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19 And he was not made unsteadfast in the belief, neither he beheld his body then nigh dead [neither he beheld his body now nigh dead], when he was almost of an hundred years, nor the womb of Sarah nigh dead.

20 Also in the promise of God he doubted not with untrust; but he was comforted in belief, giving glory to God,

21 witting most fully that whatever things God hath promised, he is mighty also to do.

22 Therefore it was areckoned [reckoned] to him to rightwiseness.

23 And it is not written only for him, that it was areckoned [reckoned] to him to rightwiseness,

24 but also for us, to whom it shall be areckoned [reckoned], that believe in him that raised our Lord Jesus Christ from death [from dead].

25 Which was betaken for our sins, and rose again for our justifying.

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