Psalm 55[a]

For the director of music. With stringed instruments. A maskil[b] of David.

Listen to my prayer, O God,
    do not ignore my plea;(A)

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  1. Psalm 55:1 In Hebrew texts 55:1-23 is numbered 55:2-24.
  2. Psalm 55:1 Title: Probably a literary or musical term

12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
    and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”[a](A)

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  1. 1 Peter 3:12 Psalm 34:12-16

Hear my prayer, Lord;
    listen to my cry(A) for mercy.

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Psalm 61[a]

For the director of music. With stringed instruments. Of David.

Hear my cry, O God;(A)
    listen to my prayer.(B)

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  1. Psalm 61:1 In Hebrew texts 61:1-8 is numbered 61:2-9.

Do not hide your face(A) from me,
    do not turn your servant away in anger;(B)
    you have been my helper.(C)
Do not reject me or forsake(D) me,
    God my Savior.(E)

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Hear my prayer,(A) Lord God Almighty;
    listen to me, God of Jacob.

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Psalm 80[a]

For the director of music. To the tune of “The Lilies of the Covenant.” Of Asaph. A psalm.

Hear us, Shepherd of Israel,
    you who lead Joseph like a flock.(A)
You who sit enthroned between the cherubim,(B)
    shine forth

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  1. Psalm 80:1 In Hebrew texts 80:1-19 is numbered 80:2-20.

Psalm 64[a]

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint;(A)
    protect my life from the threat of the enemy.(B)

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  1. Psalm 64:1 In Hebrew texts 64:1-10 is numbered 64:2-11.

Psalm 54[a]

For the director of music. With stringed instruments. A maskil[b] of David. When the Ziphites(A) had gone to Saul and said, “Is not David hiding among us?”

Save me(B), O God, by your name;(C)
    vindicate me by your might.(D)
Hear my prayer, O God;(E)
    listen to the words of my mouth.

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  1. Psalm 54:1 In Hebrew texts 54:1-7 is numbered 54:3-9.
  2. Psalm 54:1 Title: Probably a literary or musical term

How long,(A) Lord God Almighty,
    will your anger smolder(B)
    against the prayers of your people?

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Psalm 5[a]

For the director of music. For pipes. A psalm of David.

Listen(A) to my words, Lord,
    consider my lament.(B)

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  1. Psalm 5:1 In Hebrew texts 5:1-12 is numbered 5:2-13.

Even when I call out or cry for help,(A)
    he shuts out my prayer.(B)

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Answer me quickly,(A) Lord;
    my spirit fails.(B)
Do not hide your face(C) from me
    or I will be like those who go down to the pit.

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Psalm 28

Of David.

To you, Lord, I call;
    you are my Rock,
    do not turn a deaf ear(A) to me.
For if you remain silent,(B)
    I will be like those who go down to the pit.(C)

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Psalm 17

A prayer of David.

Hear me,(A) Lord, my plea is just;
    listen to my cry.(B)
Hear(C) my prayer—
    it does not rise from deceitful lips.(D)

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Psalm 6[a]

For the director of music. With stringed instruments. According to sheminith.[b] A psalm of David.

Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger(A)
    or discipline me in your wrath.

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  1. Psalm 6:1 In Hebrew texts 6:1-10 is numbered 6:2-11.
  2. Psalm 6:1 Title: Probably a musical term

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