Psalm 131

A song of ascents. Of David.

My heart is not proud,(A) Lord,
    my eyes are not haughty;(B)
I do not concern myself with great matters(C)
    or things too wonderful for me.(D)
But I have calmed and quieted myself,(E)
    I am like a weaned child with its mother;
    like a weaned child I am content.(F)

Israel, put your hope(G) in the Lord
    both now and forevermore.(H)

Psalm 132(A)

A song of ascents.

Lord, remember David
    and all his self-denial.(B)

He swore an oath to the Lord,
    he made a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob:(C)
“I will not enter my house(D)
    or go to my bed,
I will allow no sleep to my eyes
    or slumber to my eyelids,
till I find a place(E) for the Lord,
    a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob.”

We heard it in Ephrathah,(F)
    we came upon it in the fields of Jaar:[a](G)
“Let us go to his dwelling place,(H)
    let us worship at his footstool,(I) saying,
‘Arise, Lord,(J) and come to your resting place,
    you and the ark of your might.
May your priests be clothed with your righteousness;(K)
    may your faithful people(L) sing for joy.’”

10 For the sake of your servant David,
    do not reject your anointed one.

11 The Lord swore an oath to David,(M)
    a sure oath he will not revoke:
“One of your own descendants(N)
    I will place on your throne.
12 If your sons keep my covenant(O)
    and the statutes I teach them,
then their sons will sit
    on your throne(P) for ever and ever.”

13 For the Lord has chosen Zion,(Q)
    he has desired it for his dwelling,(R) saying,
14 “This is my resting place for ever and ever;(S)
    here I will sit enthroned,(T) for I have desired it.
15 I will bless her with abundant provisions;
    her poor I will satisfy with food.(U)
16 I will clothe her priests(V) with salvation,
    and her faithful people will ever sing for joy.(W)

17 “Here I will make a horn[b] grow(X) for David
    and set up a lamp(Y) for my anointed one.(Z)
18 I will clothe his enemies with shame,(AA)
    but his head will be adorned with a radiant crown.”(AB)


  1. Psalm 132:6 Or heard of it in Ephrathah, / we found it in the fields of Jearim. (See 1 Chron. 13:5,6) (And no quotation marks around verses 7-9)
  2. Psalm 132:17 Horn here symbolizes strong one, that is, king.

Psalm 133

A song of ascents. Of David.

How good and pleasant it is
    when God’s people live together(A) in unity!(B)

It is like precious oil poured on the head,(C)
    running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
    down on the collar of his robe.
It is as if the dew(D) of Hermon(E)
    were falling on Mount Zion.(F)
For there the Lord bestows his blessing,(G)
    even life forevermore.(H)

14 At mealtime Boaz said to her, “Come over here. Have some bread(A) and dip it in the wine vinegar.”

When she sat down with the harvesters,(B) he offered her some roasted grain.(C) She ate all she wanted and had some left over.(D) 15 As she got up to glean, Boaz gave orders to his men, “Let her gather among the sheaves(E) and don’t reprimand her. 16 Even pull out some stalks for her from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up, and don’t rebuke(F) her.”

17 So Ruth gleaned in the field until evening. Then she threshed(G) the barley she had gathered, and it amounted to about an ephah.[a](H) 18 She carried it back to town, and her mother-in-law saw how much she had gathered. Ruth also brought out and gave her what she had left over(I) after she had eaten enough.

19 Her mother-in-law asked her, “Where did you glean today? Where did you work? Blessed be the man who took notice of you!(J)

Then Ruth told her mother-in-law about the one at whose place she had been working. “The name of the man I worked with today is Boaz,” she said.

20 “The Lord bless him!(K)” Naomi said to her daughter-in-law.(L) “He has not stopped showing his kindness(M) to the living and the dead.” She added, “That man is our close relative;(N) he is one of our guardian-redeemers.[b](O)

21 Then Ruth the Moabite(P) said, “He even said to me, ‘Stay with my workers until they finish harvesting all my grain.’”

22 Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, “It will be good for you, my daughter, to go with the women who work for him, because in someone else’s field you might be harmed.”

23 So Ruth stayed close to the women of Boaz to glean until the barley(Q) and wheat harvests(R) were finished. And she lived with her mother-in-law.

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  1. Ruth 2:17 That is, probably about 30 pounds or about 13 kilograms
  2. Ruth 2:20 The Hebrew word for guardian-redeemer is a legal term for one who has the obligation to redeem a relative in serious difficulty (see Lev. 25:25-55).

Are we beginning to commend ourselves(A) again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation(B) to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone.(C) You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God,(D) not on tablets of stone(E) but on tablets of human hearts.(F)

Such confidence(G) we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves(H) to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.(I) He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant(J)—not of the letter(K) but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.(L)

The Greater Glory of the New Covenant

Now if the ministry that brought death,(M) which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory,(N) transitory though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that brought condemnation(O) was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness!(P) 10 For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. 11 And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!

12 Therefore, since we have such a hope,(Q) we are very bold.(R) 13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face(S) to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were made dull,(T) for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant(U) is read.(V) It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord,(W) the veil is taken away.(X) 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit,(Y) and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.(Z) 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a](AA) the Lord’s glory,(AB) are being transformed into his image(AC) with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.


  1. 2 Corinthians 3:18 Or reflect

Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount

Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.

The Beatitudes(A)

He said:

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27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[a](A) 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.(B) 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble,(C) gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble,(D) cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.


31 “It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’[b](E) 32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.(F)


33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath,(G) but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’(H) 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all:(I) either by heaven, for it is God’s throne;(J) 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.(K) 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’;(L) anything beyond this comes from the evil one.[c](M)

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  1. Matthew 5:27 Exodus 20:14
  2. Matthew 5:31 Deut. 24:1
  3. Matthew 5:37 Or from evil

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