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113 Praise ye Hashem. Praise O ye avadim of Hashem, praise the Shem of Hashem.

Blessed be the Shem of Hashem from this time forth and forevermore.

From the rising of the shemesh unto the going down of the same the Shem of Hashem is to be praised.

Hashem is high above kol Goyim, and His kavod above HaShomayim.

Who is like unto Hashem Eloheinu, Who dwelleth on high,

Who stoopeth down to behold the things that are in Shomayim, and in ha’aretz!

He raiseth up the poor out of the aphar (dust), and lifteth the needy out of the ash heap;

That he may seat him with princes, even with the princes of amo (His people).

He settleth the akeret (barren woman) in her bais to be a happy em of banim. Praise ye Hashem.

114 When Yisroel went out of Mitzrayim, Bais Ya’akov from a people of foreign tongue,

Yehudah was His kodesh (sanctuary), and Yisroel His dominion.

The yam saw it, and fled; Yarden was driven back.

The harim skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs.

What ailed thee, O thou yam, that thou didst flee? Thou Yarden, that thou wast driven back?

Ye harim, that ye skipped like rams; and ye little hills, like lambs?

Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of Hashem, at the presence of Elohei Ya’akov;

Which turned the rock into a pool of mayim, the flint into a spring of mayim.

115 Not unto us, Hashem, not unto us, but unto Thy Shem give kavod, for the sake of Thy chesed, and for Thy emes.

Why should the Goyim say, Where is now their Elohim?

But Eloheinu is in Shomayim; He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased.

Their atzabim (idols) are kesef and zahav, the ma’aseh (work) of the hands of adam.

Peh (mouth) they have, but they speak not; einayim (eyes) have they, but they see not;

Oznayim (ears) they have, but they hear not; af (nose) have they, but they smell not;

They have hands, but they handle not; raglayim (feet) have they, but they walk not; neither speak they through their garon (throat).

They that make them will be like them; so is kol asher bote’ach (every one that trusteth) in them.

O Yisroel, trust thou in Hashem. He is their ezrah (help) and their mogen.

10 O Bais Aharon, trust thou in Hashem; He is their ezrah (help) and their mogen.

11 The ones fearing Hashem, trust in Hashem; He is their ezrah (help) and their mogen (shield).

12 Hashem hath been mindful of us; Yevarech. Yevarech es Bais Yisroel; Yevarech es Bais Aharon.

13 Yevarech Yirei Hashem (He will bless those who fear Hashem), the ketanim with the gedolim.

14 May Hashem give you increase, upon you and your banim.

15 May a barukhah be upon you by Hashem, Oseh Shomayim va’Aretz (Maker of Heaven and Earth).

16 The heavens, even Shomayim, is Hashem’s, but HaAretz He gave to the Bnei Adam.

17 The mesim (dead ones) praise not Hashem, neither do any that descend into Dumah (the silent [place of Sheol]).

18 But we will bless Hashem from this time forth v’ad olam (and to forevermore). Praise Hashem.

116 I love Hashem, because He hath heard my kol (voice), even my techinnah.

Because He hath inclined His ozen (ear) unto me, therefore will I call upon Him while I have days.

Chevlei mavet (pangs of death) encompassed me, and the metzarei She’ol (confines, straitnesses of She’ol) have caught up with me and found me; tzoros and yagon (sorrow) I found.

Then called I b’Shem Hashem: O Hashem, save my nefesh!

Channun (gracious) is Hashem, and tzaddik; yes, Eloheinu is merciful.

Hashem is shomer over the petayim (simple-hearted, helpless); I was in need and li yehoshia (me He saved).

Return, my nefesh, to thy menuchah (rest, resting place); for Hashem hath dealt bountifully with thee.

For Thou hast saved my nefesh from mavet (death), mine eye from dimah (tears), and mine regel (foot) from stumbling.

I will walk before Hashem in the Artzot HaChayim (the Land of the Living). [T.N. Note that I can do that because Moshiach was cut off from there in my place and for my sins—Isa 53:8]

10 He’emaneti (I believed); therefore have I spoken; I was greatly afflicted.

11 I said in my chafaz (haste, alarm, consternation), Kol HaAdam Kozev (all men are liars).

12 How shall I repay Hashem for all His benefits to me?

13 I will raise the Kos Yeshu’ot (the Cup of Salvation), and call upon Hashem b’Shem (by Name).

14 I will fulfill my nederim (vows) now in the presence of all His people.

15 Precious in the eyes of Hashem is the mavet of His Chasidim.

16 O Hashem, truly I am Thy eved; I am Thy eved, ben amatecha (the son of Thy maid servant); Thou hast removed my chains.

17 I will sacrifice to Thee the zevach todah (the thanksgiving offering) and will call on the Shem Hashem.

18 I will fulfill my nederim to Hashem now in the presence of all His people.

19 In the khatzerot Beis Hashem, in the midst of thee, O Yerushalayim. Praise ye Hashem.

117 O praise Hashem, all ye Goyim; praise Him, all ye peoples.

For His chesed is mighty toward us; and the Emes Hashem endureth l’olam (forever). Praise ye Hashem.

118 O give thanks unto Hashem; for He is tov; Ki l’olam chasdo (for His mercy endureth forever).

Let Yisroel now say, Ki l’olam chasdo.

Let the Bais Aharon now say, Ki l’olam chasdo.

Let them now that fear Hashem say, Ki l’olam chasdo,

I called upon Hashem in distress; Hashem answered me, and set me in a broad place.

Hashem is on my side; I will not fear; what can adam do unto me?

Hashem taketh my part through them that help me; therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.

It is better to trust in Hashem than to put confidence in adam.

It is better to trust in Hashem than to put confidence in nedivim (nobles).

10 All Goyim surrounded me; but in the Shem Hashem will I cut them off.

11 They surrounded me; yes, they compassed me about; but in the Shem Hashem I will cut them off.

12 They compassed me about like devorim (bees); they are extinguished like the eish of kotzim (thorns); for in the Shem Hashem I will cut them off.

13 Thou hast hard pushed at me that I fell; but Hashem helped me.

14 Hashem is my oz (strength) and zimrah (song), and He is become my Yeshuah (salvation).

15 The voice of rejoicing and Yeshuah (salvation) is in the ohalim of the tzaddikim; the Yamin Hashem doeth valiantly.

16 The Yamin Hashem is exalted; the Yamin Hashem doeth valiantly.

17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the ma’asim (works) of Hashem.

18 Hashem hath hard chastened me severely; but He hath not given me over unto mavet (death).

19 Open to me the sha’arei tzedek; I will go through them, and I will praise Hashem;

20 This is the sha’ar of Hashem, into which the tzaddikim shall enter.

21 I will praise Thee; for Thou hast heard me, and art become my Yeshuah (salvation).

22 The Even (Stone) which the Bonim (Builders) rejected [mem-alef-samech, see same word Psalm 89:38 (39)] has become the Rosh Pinnah (Cornerstone).

23 This is Hashem’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.

24 This is the yom which Hashem hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

25 Save now, we beseech Thee, Hashem; Hashem, we beseech thee, send now prosperity.

26 Baruch habah b’Shem Hashem; we have blessed you from the Beis Hashem.

27 Hashem is G-d, Who hath showed us light; bind the chag (festival offering) with cords, even until [you come to] the karnot of the Mizbe’ach.

28 Thou art my G-d, and I will praise Thee; Thou art Elohai, I will exalt Thee.

29 O give thanks unto Hashem; for He is tov; ki l’olam chasdo (for His mercy endureth forever). [T.N. A ma’amin b’Moshiach will carry Scripture with him at all times, as the following Psalm teaches.]