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26 The Lord detests evil plans,
    but gracious words are pure.
27 Those who acquire things unjustly gain trouble for their house,
    but those who hate bribes will live.
28 The righteous heart reflects before answering,
    but the wicked mouth blurts out evil.
29 The Lord is far from the wicked,
    but he listens to the prayers of the righteous.
30 Bright eyes give joy to the heart;
    good news strengthens the bones.
31 The ear that listens to life-giving correction
    dwells among the wise.
32 Those who refuse discipline despise themselves,
    but those who listen to correction gain understanding.
33 The fear of the Lord is wise instruction,
    and humility comes before respect.

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Thanksgiving and prayer

I thank my God every time I mention you in my prayers. I’m thankful for all of you every time I pray, and it’s always a prayer full of joy. I’m glad because of the way you have been my partners in the ministry of the gospel from the time you first believed it until now. I’m sure about this: the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus. I have good reason to think this way about all of you because I keep you in my heart. You are all my partners in God’s grace, both during my time in prison and in the defense and support of the gospel. God is my witness that I feel affection for all of you with the compassion of Christ Jesus.

This is my prayer: that your love might become even more and more rich with knowledge and all kinds of insight. 10 I pray this so that you will be able to decide what really matters and so you will be sincere and blameless on the day of Christ. 11 I pray that you will then be filled with the fruit of righteousness, which comes from Jesus Christ, in order to give glory and praise to God.

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Justice for the faithful

18 Jesus was telling them a parable about their need to pray continuously and not to be discouraged. He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected people. In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him, asking, ‘Give me justice in this case against my adversary.’ For a while he refused but finally said to himself, I don’t fear God or respect people, but I will give this widow justice because she keeps bothering me. Otherwise, there will be no end to her coming here and embarrassing me.” The Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. Won’t God provide justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he be slow to help them? I tell you, he will give them justice quickly. But when the Human One[a] comes, will he find faithfulness on earth?”

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  1. Luke 18:8 Or Son of Man

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