Come to Our Help

To the choirmaster. (A)A Maskil[a] of the Sons of Korah.

44 O God, we have heard with our ears,
    (B)our fathers have told us,
what deeds you performed in their days,
    (C)in the days of old:
you with your own hand (D)drove out the nations,
    but (E)them you planted;
you afflicted the peoples,
    but (F)them you set free;
for not (G)by their own sword did they win the land,
    nor did their own arm save them,
but your right hand and your arm,
    and (H)the light of your face,
    (I)for you delighted in them.

(J)You are my King, O God;
    (K)ordain salvation for Jacob!
Through you we (L)push down our foes;
    through your name we (M)tread down those who rise up against us.
For not in (N)my bow do I trust,
    nor can my sword save me.
But you have saved us from our foes
    and have (O)put to shame those who hate us.
(P)In God we have boasted continually,
    and we will give thanks to your name forever. Selah

But you have (Q)rejected us and disgraced us
    and (R)have not gone out with our armies.
10 You have made us (S)turn back from the foe,
    and those who hate us have gotten spoil.
11 You have made us like (T)sheep for slaughter
    and have (U)scattered us among the nations.
12 (V)You have sold your people for a trifle,
    demanding no high price for them.
13 You have made us (W)the taunt of our neighbors,
    the derision and (X)scorn of those around us.
14 You have made us (Y)a byword among the nations,
    (Z)a laughingstock[b] among the peoples.
15 All day long my disgrace is before me,
    and (AA)shame has covered my face
16 at the sound of the taunter and reviler,
    at the sight of (AB)the enemy and the avenger.

17 (AC)All this has come upon us,
    though we have not forgotten you,
    and we have not been false to your covenant.
18 Our heart has not turned back,
    nor have our (AD)steps (AE)departed from your way;
19 yet you have (AF)broken us in the place of (AG)jackals
    and covered us with (AH)the shadow of death.
20 If we had forgotten the name of our God
    or (AI)spread out our hands to (AJ)a foreign god,
21 (AK)would not God discover this?
    (AL)For he knows the secrets of the heart.
22 Yet (AM)for your sake we are killed all the day long;
    we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.

23 (AN)Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord?
    Rouse yourself! (AO)Do not reject us forever!
24 Why (AP)do you hide your face?
    Why do you forget our affliction and oppression?
25 For our (AQ)soul is bowed down to the dust;
    our belly clings to the ground.
26 Rise up; (AR)come to our help!
    (AS)Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!


  1. Psalm 44:1 Probably a musical or liturgical term
  2. Psalm 44:14 Hebrew a shaking of the head

11 For you also, O (A)Judah, (B)a harvest is appointed.

When (C)I restore the fortunes of my people,
(D)when I would heal Israel,
    the iniquity of Ephraim is revealed,
    and the evil deeds of (E)Samaria,
for (F)they deal falsely;
    the thief breaks in,
    and the bandits raid outside.
But they do not consider
    that (G)I remember all their evil.
Now (H)their deeds surround them;
    (I)they are before my face.
By their evil (J)they make (K)the king glad,
    and the princes by their treachery.
(L)They are all adulterers;
    they are like a heated oven
whose baker ceases to stir the fire,
    from the kneading of the dough
    until it is leavened.
On the day of (M)our king, the princes
    became sick with the heat of wine;
    he stretched out his hand with mockers.
For with hearts like an oven (N)they approach their intrigue;
    all night their anger smolders;
    in the morning it blazes like a flaming fire.
All of them are hot as an oven,
    and they devour their rulers.
All (O)their kings (P)have fallen,
    and none of them calls upon me.

Ephraim (Q)mixes himself with the peoples;
    Ephraim is a cake not turned.
(R)Strangers devour his strength,
    and (S)he knows it not;
gray hairs are sprinkled upon him,
    and (T)he knows it not.
10 (U)The pride of Israel testifies to his face;[a]
    (V)yet they do not return to the Lord their God,
    nor seek him, for all this.

11 Ephraim is like a dove,
    (W)silly and without sense,
    calling to (X)Egypt, going to (Y)Assyria.
12 As they go, (Z)I will spread over them my net;
    I will bring them down like birds of the heavens;
    (AA)I will discipline them (AB)according to the report made to their congregation.
13 (AC)Woe to them, for they have strayed from me!
    Destruction to them, for they have rebelled against me!
(AD)I would redeem them,
    but (AE)they speak lies against me.

14 (AF)They do not cry to me from the heart,
    but (AG)they wail upon their beds;
for grain and wine they gash themselves;
    they rebel against me.
15 Although (AH)I trained and strengthened their arms,
    yet they devise evil against me.
16 They (AI)return, but not upward;[b]
    they are (AJ)like a treacherous bow;
their princes shall fall by the sword
    because of (AK)the insolence of their tongue.
This shall be their derision (AL)in the land of Egypt.


  1. Hosea 7:10 Or in his presence
  2. Hosea 7:16 Or to the Most High

Love Your Enemies

43 (A)“You have heard that it was said, (B)‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, (C)Love your enemies and (D)pray for those who persecute you, 45 (E)so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and (F)sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 (G)For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers,[a] what more are you doing than others? Do not even (H)the Gentiles do the same? 48 (I)You therefore must be (J)perfect, (K)as your heavenly Father is perfect.

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  1. Matthew 5:47 Or brothers and sisters. In New Testament usage, depending on the context, the plural Greek word adelphoi (translated “brothers”) may refer either to brothers or to brothers and sisters

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