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Avoid Adultery

My son,
pay attention to my wisdom.
Open your ears to my understanding
so that you may act with foresight
and speak with insight.

The lips of an adulterous woman drip with honey.
Her kiss is smoother than oil,
but in the end she is as bitter as wormwood,
as sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet descend to death.
Her steps lead straight to hell.
She doesn’t even think about the path of life.
Her steps wander, and she doesn’t realize it.

But now, sons,
listen to me,
and do not turn away from what I say to you.
Stay far away from her.
Do not even go near her door.
Either you will surrender your reputation to others
and ⌞the rest of⌟ your years to some cruel person,
10 or strangers will benefit from your strength
and you will have to work hard in a pagan’s house.
11 Then you will groan when your end comes,
when your body and flesh are consumed.
You will say,
12 “Oh, how I hated discipline!
How my heart despised correction!
13 I didn’t listen to what my teachers said to me,
nor did I keep my ear open to my instructors.
14 I almost reached total ruin
in the assembly and in the congregation.”

15 Drink water out of your own cistern
and running water from your own well.
16 Why should water flow out of your spring?
Why should your streams flow into the streets?
17 They should be yours alone,
so do not share them with strangers.
18 Let your own fountain be blessed,
and enjoy the girl you married when you were young,
19 a loving doe and a graceful deer.[a]
Always let her breasts satisfy you.
Always be intoxicated with her love.
20 Why should you, my son,
be intoxicated with an adulterous woman
and fondle a loose woman’s breast?

21 Each person’s ways are clearly seen by the Lord,
and he surveys all his actions.
22 A wicked person will be trapped by his own wrongs,
and he will be caught in the ropes of his own sin.
23 He will die for his lack of discipline
and stumble around because of his great stupidity.


  1. 5:19 Or “graceful goat.”

Avoid Adultery

My son,
pay attention to my wisdom.
Open your ears to my understanding
so that you may act with foresight
and speak with insight.

The lips of an adulterous woman drip with honey.
Her kiss is smoother than oil,
but in the end she is as bitter as wormwood,
as sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet descend to death.
Her steps lead straight to hell.
She doesn’t even think about the path of life.
Her steps wander, and she doesn’t realize it.

But now, sons,
listen to me,
and do not turn away from what I say to you.
Stay far away from her.
Do not even go near her door.
Either you will surrender your reputation to others
and ⌞the rest of⌟ your years to some cruel person,
10 or strangers will benefit from your strength
and you will have to work hard in a pagan’s house.
11 Then you will groan when your end comes,
when your body and flesh are consumed.
You will say,
12 “Oh, how I hated discipline!
How my heart despised correction!
13 I didn’t listen to what my teachers said to me,
nor did I keep my ear open to my instructors.
14 I almost reached total ruin
in the assembly and in the congregation.”

15 Drink water out of your own cistern
and running water from your own well.
16 Why should water flow out of your spring?
Why should your streams flow into the streets?
17 They should be yours alone,
so do not share them with strangers.
18 Let your own fountain be blessed,
and enjoy the girl you married when you were young,
19 a loving doe and a graceful deer.[a]
Always let her breasts satisfy you.
Always be intoxicated with her love.
20 Why should you, my son,
be intoxicated with an adulterous woman
and fondle a loose woman’s breast?

21 Each person’s ways are clearly seen by the Lord,
and he surveys all his actions.
22 A wicked person will be trapped by his own wrongs,
and he will be caught in the ropes of his own sin.
23 He will die for his lack of discipline
and stumble around because of his great stupidity.


  1. 5:19 Or “graceful goat.”

Avoid Adultery

My son,
pay attention to my wisdom.
Open your ears to my understanding
so that you may act with foresight
and speak with insight.

The lips of an adulterous woman drip with honey.
Her kiss is smoother than oil,
but in the end she is as bitter as wormwood,
as sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet descend to death.
Her steps lead straight to hell.
She doesn’t even think about the path of life.
Her steps wander, and she doesn’t realize it.

But now, sons,
listen to me,
and do not turn away from what I say to you.
Stay far away from her.
Do not even go near her door.
Either you will surrender your reputation to others
and ⌞the rest of⌟ your years to some cruel person,
10 or strangers will benefit from your strength
and you will have to work hard in a pagan’s house.
11 Then you will groan when your end comes,
when your body and flesh are consumed.
You will say,
12 “Oh, how I hated discipline!
How my heart despised correction!
13 I didn’t listen to what my teachers said to me,
nor did I keep my ear open to my instructors.
14 I almost reached total ruin
in the assembly and in the congregation.”

15 Drink water out of your own cistern
and running water from your own well.
16 Why should water flow out of your spring?
Why should your streams flow into the streets?
17 They should be yours alone,
so do not share them with strangers.
18 Let your own fountain be blessed,
and enjoy the girl you married when you were young,
19 a loving doe and a graceful deer.[a]
Always let her breasts satisfy you.
Always be intoxicated with her love.
20 Why should you, my son,
be intoxicated with an adulterous woman
and fondle a loose woman’s breast?

21 Each person’s ways are clearly seen by the Lord,
and he surveys all his actions.
22 A wicked person will be trapped by his own wrongs,
and he will be caught in the ropes of his own sin.
23 He will die for his lack of discipline
and stumble around because of his great stupidity.


  1. 5:19 Or “graceful goat.”

Avoid Disaster

My son,
if you guarantee a loan for your neighbor
or pledge yourself for a stranger with a handshake,
you are trapped by the words of your own mouth,
caught by your own promise.

Do the following things, my son, so that you may free yourself,
because you have fallen into your neighbor’s hands:
Humble yourself,
and pester your neighbor.
Don’t let your eyes rest
or your eyelids close.
Free yourself like a gazelle from the hand of a hunter
and like a bird from the hand of a hunter.

Consider the ant, you lazy bum.
Watch its ways, and become wise.
Although it has no overseer, officer, or ruler,
in summertime it stores its food supply.
At harvest time it gathers its food.

How long will you lie there, you lazy bum?
When will you get up from your sleep?
10 “Just a little sleep,
just a little slumber,
just a little nap.”
11 Then your poverty will come ⌞to you⌟ like a drifter,
and your need will come ⌞to you⌟ like a bandit.

12 A good-for-nothing scoundrel is a person who has a dishonest mouth.
13 He winks his eye,
makes a signal with his foot,
⌞and⌟ points with his fingers.
14 He devises evil all the time with a twisted mind.
He spreads conflict.
15 That is why disaster will come on him suddenly.
In a moment he will be crushed beyond recovery.

16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
even seven that are disgusting to him:
17 arrogant eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that kill innocent people,
18 a mind devising wicked plans,
feet that are quick to do wrong,
19 a dishonest witness spitting out lies,
and a person who spreads conflict among relatives.

More Advice about Avoiding Adultery

20 My son,
obey the command of your father,
and do not disregard the teachings of your mother.
21 Fasten them on your heart forever.
Hang them around your neck.
22 When you walk around, they will lead you.
When you lie down, they will watch over you.
When you wake up, they will talk to you
23 because the command is a lamp,
the teachings are a light,
and the warnings from discipline are the path of life
24 to keep you from an evil woman
and from the smooth talk of a loose woman.

25 Do not desire her beauty in your heart.
Do not let her catch you with her eyes.
26 A prostitute’s price is ⌞only⌟ a loaf of bread,
but a married woman hunts for ⌞your⌟ life itself.
27 Can a man carry fire in his lap
without burning his clothes?
28 Can anyone walk on red-hot coals
without burning his feet?
29 So it is with a man who has sex with his neighbor’s wife.
None who touch her will escape punishment.
30 People do not despise a thief who is hungry
when he steals to satisfy his appetite,
31 but when he is caught,
he has to repay it seven times.
He must give up all the possessions in his house.

32 Whoever commits adultery with a woman has no sense.
Whoever does this destroys himself.
33 An adulterous man will find disease [a] and dishonor,
and his disgrace will not be blotted out,
34 because jealousy arouses a husband’s fury.
The husband will show no mercy when he takes revenge.
35 No amount of money will change his mind.
The largest bribe will not satisfy him.
My son,
pay attention to my words.
Treasure my commands that are within you.
Obey my commands so that you may live.
Follow my teachings just as you protect the pupil of your eye.
Tie them on your fingers.
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister.”
Give the name “my relative” to understanding
in order to guard yourself from an adulterous woman,
from a loose woman with her smooth talk.

From a window in my house I looked through my screen.
I was looking at gullible people
when I saw a young man without much sense among youths
He was crossing a street near her corner
and walking toward her house
in the twilight,
in the evening,
in the dark hours of the night.

10 A woman with an ulterior motive meets him.
She is dressed as a prostitute.
11 She is loud and rebellious.
Her feet will not stay at home.
12 One moment she is out on the street,
the next she is at the curb,
on the prowl at every corner.
13 She grabs him and kisses him and brazenly says to him,
14 “I have some sacrificial meat.
Today I kept my vows.
15 That’s why I came to meet you.
Eagerly, I looked for you,
and I’ve found you.
16 I’ve made my bed,
with colored sheets of Egyptian linen.
17 I’ve sprinkled my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18 Come, let’s drink our fill of love until morning.
Let’s enjoy making love,
19 because my husband’s not home.
He has gone on a long trip.
20 He took lots of money with him.
He won’t be home for a couple of weeks.”

21 With all her seductive charms, she persuades him.
With her smooth lips, she makes him give in.
22 He immediately follows her
like a steer on its way to be slaughtered,
like a ram hobbling into captivity
23 until an arrow pierces his heart,
like a bird darting into a trap.
He does not realize that it will cost him his life.

24 Now, sons,
listen to me.
Pay attention to the words from my mouth.
25 Do not let your heart be turned to her ways.
Do not wander onto her paths,
26 because she has brought down many victims,
and she has killed all too many.
27 Her home is the way to hell
and leads to the darkest vaults of death.


  1. 6:33 Or “wounds.”

Avoid Disaster

My son,
if you guarantee a loan for your neighbor
or pledge yourself for a stranger with a handshake,
you are trapped by the words of your own mouth,
caught by your own promise.

Do the following things, my son, so that you may free yourself,
because you have fallen into your neighbor’s hands:
Humble yourself,
and pester your neighbor.
Don’t let your eyes rest
or your eyelids close.
Free yourself like a gazelle from the hand of a hunter
and like a bird from the hand of a hunter.

Consider the ant, you lazy bum.
Watch its ways, and become wise.
Although it has no overseer, officer, or ruler,
in summertime it stores its food supply.
At harvest time it gathers its food.

How long will you lie there, you lazy bum?
When will you get up from your sleep?
10 “Just a little sleep,
just a little slumber,
just a little nap.”
11 Then your poverty will come ⌞to you⌟ like a drifter,
and your need will come ⌞to you⌟ like a bandit.

12 A good-for-nothing scoundrel is a person who has a dishonest mouth.
13 He winks his eye,
makes a signal with his foot,
⌞and⌟ points with his fingers.
14 He devises evil all the time with a twisted mind.
He spreads conflict.
15 That is why disaster will come on him suddenly.
In a moment he will be crushed beyond recovery.

16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
even seven that are disgusting to him:
17 arrogant eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that kill innocent people,
18 a mind devising wicked plans,
feet that are quick to do wrong,
19 a dishonest witness spitting out lies,
and a person who spreads conflict among relatives.

More Advice about Avoiding Adultery

20 My son,
obey the command of your father,
and do not disregard the teachings of your mother.
21 Fasten them on your heart forever.
Hang them around your neck.
22 When you walk around, they will lead you.
When you lie down, they will watch over you.
When you wake up, they will talk to you
23 because the command is a lamp,
the teachings are a light,
and the warnings from discipline are the path of life
24 to keep you from an evil woman
and from the smooth talk of a loose woman.

25 Do not desire her beauty in your heart.
Do not let her catch you with her eyes.
26 A prostitute’s price is ⌞only⌟ a loaf of bread,
but a married woman hunts for ⌞your⌟ life itself.
27 Can a man carry fire in his lap
without burning his clothes?
28 Can anyone walk on red-hot coals
without burning his feet?
29 So it is with a man who has sex with his neighbor’s wife.
None who touch her will escape punishment.
30 People do not despise a thief who is hungry
when he steals to satisfy his appetite,
31 but when he is caught,
he has to repay it seven times.
He must give up all the possessions in his house.

32 Whoever commits adultery with a woman has no sense.
Whoever does this destroys himself.
33 An adulterous man will find disease [a] and dishonor,
and his disgrace will not be blotted out,
34 because jealousy arouses a husband’s fury.
The husband will show no mercy when he takes revenge.
35 No amount of money will change his mind.
The largest bribe will not satisfy him.
My son,
pay attention to my words.
Treasure my commands that are within you.
Obey my commands so that you may live.
Follow my teachings just as you protect the pupil of your eye.
Tie them on your fingers.
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister.”
Give the name “my relative” to understanding
in order to guard yourself from an adulterous woman,
from a loose woman with her smooth talk.

From a window in my house I looked through my screen.
I was looking at gullible people
when I saw a young man without much sense among youths
He was crossing a street near her corner
and walking toward her house
in the twilight,
in the evening,
in the dark hours of the night.

10 A woman with an ulterior motive meets him.
She is dressed as a prostitute.
11 She is loud and rebellious.
Her feet will not stay at home.
12 One moment she is out on the street,
the next she is at the curb,
on the prowl at every corner.
13 She grabs him and kisses him and brazenly says to him,
14 “I have some sacrificial meat.
Today I kept my vows.
15 That’s why I came to meet you.
Eagerly, I looked for you,
and I’ve found you.
16 I’ve made my bed,
with colored sheets of Egyptian linen.
17 I’ve sprinkled my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18 Come, let’s drink our fill of love until morning.
Let’s enjoy making love,
19 because my husband’s not home.
He has gone on a long trip.
20 He took lots of money with him.
He won’t be home for a couple of weeks.”

21 With all her seductive charms, she persuades him.
With her smooth lips, she makes him give in.
22 He immediately follows her
like a steer on its way to be slaughtered,
like a ram hobbling into captivity
23 until an arrow pierces his heart,
like a bird darting into a trap.
He does not realize that it will cost him his life.

24 Now, sons,
listen to me.
Pay attention to the words from my mouth.
25 Do not let your heart be turned to her ways.
Do not wander onto her paths,
26 because she has brought down many victims,
and she has killed all too many.
27 Her home is the way to hell
and leads to the darkest vaults of death.


  1. 6:33 Or “wounds.”

Avoid Disaster

My son,
if you guarantee a loan for your neighbor
or pledge yourself for a stranger with a handshake,
you are trapped by the words of your own mouth,
caught by your own promise.

Do the following things, my son, so that you may free yourself,
because you have fallen into your neighbor’s hands:
Humble yourself,
and pester your neighbor.
Don’t let your eyes rest
or your eyelids close.
Free yourself like a gazelle from the hand of a hunter
and like a bird from the hand of a hunter.

Consider the ant, you lazy bum.
Watch its ways, and become wise.
Although it has no overseer, officer, or ruler,
in summertime it stores its food supply.
At harvest time it gathers its food.

How long will you lie there, you lazy bum?
When will you get up from your sleep?
10 “Just a little sleep,
just a little slumber,
just a little nap.”
11 Then your poverty will come ⌞to you⌟ like a drifter,
and your need will come ⌞to you⌟ like a bandit.

12 A good-for-nothing scoundrel is a person who has a dishonest mouth.
13 He winks his eye,
makes a signal with his foot,
⌞and⌟ points with his fingers.
14 He devises evil all the time with a twisted mind.
He spreads conflict.
15 That is why disaster will come on him suddenly.
In a moment he will be crushed beyond recovery.

16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
even seven that are disgusting to him:
17 arrogant eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that kill innocent people,
18 a mind devising wicked plans,
feet that are quick to do wrong,
19 a dishonest witness spitting out lies,
and a person who spreads conflict among relatives.

More Advice about Avoiding Adultery

20 My son,
obey the command of your father,
and do not disregard the teachings of your mother.
21 Fasten them on your heart forever.
Hang them around your neck.
22 When you walk around, they will lead you.
When you lie down, they will watch over you.
When you wake up, they will talk to you
23 because the command is a lamp,
the teachings are a light,
and the warnings from discipline are the path of life
24 to keep you from an evil woman
and from the smooth talk of a loose woman.

25 Do not desire her beauty in your heart.
Do not let her catch you with her eyes.
26 A prostitute’s price is ⌞only⌟ a loaf of bread,
but a married woman hunts for ⌞your⌟ life itself.
27 Can a man carry fire in his lap
without burning his clothes?
28 Can anyone walk on red-hot coals
without burning his feet?
29 So it is with a man who has sex with his neighbor’s wife.
None who touch her will escape punishment.
30 People do not despise a thief who is hungry
when he steals to satisfy his appetite,
31 but when he is caught,
he has to repay it seven times.
He must give up all the possessions in his house.

32 Whoever commits adultery with a woman has no sense.
Whoever does this destroys himself.
33 An adulterous man will find disease [a] and dishonor,
and his disgrace will not be blotted out,
34 because jealousy arouses a husband’s fury.
The husband will show no mercy when he takes revenge.
35 No amount of money will change his mind.
The largest bribe will not satisfy him.
My son,
pay attention to my words.
Treasure my commands that are within you.
Obey my commands so that you may live.
Follow my teachings just as you protect the pupil of your eye.
Tie them on your fingers.
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister.”
Give the name “my relative” to understanding
in order to guard yourself from an adulterous woman,
from a loose woman with her smooth talk.

From a window in my house I looked through my screen.
I was looking at gullible people
when I saw a young man without much sense among youths
He was crossing a street near her corner
and walking toward her house
in the twilight,
in the evening,
in the dark hours of the night.

10 A woman with an ulterior motive meets him.
She is dressed as a prostitute.
11 She is loud and rebellious.
Her feet will not stay at home.
12 One moment she is out on the street,
the next she is at the curb,
on the prowl at every corner.
13 She grabs him and kisses him and brazenly says to him,
14 “I have some sacrificial meat.
Today I kept my vows.
15 That’s why I came to meet you.
Eagerly, I looked for you,
and I’ve found you.
16 I’ve made my bed,
with colored sheets of Egyptian linen.
17 I’ve sprinkled my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18 Come, let’s drink our fill of love until morning.
Let’s enjoy making love,
19 because my husband’s not home.
He has gone on a long trip.
20 He took lots of money with him.
He won’t be home for a couple of weeks.”

21 With all her seductive charms, she persuades him.
With her smooth lips, she makes him give in.
22 He immediately follows her
like a steer on its way to be slaughtered,
like a ram hobbling into captivity
23 until an arrow pierces his heart,
like a bird darting into a trap.
He does not realize that it will cost him his life.

24 Now, sons,
listen to me.
Pay attention to the words from my mouth.
25 Do not let your heart be turned to her ways.
Do not wander onto her paths,
26 because she has brought down many victims,
and she has killed all too many.
27 Her home is the way to hell
and leads to the darkest vaults of death.


  1. 6:33 Or “wounds.”

Some Greeks Ask to See Jesus

20 Some Greeks were among those who came to worship during the Passover festival. 21 They went to Philip (who was from Bethsaida in Galilee) and told him, “Sir, we would like to meet Jesus.” 22 Philip told Andrew, and they told Jesus.

23 Jesus replied to them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 I can guarantee this truth: A single grain of wheat doesn’t produce anything unless it is planted in the ground and dies. If it dies, it will produce a lot of grain. 25 Those who love their lives will destroy them, and those who hate their lives in this world will guard them for everlasting life. 26 Those who serve me must follow me. My servants will be with me wherever I will be. If people serve me, the Father will honor them.

27 “I am too deeply troubled now to know how to express my feelings. Should I say, ‘Father, save me from this time ⌞of suffering⌟’? No! I came for this time of suffering. 28 Father, give glory to your name.”

A voice from heaven said, “I have given it glory, and I will give it glory again.”

29 The crowd standing there heard the voice and said that it had thundered. Others in the crowd said that an angel had talked to him. 30 Jesus replied, “That voice wasn’t for my benefit but for yours.

31 “This world is being judged now. The ruler of this world will be thrown out now. 32 When I have been lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people toward me.” 33 By saying this, he indicated how he was going to die.

34 The crowd responded to him, “We have heard from the Scriptures that the Messiah will remain here forever. So how can you say, ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up from the earth’? Who is this ‘Son of Man’?”

35 Jesus answered the crowd, “The light will still be with you for a little while. Walk while you have light so that darkness won’t defeat you. Those who walk in the dark don’t know where they’re going. 36 While you have the light, believe in the light so that you will become people whose lives show the light.”

After Jesus had said this, he was concealed as he left.

Read full chapter

Some Greeks Ask to See Jesus

20 Some Greeks were among those who came to worship during the Passover festival. 21 They went to Philip (who was from Bethsaida in Galilee) and told him, “Sir, we would like to meet Jesus.” 22 Philip told Andrew, and they told Jesus.

23 Jesus replied to them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 I can guarantee this truth: A single grain of wheat doesn’t produce anything unless it is planted in the ground and dies. If it dies, it will produce a lot of grain. 25 Those who love their lives will destroy them, and those who hate their lives in this world will guard them for everlasting life. 26 Those who serve me must follow me. My servants will be with me wherever I will be. If people serve me, the Father will honor them.

27 “I am too deeply troubled now to know how to express my feelings. Should I say, ‘Father, save me from this time ⌞of suffering⌟’? No! I came for this time of suffering. 28 Father, give glory to your name.”

A voice from heaven said, “I have given it glory, and I will give it glory again.”

29 The crowd standing there heard the voice and said that it had thundered. Others in the crowd said that an angel had talked to him. 30 Jesus replied, “That voice wasn’t for my benefit but for yours.

31 “This world is being judged now. The ruler of this world will be thrown out now. 32 When I have been lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people toward me.” 33 By saying this, he indicated how he was going to die.

34 The crowd responded to him, “We have heard from the Scriptures that the Messiah will remain here forever. So how can you say, ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up from the earth’? Who is this ‘Son of Man’?”

35 Jesus answered the crowd, “The light will still be with you for a little while. Walk while you have light so that darkness won’t defeat you. Those who walk in the dark don’t know where they’re going. 36 While you have the light, believe in the light so that you will become people whose lives show the light.”

After Jesus had said this, he was concealed as he left.

Read full chapter

Some Greeks Ask to See Jesus

20 Some Greeks were among those who came to worship during the Passover festival. 21 They went to Philip (who was from Bethsaida in Galilee) and told him, “Sir, we would like to meet Jesus.” 22 Philip told Andrew, and they told Jesus.

23 Jesus replied to them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 I can guarantee this truth: A single grain of wheat doesn’t produce anything unless it is planted in the ground and dies. If it dies, it will produce a lot of grain. 25 Those who love their lives will destroy them, and those who hate their lives in this world will guard them for everlasting life. 26 Those who serve me must follow me. My servants will be with me wherever I will be. If people serve me, the Father will honor them.

27 “I am too deeply troubled now to know how to express my feelings. Should I say, ‘Father, save me from this time ⌞of suffering⌟’? No! I came for this time of suffering. 28 Father, give glory to your name.”

A voice from heaven said, “I have given it glory, and I will give it glory again.”

29 The crowd standing there heard the voice and said that it had thundered. Others in the crowd said that an angel had talked to him. 30 Jesus replied, “That voice wasn’t for my benefit but for yours.

31 “This world is being judged now. The ruler of this world will be thrown out now. 32 When I have been lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people toward me.” 33 By saying this, he indicated how he was going to die.

34 The crowd responded to him, “We have heard from the Scriptures that the Messiah will remain here forever. So how can you say, ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up from the earth’? Who is this ‘Son of Man’?”

35 Jesus answered the crowd, “The light will still be with you for a little while. Walk while you have light so that darkness won’t defeat you. Those who walk in the dark don’t know where they’re going. 36 While you have the light, believe in the light so that you will become people whose lives show the light.”

After Jesus had said this, he was concealed as he left.

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