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146 Praise Hashem. Praise Hashem, O my nefesh.

While I live will I praise Hashem: I will sing praise unto Elohai while I have any being.

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the ben adam, in whom there is no teshuah (salvation).

His ruach departs, he returneth to his adamah; in yom hahu his plans come to nothing.

Ashrei is he that hath El Ya’akov for his ezer, whose hope is in Hashem Elohav:

Oseh Shomayim vaAretz, the yam, and all that therein is: HaShomer Emes l’olam (Who keepeth Truth forever):

Oseh mishpat for the oppressed; Who giveth lechem to the hungry. Hashem mattir asurim (sets free the prisoners):

Hashem openeth the eyes of the ivrim: Hashem raiseth them that are bowed down: Hashem loveth the tzaddikim:

Hashem shomer over the gerim; He relieveth the yatom (fatherless, orphan) and almanah; but the Derech Resha’im He frustrates.

10 Hashem shall reign l’olam, even thy G-d, O Tziyon, l’dor vador. Praise Hashem.

147 Praise ye Hashem: for it is tov to sing praises unto Eloheinu; for it is na’im (pleasant); and tehillah is fitting.

Hashem is the Boneh Yerushalayim (builder of Jerusalem): He gathereth together the nidkhei Yisroel (the outcasts Of Israel, those of the Golus).

He is the Rofeh (healer) of the Shevurei-lev (broken in heart), binds up their wounds.

He determines the mispar of the kokhavim; He calleth them all by their shemot.

Gadol is Adoneinu, and of rav ko’ach; to His tevunah (understanding, intelligence) there is no mispar (number, limit).

Hashem lifteth up the anavim (meek ones, humble ones); He casteth the resha’im down to the ground.

Sing unto Hashem with todah; make music upon the kinnor (harp) unto Eloheinu:

Who covereth Shomayim with clouds, Who prepareth matar (rainfall) for ha’aretz, HaMatzemi’ach (Who maketh to spring up) the khatzir (grass) upon the harim (hills, mountains).

He giveth to the behemah her lechem, and to the bnei orev (young ravens) when they cry out.

10 He delighteth not in the gevurat hasus: He taketh not pleasure in the shokayim of an ish (legs of a man).

11 Hashem taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His chesed.

12 Praise Hashem, O Yerushalayim; praise thy G-d, O Tziyon.

13 For He hath strengthened the bars of thy she’arim (gates); He hath blessed thy banim within thee.

14 He granteth shalom within thy borders, and filleth thee with the chelev chittim (the finest of wheat).

15 He sendeth forth His imrah (command) upon eretz: His Devar runneth swiftly.

16 He giveth sheleg (snow) like tzemer (wool); He scattereth the kfor (frost) like ashes.

17 He casteth down His kerach (ice) like crumbs: who can stand before His cold?

18 He sendeth out His Devar, and melteth them: He causeth His ruach to blow, and the mayim to flow.

19 He declareth His Devar unto Ya’akov, His chukkot and His mishpatim unto Yisroel.

20 He hath not dealt so with any Goy (nation): and as for His mishpatim, they have not known them. Praise ye Hashem.

148 Praise Hashem. Praise Hashem from HaShomayim: praise Him in the heights above.

Praise ye Him, all His malachim: praise ye Him, all Tzivos Hashem.

Praise ye Him, shemesh and yarei’ach: praise Him, all ye kokhavim of ohr.

Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above HaShomayim.

Let them praise the Shem of Hashem: for He commanded, and they were created.

He hath also established them forever and ever: He hath made a Chok (decree) which shall not pass away.

Hallelu Hashem from ha’aretz, ye sea creatures, and all tehomot:

Eish, and barad; snow, and cloud; stormy wind fulfilling His Devar:

Mountains, and all hills; etz pri (fruitful trees), and all cedars:

10 Beasts, and all cattle; remesh (creeping things), and flying fowl:

11 Malchei eretz, and all people; sarim (princes), and all shoftei aretz:

12 Both bochurim, and betulot; zekenim, and ne’arim:

13 Let them praise the Shem of Hashem: for Shmo alone is excellent; His hod is above Eretz and Shomayim.

14 He also exalteth the keren of His people, tehillah (the praise) of all His Chasidim; even of the Bnei Yisroel, an Am (people) close unto Him. Hallelu Hashem.

149 Praise Hashem. Shiru l’Adonoi shir chadash (Sing unto Hashem a new song), and His praise in the Kahal Chasidim.

Let Yisroel rejoice in Him that made him; let the Bnei Tziyon be glad in their Melech.

Let them praise Shmo in the dance; let them sing zemirot unto Him with the tambourine and kinnor.

For Hashem taketh pleasure in His people; He will crown the meek with Yeshuah (salvation).

Let the Chasidim be joyful in kavod; let them sing for joy upon their beds.

Let the high praises of G-d be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;

To execute vengeance upon the Goyim, and punishments upon the people;

To bind their melachim with chains, and their nobles with shackles of barzel (iron);

To execute upon them the mishpat katuv (written judgment); this honor have all His Chasidim. Hallelu Hashem.

150 Praise Hashem. Hallelu El (Praise G-d) in His Kodesh [Beis Hamikdash]; Hallelu Him in the raki’a [see Bereshis 1:6] of His might.

Hallelu Him for His gevurot (mighty acts); hallelu Him according to His surpassing greatness.

Hallelu Him with the sound of the shofar; hallelu Him with the nevel (harp) and kinnor (lyre).

Hallelu Him with the tambourine and dance; hallelu Him with stringed instruments and flute.

Hallelu Him upon the clashing cymbals; hallelu Him upon the resounding cymbals.

Let every thing that hath neshamah praise Hashem. Praise Hashem!

146 Praise Hashem. Praise Hashem, O my nefesh.

While I live will I praise Hashem: I will sing praise unto Elohai while I have any being.

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the ben adam, in whom there is no teshuah (salvation).

His ruach departs, he returneth to his adamah; in yom hahu his plans come to nothing.

Ashrei is he that hath El Ya’akov for his ezer, whose hope is in Hashem Elohav:

Oseh Shomayim vaAretz, the yam, and all that therein is: HaShomer Emes l’olam (Who keepeth Truth forever):

Oseh mishpat for the oppressed; Who giveth lechem to the hungry. Hashem mattir asurim (sets free the prisoners):

Hashem openeth the eyes of the ivrim: Hashem raiseth them that are bowed down: Hashem loveth the tzaddikim:

Hashem shomer over the gerim; He relieveth the yatom (fatherless, orphan) and almanah; but the Derech Resha’im He frustrates.

10 Hashem shall reign l’olam, even thy G-d, O Tziyon, l’dor vador. Praise Hashem.

147 Praise ye Hashem: for it is tov to sing praises unto Eloheinu; for it is na’im (pleasant); and tehillah is fitting.

Hashem is the Boneh Yerushalayim (builder of Jerusalem): He gathereth together the nidkhei Yisroel (the outcasts Of Israel, those of the Golus).

He is the Rofeh (healer) of the Shevurei-lev (broken in heart), binds up their wounds.

He determines the mispar of the kokhavim; He calleth them all by their shemot.

Gadol is Adoneinu, and of rav ko’ach; to His tevunah (understanding, intelligence) there is no mispar (number, limit).

Hashem lifteth up the anavim (meek ones, humble ones); He casteth the resha’im down to the ground.

Sing unto Hashem with todah; make music upon the kinnor (harp) unto Eloheinu:

Who covereth Shomayim with clouds, Who prepareth matar (rainfall) for ha’aretz, HaMatzemi’ach (Who maketh to spring up) the khatzir (grass) upon the harim (hills, mountains).

He giveth to the behemah her lechem, and to the bnei orev (young ravens) when they cry out.

10 He delighteth not in the gevurat hasus: He taketh not pleasure in the shokayim of an ish (legs of a man).

11 Hashem taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His chesed.

12 Praise Hashem, O Yerushalayim; praise thy G-d, O Tziyon.

13 For He hath strengthened the bars of thy she’arim (gates); He hath blessed thy banim within thee.

14 He granteth shalom within thy borders, and filleth thee with the chelev chittim (the finest of wheat).

15 He sendeth forth His imrah (command) upon eretz: His Devar runneth swiftly.

16 He giveth sheleg (snow) like tzemer (wool); He scattereth the kfor (frost) like ashes.

17 He casteth down His kerach (ice) like crumbs: who can stand before His cold?

18 He sendeth out His Devar, and melteth them: He causeth His ruach to blow, and the mayim to flow.

19 He declareth His Devar unto Ya’akov, His chukkot and His mishpatim unto Yisroel.

20 He hath not dealt so with any Goy (nation): and as for His mishpatim, they have not known them. Praise ye Hashem.

148 Praise Hashem. Praise Hashem from HaShomayim: praise Him in the heights above.

Praise ye Him, all His malachim: praise ye Him, all Tzivos Hashem.

Praise ye Him, shemesh and yarei’ach: praise Him, all ye kokhavim of ohr.

Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above HaShomayim.

Let them praise the Shem of Hashem: for He commanded, and they were created.

He hath also established them forever and ever: He hath made a Chok (decree) which shall not pass away.

Hallelu Hashem from ha’aretz, ye sea creatures, and all tehomot:

Eish, and barad; snow, and cloud; stormy wind fulfilling His Devar:

Mountains, and all hills; etz pri (fruitful trees), and all cedars:

10 Beasts, and all cattle; remesh (creeping things), and flying fowl:

11 Malchei eretz, and all people; sarim (princes), and all shoftei aretz:

12 Both bochurim, and betulot; zekenim, and ne’arim:

13 Let them praise the Shem of Hashem: for Shmo alone is excellent; His hod is above Eretz and Shomayim.

14 He also exalteth the keren of His people, tehillah (the praise) of all His Chasidim; even of the Bnei Yisroel, an Am (people) close unto Him. Hallelu Hashem.

149 Praise Hashem. Shiru l’Adonoi shir chadash (Sing unto Hashem a new song), and His praise in the Kahal Chasidim.

Let Yisroel rejoice in Him that made him; let the Bnei Tziyon be glad in their Melech.

Let them praise Shmo in the dance; let them sing zemirot unto Him with the tambourine and kinnor.

For Hashem taketh pleasure in His people; He will crown the meek with Yeshuah (salvation).

Let the Chasidim be joyful in kavod; let them sing for joy upon their beds.

Let the high praises of G-d be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;

To execute vengeance upon the Goyim, and punishments upon the people;

To bind their melachim with chains, and their nobles with shackles of barzel (iron);

To execute upon them the mishpat katuv (written judgment); this honor have all His Chasidim. Hallelu Hashem.

150 Praise Hashem. Hallelu El (Praise G-d) in His Kodesh [Beis Hamikdash]; Hallelu Him in the raki’a [see Bereshis 1:6] of His might.

Hallelu Him for His gevurot (mighty acts); hallelu Him according to His surpassing greatness.

Hallelu Him with the sound of the shofar; hallelu Him with the nevel (harp) and kinnor (lyre).

Hallelu Him with the tambourine and dance; hallelu Him with stringed instruments and flute.

Hallelu Him upon the clashing cymbals; hallelu Him upon the resounding cymbals.

Let every thing that hath neshamah praise Hashem. Praise Hashem!