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14 Bless ye men that pursue you; bless ye, and do not ye curse;

15 for to joy with men that joy, for to weep with men that weep.

16 Feel ye the same thing together; not understanding high things, but consenting to meek things[a]. Do not ye be prudent with yourselves;

17 to no man yielding evil for evil, but purvey ye good things, not only before God, but also before all men.

18 If it may be done, that that is of you, have ye peace with all men.

19 Ye most dear brethren, not defending yourselves, but give ye place to wrath [Ye most dear-worthy brethren, not defending, or venging, yourselves, but give ye place to ire, or wrath]; for it is written, The Lord saith, To me vengeance, and I shall yield [again].

20 But if thine enemy hungereth, feed thou him; if he thirsteth, give thou drink to him; for thou doing this thing shalt gather together coals on his head. [But if thine enemy shall hunger, feed him; if he thirsteth, give drink to him; forsooth doing these things thou shalt gather together coals on his head.]

21 Do not thou be overcome of evil, but overcome thou evil by good.

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  1. Romans 12:16 Feeling the same thing together; not savouring, or knowing, high things, but consenting to meek things, following meek fathers