ruma ronojel riˈ xa can cˈo cˈa chi yebanatej na. Pero xa ma ya ta riˈ ri ruqˈuisbel tak kˈij chare re ruwachˈulef. Jun tinamit xtiyacatej cˈa el chi nberubanaˈ chˈaˈoj riqˈui jun chic tinamit. Yecˈo cˈa chukaˈ nimaˈk tak ruwachˈulef ri xqueyacatej el chi nbequibanaˈ chˈaˈoj quiqˈui nicˈaj chic nimaˈk tak ruwachˈulef. Xquepe silonel xabachique lugar chare re ruwachˈulef y xquepe chukaˈ wayjal y qˈuiy cˈa chukaˈ quiwech chˈaˈoj xquepe chiquicojol ri winek. Y riˈ xa cˈariˈ ri nabey tak tijoj pokonal y xquepe chic cˈa nicˈaj chic quiwech tijoj pokonal.

Pero riyix can jabel cˈa tichajij ka iwiˈ. Ruma xa can yecˈo cˈa ri xquixjacho pa quikˈaˈ ri achiˈaˈ ri pa moc (comon) yekˈato tzij. Y chukaˈ xquixquichˈey pa tak jay ri kas nicˈut wi ri ruchˈabel ri Dios. Y xquixucˈuex cˈa chiquiwech aj kˈatbel tak tzij; xquixucˈuex chiquiwech reyes y nicˈaj chic aj kˈatbel tak tzij. Y xa wuma cˈa riyin tek xticˈulwachij queriˈ, pero xa can xquixcowin cˈa xquinikˈalajsaj chiquiwech riyeˈ. 10 Y can rajawaxic chi nitzijox na nabey ri lokˈolaj chˈabel ri niyaˈo colotajic pa ronojel ruwachˈulef, cˈacˈariˈ xtoka ri ruqˈuisbel kˈij chare re ruwachˈulef. 11 Yacˈa tek xquixucˈuex riche (rixin) chi yixbejach pa quikˈaˈ ri aj kˈatbel tak tzij, ma tichˈujirisaj ta iwiˈ chuchˈobic achique chi chˈabel ri xtibij. Riyix xaxu (xaxe wi) cˈa tibij ri achique chi chˈabel ri xtuyaˈ ri Dios chiwe, ruma xa can ma yix ta chic riyix ri xquixchˈo chupan ri hora riˈ, xa can ya chic ri Lokˈolaj Espíritu ri xtichˈo. 12 Ruma xtibanatej cˈa chukaˈ, chi wi yecˈo ta caˈiˈ achiˈaˈ cachˈalal quiˈ, jun chique riyeˈ xtiyacatej y xtujech ri rachˈalal pa camic. Chukaˈ can yecˈo wi tataˈaj ri xqueyacatej chiquij ri calcˈual. Ri alcˈualaxelaˈ xqueyacatej chukaˈ chiquij ri quiteˈ quitataˈ y xquequiyaˈ pa camic. 13 Xa can xquixetzelex wi cˈa cuma quinojel, ruma icukuban icˈuˈx wuqˈui riyin. Yacˈa ri ma xtutzolij ta riˈ chrij y xtucochˈ ronojel cˈa pa ruqˈuisbel, yacˈariˈ ri xticolotej.

14 Y chukaˈ can xtapon wi cˈa ri kˈij tek xquebanatej ri xajan chupan ri lokˈolaj lugar ri xa ma rucˈamon ta chi nibanatej chiriˈ. Can achiˈel ri tzˈibatal ca ruma ri Daniel, jun chique ri profetas ri xekˈalajsan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ojer ca. Ri nitzˈeto cˈa ri tzˈibatal ca, tikˈax cˈa chuwech ri nutzˈet. Riche (rixin) chi queriˈ tek xtitzˈet chi can ya chic riˈ ri nibanatej, ri yixcˈo pa Judea xa can quixanmej cˈa el y tiwewaj iwiˈ ri pa tak juyuˈ. 15 Ri cˈo cˈa pa ruwiˈ ri rachoch tek xtibanatej ronojel riˈ, ma tika ta pe riche (rixin) chi ntoc pa rachoch riche (rixin) chi cˈo na ri nberucˈamaˈ pe. Xa choj queriˈ tanmej el. 16 Ri nisamej cˈa pa juyuˈ, ma tibe ta chic chrachoch chucˈamaric ri ruchaqueta. Xa choj chukaˈ queriˈ tanmej el. 17 Yacˈa ri ixokiˈ ri coyoben chic alanen, y ri ixokiˈ ri xa cˈa yetzˈuman na ri tak cal, juyiˈ oc quiwech tek xtapon ri kˈij riˈ. 18 Rumacˈariˈ xa ticˈutuj chare ri Dios chi ronojel riˈ man ta xtibanatej pa rukˈijul ri job, riche (rixin) chi queriˈ ma nitij ta más pokon tek yixanmej. 19 Ruma tek xtapon cˈa ri kˈij riˈ, can xtikˈax ruwiˈ ri tijoj pokonal ri xtipe, jun tijoj pokonal ri majun bey cˈulwachitajnek ta pa ruwiˈ re ruwachˈulef, janiˈ chi tiempo ri winakirsan wi pe ruma ri Dios. Y chukaˈ ri jun tijoj pokonal riˈ majun bey chic cˈa xticˈulwachitej ta. 20 Y wi xa ta ri Ajaf Dios man ta nuben chi xa kˈatatel ri kˈij riche (rixin) ri tijoj pokonal riˈ, quinojel ta yecom. Pero ruma ri rutzil Riyaˈ pa quiwiˈ ri ye ruchaˈon chic, can xtuben wi chi xa kˈatatel ri kˈij riˈ.

21 Chupan ri kˈij riˈ, wi yecˈo cˈa ri yebin chiwe: Titzuˈ, ya cˈa Cristo reˈ. O wi niquibij chiwe: Titzuˈ, ya cˈa Cristo laˈ, man cˈa tinimaj ta ri niquibij chiwe. 22 Ruma can yecˈo cˈa ri xquebecˈulun pe y xtiquibilaˈ cˈa chi ye riyeˈ ri Cristo. Yacˈa riyix man cˈa queˈinimaj ta, ruma xa ye kˈolonel. Y yacˈa chukaˈ tiempo riˈ tek xquebecˈulun pe ri xquebin chi ye profetas ri niquibij chi niquikˈalajsaj ri ruchˈabel ri Dios. Yacˈa riyix man cˈa queˈinimaj ta, ruma xa ye kˈolonel chukaˈ. Y xquequibanalaˈ cˈa milagros ri majun bey ye tzˈeton ta, ruma nicajoˈ chi yenimex y yecˈo ri xquekˈolotej pa quikˈaˈ. Y wi xa ta yecowin, riyeˈ yequikˈol ta chukaˈ ri ye chaˈon chic ruma ri Dios. 23 Pero riyix man cˈa quixkˈolotej ta pa quikˈaˈ, xa can tichajij cˈa iwiˈ, xa rumacˈariˈ xinbij yan ca chiwe ronojel ri xquebanatej.

Ri xquebanatej tek xa nipe yan ri Jesús

24 Chupan ri kˈij tek kˈaxnek chic ri tijoj pokonal riˈ, xtibanatej cˈa chi ri kˈij xtikˈekumatej y ri icˈ chukaˈ ma xtitzuˈun ta chic. 25 Ri chˈumilaˈ xquetzak cˈa el chuwech ri caj. Can ronojel wi cˈa ri nimalaj tak uchukˈaˈ ri yecˈo chicaj xquesilon na. 26 Y yacˈariˈ tek xquinquitzˈet riyin ri Cˈajolaxel ri xinalex chicojol, chi yin petenak pa sutzˈ, riqˈui chic nimalaj wuchukˈaˈ y riqˈui chukaˈ jun nimalaj nukˈij nucˈojlen. 27 Y yacˈariˈ tek riyin xquentek ri nuˈángeles chiquimolic ri ye nuchaˈon chic. Can xquequimol wi cˈa pe re quereˈ pa relebel kˈij y re quereˈ pa rukajbel kˈij, re quereˈ pa jotol y re quereˈ chukaˈ pa xulan. Can xquequimol wi cˈa pe chi ronojel ruwachˈulef; nitiquir pe pa jun ruchiˈ re caj, cˈa la jun chic ruchiˈ.

28 Can ticˈamaˈ cˈa inaˈoj chrij ri juwiˈ cheˈ ri higo rubiˈ. Tek can yeraxer cˈa pe ri rukˈaˈ y niquichop yeqˈuiy pe ri ruxak, etaman cˈa riˈ chi ya xa nikˈax yan rukˈijul ri sakˈij. 29 Y quecˈariˈ tek xtitzˈet chi yecˈulwachitej chic ronojel ri xinbij yan ka, tiwetamaj cˈa riˈ chi xa noka yan ri ruqˈuisbel tak kˈij. Xa can nakaj chic cˈo wi pe. 30 Y tiwacˈaxaj cˈa jabel re xtinbij chiwe re wacami: Ronojel riˈ xticˈulwachitej, tek ri winek riche (rixin) re tiempo re kachapon, cˈa ma jane queqˈuis ta chuwech re ruwachˈulef. 31 Y re ruwachˈulef y ri caj xa xquekˈax. Yacˈa ri nuchˈabel can ma xtiqˈuis ta chak que ta riˈ, xa can xtibanatej na wi ri nubij.

32 Yacˈa ri kˈij y ri hora tek riyin xquipe, majun achique etamayon ta. Ni xa ta ri ángeles ri yecˈo chilaˈ chicaj ma quetaman ta ajan (jampeˈ) tek xquipe chic jun bey. Queriˈ chukaˈ riyin ri Cˈajolaxel ma wetaman ta. Xa can xu (xe) wi cˈa ri Nataˈ ri etamayon riˈ.

33 Riyix xa can tichajij cˈa apo jabel ri icˈaslen. Can tiwoyobej cˈa, y tibanaˈ chukaˈ orar, ruma xa ma iwetaman ta ajan (jampeˈ) xtapon ri rukˈijul tek xquipe chic jun bey. 34 Achiˈel tek jun achi nuyaˈ ca ri rachoch y nibe nej cˈa pa jun chic tinamit. Riyaˈ can nuchilabej cˈa ca ri rusamaj chique ri ye rumozos. Can nuyalaˈ cˈa ca quisamaj chiquijujunal; y chare ri chajinel can nubij cˈa ca chi can troyobej apo. 35 Can quecˈariˈ tibanaˈ riyix, can quiniwoyobej apo. Achiˈel ri achi chajinel, ruma ma retaman ta ajan (jampeˈ) xtoka ri rajaf ri jay, riyaˈ cˈo chi noyoben apo. Ruma ri rajaf ri jay riqˈui jubaˈ xa noka tek ntoc pe ri akˈaˈ, o ya ri pa nicˈaj akˈaˈ, o tek yesiqˈuin pe ri ecˈ tek xa nipe yan rusekeric o ri nimakˈaˈ yan. Rumariˈ riyix can quiniwoyobej apo. 36 Ruma riyin can nwajoˈ chi yiniwoyobej ta apo, y man ta yixwer, ruma can ma xtinyaˈ ta na rutzijol tek xquipe. 37 Y can achiˈel ri nbij chiwe riyix chi quiniwoyobej apo, can queriˈ chukaˈ nbij chique quinojel, xchaˈ ri Jesús chique ri rudiscípulos.

The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times(A)

13 As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!”

“Do you see all these great buildings?” replied Jesus. “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”(B)

As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives(C) opposite the temple, Peter, James, John(D) and Andrew asked him privately, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?”

Jesus said to them: “Watch out that no one deceives you.(E) Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.

“You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues.(F) On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them. 10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. 11 Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.(G)

12 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.(H) 13 Everyone will hate you because of me,(I) but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.(J)

14 “When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’[a](K) standing where it[b] does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 15 Let no one on the housetop go down or enter the house to take anything out. 16 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 17 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!(L) 18 Pray that this will not take place in winter, 19 because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world,(M) until now—and never to be equaled again.(N)

20 “If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them. 21 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it.(O) 22 For false messiahs and false prophets(P) will appear and perform signs and wonders(Q) to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 23 So be on your guard;(R) I have told you everything ahead of time.

24 “But in those days, following that distress,

“‘the sun will be darkened,
    and the moon will not give its light;
25 the stars will fall from the sky,
    and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’[c](S)

26 “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds(T) with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.(U)

28 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it[d] is near, right at the door. 30 Truly I tell you, this generation(V) will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.(W) 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.(X)

The Day and Hour Unknown

32 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.(Y) 33 Be on guard! Be alert[e]!(Z) You do not know when that time will come. 34 It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants(AA) in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.

35 “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. 36 If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. 37 What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’”(AB)


  1. Mark 13:14 Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11
  2. Mark 13:14 Or he
  3. Mark 13:25 Isaiah 13:10; 34:4
  4. Mark 13:29 Or he
  5. Mark 13:33 Some manuscripts alert and pray