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Door Israëls ongeloof is het goede nieuws ook bij de niet-Joodse volken gekomen

11 Wil God nu dan niets meer met zijn volk te maken hebben? Nee, dat is het niet! Ik ben zelf immers een Israëliet, uit de familie van Abraham en uit de stam van Benjamin. God heeft zijn volk dat Hij had uitgekozen, niet in de steek gelaten. Jullie weten wat er in de Boeken in het verhaal van Elia staat, als hij bij God over Israël klaagt. Hij zegt: "Heer, ze hebben uw profeten gedood en uw altaren afgebroken. Ik ben alleen overgebleven, en mij willen ze vermoorden." Wat antwoordde God hem toen? Hij zei: "Ik heb ervoor gezorgd dat er 7000 mannen overbleven. Zij zijn trouw aan Mij gebleven. Zij hebben niet geknield voor de god Baäl." Op dezelfde manier is ook nu in deze tijd door Gods liefdevolle goedheid een aantal mensen overgebleven die God geloofden. Hen heeft Hij uitgekozen. Niet omdat ze zo goed leefden, maar omdat Hij van hen hield en goed voor hen wilde zijn. Als het een beloning was voor hun harde werken, dan was het niet meer uit liefde. Maar Hij heeft hen uit liefde gered. Niet omdat ze het verdiend hadden.

Hoe zit het dan? Israël heeft niet gekregen wat het zo graag wilde hebben. Alleen zij die door God waren uitgekozen, hebben het gekregen. De andere mensen niet, omdat ze koppig en ongehoorzaam waren. Dat staat ook in de Boeken: "God gaf hun een geest van slaap, ogen die niet zien en oren die niet horen." En dat is nu nog steeds zo. David zegt: "Heer, laat hun maaltijden een valkuil worden voor henzelf en voor hun vrienden. 10 Maak hen blind, zodat ze niets meer kunnen zien. Maak hen zó zwak, dat ze niet meer kunnen staan."

11 Zijn de Joden dan zó ongehoorzaam geweest, dat het nooit meer goed kan komen? Helemaal niet. Maar doordat ze niet wilden gehoorzamen, is het goede nieuws bij de andere volken gekomen. Dat is gebeurd om Israël jaloers te maken. 12 Dus doordat de Joden ongehoorzaam waren, kwam het goede nieuws bij de rest van de wereld. En doordat de Joden niet wilden luisteren, is er zoiets geweldigs naar de andere volken gekomen. Bedenk eens hoe geweldig het dan voor de andere volken zal zijn, als de Joden in Jezus gaan geloven!

De olijfboom Israël

13 Ik spreek nu tot jullie die geen Joden zijn. Want ik breng de boodschap van God naar de niet-Joodse volken. Ik vind dat geweldig werk. 14 Want ik hoop dat ik zo mijn eigen volk jaloers zal maken, zodat er een paar van hen gered zullen worden. 15 Doordat het volk Israël het goede nieuws níet wilde geloven, is de vriendschap tussen de andere volken en God hersteld. Als het volk Israël het goede nieuws wél zal gaan geloven, kun je dat vergelijken met een dode die weer levend wordt.

16 Ik wil jullie iets uitleggen. Als het eerste deel van de oogst van God is,[a] dan is ook het deeg dat daarvan wordt gemaakt van God. En als de wortel van een boom van God is, dan zijn ook de takken van die boom van God.[b] 17 Je zou het volk Israël kunnen vergelijken met een gekweekte olijfboom. En jullie als niet-Joden met een wilde olijfboom. Nu heeft God een paar takken van de gekweekte olijfboom weggebroken. En Hij heeft de takken van de wilde olijfboom daarvoor in de plaats gezet. Dat zijn jullie. Nu drinken jullie van het sap uit de wortels van de gekweekte olijfboom. En de olijf-olie in jullie is ontstaan dankzij die boom. 18 Ga daar nu niet over opscheppen tegen de andere takken! Bedenk liever dat jullie niet voor de wortels zorgen, maar dat de wortels voor jullie zorgen!

19 Nu zeggen jullie misschien: "Jawel, maar er zijn takken weggebroken zodat wíj ertussen konden worden gezet!" 20 Goed, dat is waar. Zij zijn weggebroken vanwege hun ongeloof, en jullie staan ertussen door jullie geloof. Maar wees daar niet trots op, maar heb liever ontzag voor God. 21 Want als God zo streng is voor de takken die er hoorden, zal Hij net zo streng zijn voor jullie die er eigenlijk níet horen. Ook jullie zou Hij kunnen weghalen vanwege ongeloof. 22 Onthoud dat God niet alleen goed en vriendelijk is, maar óók streng! Hij is streng voor de mensen die ongehoorzaam zijn. Maar voor jullie is Hij goed en vriendelijk, als jullie op Hem blijven vertrouwen. Maar als jullie niet langer op Hem vertrouwen, zullen jullie óók weggekapt worden. 23 Maar als die anderen niet ongelovig blijven, zullen ook zij weer op de boom worden teruggezet. Want voor God is het mogelijk om hen terug te zetten. 24 Jullie zijn weggekapt van de wilde olijfboom waar jullie eigenlijk aan hoorden, en gezet op de gekweekte olijfboom waar jullie eigenlijk niet aan hoorden. Op dezelfde manier zullen zij teruggezet worden op hun eigen olijfboom waar ze ook hoorden.

25 Ik zeg dit omdat ik niet wil dat jullie eigenwijs zullen zijn, broeders en zusters. Onthoud daarom goed wat Gods verborgen plan is: een déél van Israël is koppig en ongehoorzaam, totdat alle niet-Joden die gered zullen worden, Gods Koninkrijk zijn binnen gegaan. 26 En dan zal ook heel Israël worden gered. Dat staat ook in de Boeken: "De Bevrijder zal uit Jeruzalem komen. Hij zal alle slechte dingen wegdoen die het volk Israël heeft gedaan. 27 Dit is mijn verbond met hen: Ik zal al hun ongehoorzaamheid wegdoen."

28 Zíj zijn dus vijanden van het goede nieuws geworden, omdat dat goed voor júllie zou zijn. Maar God houdt nog steeds van hen, vanwege de beloften die Hij aan hun voorvaders Abraham, Izaäk en Jakob heeft gedaan. 29 Want de liefde die God voor iemand heeft en het plan dat Hij met iemand heeft, neemt Hij nooit meer terug.

30 Het zit dus zó: jullie waren eerst ongehoorzaam aan God, maar nu zijn jullie gered doordat Israël ongehoorzaam was. 31 Zo zijn ook zij eerst ongehoorzaam geworden. Als ze dan zien hoe goed God nu voor júllie is, zullen zij ernaar gaan verlangen dat God ook zo goed voor hén zal zijn. Dan zullen ze zich door Hem laten redden. 32 God heeft het dus zó gedaan, dat alle mensen Hem eerst ongehoorzaam zouden zijn, zodat Hij daarna uit liefde alle mensen zou kunnen redden.

33 Wat zijn Gods wijsheid en kennis toch onbegrijpelijk groot! Wat is het moeilijk om zijn plannen te begrijpen en zijn daden uit te leggen! 34 In de Boeken staat: "Wie kent de plannen van de Heer? Wie heeft Hem raad gegeven? 35 Wie heeft iets aan Hem gegeven, waardoor hij het recht zou hebben iets van Hem terug te vragen?" 36 Maar alle dingen komen van God, bestaan door God en zijn voor God. Voor Hem is alle eer voor altijd en eeuwig! Amen! Zo is het!


  1. Romeinen 11:16 Lees Deuteronomium 14:22 en 23. Met het aanbieden van het eerste deel van de oogst werd de héle oogst aan God opgedragen.
  2. Romeinen 11:16 Met de wortel wordt voorvader Abraham bedoeld, met de takken het volk Israël dat uit hem is ontstaan.

11 I ask, therefore, has Hashem repudiated His people? Not at all! Chas v’shalom! For I too am a ben Yisroel, of the zera Avraham (seed of Avraham Avinu), of the tribe of Binyamin.

Hashem has not repudiated His people whom He foreknew [TEHILLIM 94:14; Ro 8:29). Or do you not have da’as what the Kitvei Hakodesh says in the section about Eliyahu HaNavi, how he appeals to Hashem against Yisroel?

"Adonoi, they have killed your Nevi’im, they have torn down your mizbe’achot (altars), and I alone have been left, and they seek my life." [MELACHIM ALEF 19:10]

But what is Hashem’s answer to him? "I have kept for Myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to Ba’al." [MELACHIM ALEF 19:18]

Thus, therefore, also in the zman hazeh, there has come into being a she’erit (remnant, remainder) in accordance with the bechirah (election) of chesed (free, unmerited favor or grace).

But if on the mekor (basis) of chen v’chesed (unmerited favor, grace), then not on the mekor (basis) of [loin (wages), batsolen (pay) for] ma’asim (works), vi-bahlt (since) otherwise chesed would no longer be chesed (4:4-5).

What then? What Yisroel sought for, that is what it did not obtain; but hannivcharim (the elect, the chosen ones) obtained it. And the rest were hardened (9:17-18)

As it is written, "G-d gave to them a ruach tardemah (spirit of deep sleep), eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear, until this very day" Isa 29:10.

And Dovid said, "Let their shulchan (table) become a snare and a net, a trap and a retribution for them;

10 " Let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see, and bend their backs forever." TEHILLIM 68:23-24 TARGUM HASHIVIM; [69:22-23].

11 I ask, therefore, have they stumbled so as to fall? Chas v’shalom! But by their peysha (transgression), Yeshu’at Eloheinu is coming to the Goyim in order to provoke them to jealousy.

12 And if their peysha (transgression) means riches for the world, and their failure means riches for the Goyim, how much more will their fullness mean!

13 I am speaking to you Goyim. So then, in as much as I am Shliach of the Ethnic Groups, I magnify my avodas kodesh, in the tikvah

14 that I might provoke my kinsmen to jealousy and might save some of them.

15 For if their rejection means ritztzuy (reconciliation, cessation of enmity, hostility between a wrathful holy G-d and sinful men) for the gontzer velt (whole world), what shall their acceptance mean other than Chayyim min haMesim (Life from the dead ones)?

16 If the terumah haissa (portion, offering of the dough) that is reshit (first) is kodesh (holy), so is the whole; and if the shoresh (root) is kodesh (holy), so also are the ana’fim (the branches).

17 But if some of the ana’fim have been broken off, and you, a wild olive, have been grafted among them and have become sharer in the richness of the olive tree’s root,

18 Do not boast (4:2) over the ana’fim. If you do boast, it is not the case that you sustain the shoresh, but the shoresh sustains you.

19 You will say, then, "Anafim were broken off in order that I might be grafted in."

20 Quite so: they were broken off on the mekor (basis) of no emunah, but you stand only by emunah. Do not cherish proud thoughts, but fear.

21 For if G-d did not spare the natural anafim, neither will He spare you.

22 Consider then the nedivut (generosity), the chesed of Hashem, and also the fearful judgment of Hashem: to those who fell (11:15), severity; but to you the goodness of Hashem, provided that you continue in that goodness; otherwise, you too will be cut off.

23 Whereas, they also, if they do not continue in a condition of no emunah, shall be grafted in; for Hashem is able to graft them in again.

24 For if you [Goyim] were cut off from the wild olive tree and grafted unnaturally into the cultivated olive tree, how much more shall those who belong to it naturally be grafted into their own olive tree.

25 For I do not want you to be unaware, Achim b’Moshiach, of this raz (mystery), lest you be wise in your own estimation, that a hardening in part has come over Yisroel, until the full number of the Goyim has come in;

26 And so Klal Yisroel shall be delivered, as it is written: "Out of Tziyon shall come the Go’el (Deliverer, Redeemer); He will turn away, remove peysha from Ya’akov (Jacob),

27 "And this will be My Berit (covenant) with them, when I take away their sins" YESHAYAH 59:20-21; 27:9.

28 With regard to the Besuras HaGeulah they are oyevim (enemies) for your [you Goyim] sake, whereas with regard to the bechirah (election) they are beloved for the sake of the Avot (Fathers).

29 For the matnat Hashem and the kri’at Hashem are irrevocable.

30 For just as you Goyim were once without mishma’at to Hashem, but now have received chaninah (mercy, pardon) by their lack of mishma’at,

31 So also they have now been without mishma’at for your chaninah (mercy, pardon) in order that they also might receive chaninah (mercy) (Ro 9:15-16).

32 For G-d has confined all in disobedience in order that He might have chaninah (mercy) on all;

33 O the depth of the riches and the chochmah (wisdom) and da’as (knowledge) of Hashem. How unfathomable are His mishpatim and unsearchable His ways.

34 For who has known the Ruach of Hashem? Or who has been ISH ATZATO ("His Counselor") [Isa 40:13]?

35 Or who has given in advance to Him so that His presents come only as a (choiv) debt repaid? [IYOV 41:3 (11); Ro 4:4]

36 Because from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. Lo HaKavod l’Olamim. Omein. ("To Him be glory forever. Amen.")

11 “In that case, I say, isn’t it that God has repudiated his people?” Heaven forbid! For I myself am a son of Isra’el, from the seed of Avraham,[a] of the tribe of Binyamin. God has not repudiated his people,[b] whom he chose in advance. Or don’t you know what the Tanakh says about Eliyahu? He pleads with God against Isra’el, Adonai, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars, and I’m the only one left, and now they want to kill me too!”[c] But what is God’s answer to him? “I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not knelt down to Ba‘al.”[d] It’s the same way in the present age: there is a remnant, chosen by grace. (Now if it is by grace, it is accordingly not based on legalistic works; if it were otherwise, grace would no longer be grace.) What follows is that Isra’el has not attained the goal for which she is striving. The ones chosen have obtained it, but the rest have been made stonelike, just as the Tanakh says,

“God has given them a spirit of dullness
eyes that do not see
and ears that do not hear,
right down to the present day.”[e]

And David says,

“Let their dining table become for them
a snare and a trap, a pitfall and a punishment.
10 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they can’t see,
with their backs bent continually.”[f]

11 “In that case, I say, isn’t it that they have stumbled with the result that they have permanently fallen away?” Heaven forbid! Quite the contrary, it is by means of their stumbling that the deliverance has come to the Gentiles, in order to provoke them to jealousy.[g] 12 Moreover, if their stumbling is bringing riches to the world — that is, if Isra’el’s being placed temporarily in a condition less favored than that of the Gentiles is bringing riches to the latter — how much greater riches will Isra’el in its fullness bring them!

13 However, to those of you who are Gentiles I say this: since I myself am an emissary sent to the Gentiles, I make known the importance of my work 14 in the hope that somehow I may provoke some of my own people to jealousy and save some of them! 15 For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean? It will be life from the dead!

16 Now if the hallah offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole loaf. And if the root is holy, so are the branches. 17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you — a wild olive — were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree, 18 then don’t boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you. 19 So you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 True, but so what? They were broken off because of their lack of trust. However, you keep your place only because of your trust. So don’t be arrogant; on the contrary, be terrified! 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly won’t spare you! 22 So take a good look at God’s kindness and his severity: on the one hand, severity toward those who fell off; but, on the other hand, God’s kindness toward you — provided you maintain yourself in that kindness! Otherwise, you too will be cut off! 23 Moreover, the others, if they do not persist in their lack of trust, will be grafted in; because God is able to graft them back in. 24 For if you were cut out of what is by nature a wild olive tree and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree!

25 For, brothers, I want you to understand this truth which God formerly concealed but has now revealed, so that you won’t imagine you know more than you actually do. It is that stoniness, to a degree, has come upon Isra’el, until the Gentile world enters in its fullness; 26 and that it is in this way that all Isra’el will be saved. As the Tanakh says,

“Out of Tziyon will come the Redeemer;
he will turn away ungodliness from Ya‘akov
27 and this will be my covenant with them, . . .
when I take away their sins.”[h]

28 With respect to the Good News they are hated for your sake. But with respect to being chosen they are loved for the Patriarchs’ sake, 29 for God’s free gifts and his calling are irrevocable. 30 Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before but have received mercy now because of Isra’el’s disobedience; 31 so also Isra’el has been disobedient now, so that by your showing them the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive God’s mercy. 32 For God has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all.

33 O the depth of the riches
    and the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How inscrutable are his judgments!
    How unsearchable are his ways!

34 For, ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord?
    Who has been his counselor?’[i]
35 Or, ‘Who has given him anything
    and made him pay it back?’[j]

36 For from him and through him
    and to him are all things.
To him be the glory forever!


  1. Romans 11:1 2 Chronicles 20:7, Psalm 105:6
  2. Romans 11:2 1 Samuel 12:22, Psalm 94:14
  3. Romans 11:3 1 Kings 19:10, 14
  4. Romans 11:4 1 Kings 19:18
  5. Romans 11:8 Deuteronomy 29:3(4), Isaiah 29:10
  6. Romans 11:10 Psalm 69:23–24(22–23)
  7. Romans 11:11 Deuteronomy 32:21
  8. Romans 11:27 Isaiah 59:20–21, 27:9
  9. Romans 11:34 Isaiah 40:13
  10. Romans 11:35 Job 41:3(11)

The Remnant of Israel

11 I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means!(A) I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham,(B) from the tribe of Benjamin.(C) God did not reject his people,(D) whom he foreknew.(E) Don’t you know what Scripture says in the passage about Elijah—how he appealed to God against Israel: “Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars; I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me”[a]?(F) And what was God’s answer to him? “I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”[b](G) So too, at the present time there is a remnant(H) chosen by grace.(I) And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works;(J) if it were, grace would no longer be grace.

What then? What the people of Israel sought so earnestly they did not obtain.(K) The elect among them did, but the others were hardened,(L) as it is written:

“God gave them a spirit of stupor,
    eyes that could not see
    and ears that could not hear,(M)
to this very day.”[c](N)

And David says:

“May their table become a snare and a trap,
    a stumbling block and a retribution for them.
10 May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see,(O)
    and their backs be bent forever.”[d](P)

Ingrafted Branches

11 Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all!(Q) Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles(R) to make Israel envious.(S) 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles,(T) how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!

13 I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles,(U) I take pride in my ministry 14 in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy(V) and save(W) some of them. 15 For if their rejection brought reconciliation(X) to the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?(Y) 16 If the part of the dough offered as firstfruits(Z) is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches.

17 If some of the branches have been broken off,(AA) and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others(AB) and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you.(AC) 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith.(AD) Do not be arrogant,(AE) but tremble.(AF) 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.

22 Consider therefore the kindness(AG) and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue(AH) in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.(AI) 23 And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.(AJ) 24 After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by nature, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree,(AK) how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!

All Israel Will Be Saved

25 I do not want you to be ignorant(AL) of this mystery,(AM) brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited:(AN) Israel has experienced a hardening(AO) in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in,(AP) 26 and in this way[e] all Israel will be saved.(AQ) As it is written:

“The deliverer will come from Zion;
    he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
27 And this is[f] my covenant with them
    when I take away their sins.”[g](AR)

28 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies(AS) for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs,(AT) 29 for God’s gifts and his call(AU) are irrevocable.(AV) 30 Just as you who were at one time disobedient(AW) to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, 31 so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now[h] receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you. 32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience(AX) so that he may have mercy on them all.


33 Oh, the depth of the riches(AY) of the wisdom and[i] knowledge of God!(AZ)
    How unsearchable his judgments,
    and his paths beyond tracing out!(BA)
34 “Who has known the mind of the Lord?
    Or who has been his counselor?”[j](BB)
35 “Who has ever given to God,
    that God should repay them?”[k](BC)
36 For from him and through him and for him are all things.(BD)
    To him be the glory forever! Amen.(BE)


  1. Romans 11:3 1 Kings 19:10,14
  2. Romans 11:4 1 Kings 19:18
  3. Romans 11:8 Deut. 29:4; Isaiah 29:10
  4. Romans 11:10 Psalm 69:22,23
  5. Romans 11:26 Or and so
  6. Romans 11:27 Or will be
  7. Romans 11:27 Isaiah 59:20,21; 27:9 (see Septuagint); Jer. 31:33,34
  8. Romans 11:31 Some manuscripts do not have now.
  9. Romans 11:33 Or riches and the wisdom and the
  10. Romans 11:34 Isaiah 40:13
  11. Romans 11:35 Job 41:11