The fourth angel(A) poured out his bowl on the sun,(B) and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire.(C) They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God,(D) who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent(E) and glorify him.(F)

10 The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast,(G) and its kingdom was plunged into darkness.(H) People gnawed their tongues in agony 11 and cursed(I) the God of heaven(J) because of their pains and their sores,(K) but they refused to repent of what they had done.(L)

12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates,(M) and its water was dried up to prepare the way(N) for the kings from the East.(O) 13 Then I saw three impure spirits(P) that looked like frogs;(Q) they came out of the mouth of the dragon,(R) out of the mouth of the beast(S) and out of the mouth of the false prophet.(T) 14 They are demonic spirits(U) that perform signs,(V) and they go out to the kings of the whole world,(W) to gather them for the battle(X) on the great day(Y) of God Almighty.

15 “Look, I come like a thief!(Z) Blessed is the one who stays awake(AA) and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.”(AB)

16 Then they gathered the kings together(AC) to the place that in Hebrew(AD) is called Armageddon.(AE)

17 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air,(AF) and out of the temple(AG) came a loud voice(AH) from the throne, saying, “It is done!”(AI) 18 Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder(AJ) and a severe earthquake.(AK) No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth,(AL) so tremendous was the quake. 19 The great city(AM) split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered(AN) Babylon the Great(AO) and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.(AP) 20 Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found.(AQ) 21 From the sky huge hailstones,(AR) each weighing about a hundred pounds,[a] fell on people. And they cursed God(AS) on account of the plague of hail,(AT) because the plague was so terrible.

Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast

17 One of the seven angels(AU) who had the seven bowls(AV) came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment(AW) of the great prostitute,(AX) who sits by many waters.(AY) With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.”(AZ)

Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit(BA) into a wilderness.(BB) There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet(BC) beast that was covered with blasphemous names(BD) and had seven heads and ten horns.(BE) The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls.(BF) She held a golden cup(BG) in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.(BH) The name written on her forehead was a mystery:(BI)

babylon the great(BJ)

the mother of prostitutes(BK)

and of the abominations of the earth.

I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people,(BL) the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. Then the angel said to me: “Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery(BM) of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns.(BN) The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss(BO) and go to its destruction.(BP) The inhabitants of the earth(BQ) whose names have not been written in the book of life(BR) from the creation of the world will be astonished(BS) when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.

“This calls for a mind with wisdom.(BT) The seven heads(BU) are seven hills on which the woman sits. 10 They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. 11 The beast who once was, and now is not,(BV) is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

12 “The ten horns(BW) you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour(BX) will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.(BY)


  1. Revelation 16:21 Or about 45 kilograms

15 A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom,
    but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother.(A)

16 When the wicked thrive, so does sin,
    but the righteous will see their downfall.(B)

17 Discipline your children, and they will give you peace;
    they will bring you the delights you desire.(C)

18 Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint;
    but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.(D)

19 Servants cannot be corrected by mere words;
    though they understand, they will not respond.

20 Do you see someone who speaks in haste?
    There is more hope for a fool than for them.(E)

21 A servant pampered from youth
    will turn out to be insolent.

22 An angry person stirs up conflict,
    and a hot-tempered person commits many sins.(F)

23 Pride brings a person low,(G)
    but the lowly in spirit gain honor.(H)

24 The accomplices of thieves are their own enemies;
    they are put under oath and dare not testify.(I)

25 Fear(J) of man will prove to be a snare,
    but whoever trusts in the Lord(K) is kept safe.(L)

26 Many seek an audience with a ruler,(M)
    but it is from the Lord that one gets justice.(N)

27 The righteous detest the dishonest;
    the wicked detest the upright.(O)

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