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Psalm 29[a]

The Lord of Majesty Acclaimed as King of the World

A psalm of David.


Give to the Lord, you sons of God,[b]
    give to the Lord glory and might;

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  1. Psalm 29 The hymn invites the members of the heavenly court to acknowledge God’s supremacy by ascribing glory and might to God alone (Ps 29:1–2a, 9b). Divine glory and might are dramatically visible in the storm (Ps 29:3–9a). The storm apparently comes from the Mediterranean onto the coast of Syria-Palestine and then moves inland. In Ps 29:10 the divine beings acclaim God’s eternal kingship. The Psalm concludes with a prayer that God will impart the power just displayed to the Israelite king and through the king to Israel.
  2. 29:1 Sons of God: members of the heavenly court who served Israel’s God in a variety of capacities.