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13 Therefore no more deem we each other; but more deem ye this thing, that ye put not hurting, or cause of stumbling [or offence], to a brother.

14 I know and trust in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean by him, no but to him that deemeth any thing to be unclean [but to him that deemeth any thing to be unclean], to him it is unclean.

15 And if thy brother be made sorry in conscience for meat [Soothly if thy brother be made sorry, or heavy in conscience, for meat], now thou walkest not after charity. Do not thou through thy meat destroy him [Do not through thy meat lose him], for whom Christ died.

16 Therefore be not your good thing blasphemed. [Therefore be not our good thing blasphemed, or despised.]

17 For why the realm of God is not meat and drink, but rightwiseness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

18 And he that in this thing serveth Christ, pleaseth God, and is approved to men [and is proved to men].

19 Therefore follow we those things that be of peace, and keep we together those things that be of edification [and keep we those things together that be of edification].

20 Do not thou for meat destroy the work of God. For all things be clean, but it is evil to the man that eateth by offending.

21 It is good to not eat flesh, and to not drink wine, neither in what thing thy brother offendeth, or is caused to stumble, or is made frail [neither in what thing thy brother offendeth, or is caused to offend, or is made sick, or unsteadfast].

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