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Solomon's Wise Sayings

10 Here are some proverbs
    of Solomon:
Children with good sense
    make their parents happy,
but foolish children
    make them sad.
What you gain by doing evil
    won't help you at all.
Obeying God is the only way
    to be saved from death.

If you obey the Lord,
    you won't go hungry;
if you are wicked,
God won't let you have
    what you want.
Laziness leads to poverty;
    hard work makes you rich.
At harvest season
it's smart to work hard,
    but stupid to sleep.

Everyone praises good people,
but evil hides behind
    the words of the wicked.
Good people are remembered
    long after they are gone,
but the wicked
    are soon forgotten.

If you have good sense,
    you will listen and obey;
if all you do is talk foolishly,
    you will destroy yourself.
You will be safe,
    if you always do right,
but you will get caught,
    if you are dishonest.
10 Deceit causes trouble,
and foolish talk
    will bring you to ruin.[a]
11 The words of good people
    are a source of life,
but evil hides behind
    the words of the wicked.

12 (A) Hatred stirs up trouble;
love overlooks the wrongs
    that others do.
13 If you have good sense,
    it will show when you speak.
But if you are stupid,
you will be beaten
    with a stick.
14 If you have good sense,
    you will learn all you can,
but foolish talk
    will soon destroy you.

15 Great wealth can be a fortress,
but poverty
    is no protection at all.
16 If you live right,
    the reward is a good life;
if you are evil,
    all you have is sin.

17 Accept correction,
    and you will find life;
reject correction,
    and you will miss the road.
18 You can hide your hatred
    by telling lies,
but you are a fool
    to spread lies.
19 You will say the wrong thing
    if you talk too much—
so be sensible and watch
    what you say.
20 The words of a good person
    are like pure silver,
but the thoughts
of an evil person
    are almost worthless.
21 Many are helped
    by useful instruction,
but fools are killed
    by their own stupidity.

22 When the Lord blesses you
with riches,
    you have nothing to regret.[b]
23 Fools enjoy doing wrong,
but anyone with good sense
    enjoys acting wisely.
24 What evil people dread most
    will happen to them,
but good people will get
    what they want most.
25 Those crooks will disappear
    when a storm strikes,
but God will keep safe
    all who obey him.
26 Having a lazy person on the job
is like a mouth full of vinegar
    or smoke in your eyes.

27 If you respect the Lord,
    you will live longer;
if you keep doing wrong,
    your life will be cut short.
28 If you obey the Lord,
    you will be happy,
but there is no future
    for the wicked.
29 The Lord protects everyone
    who lives right,
but he destroys anyone
    who does wrong.
30 Good people will stand firm,
but the wicked will disappear
    from the land.
31 Honest people speak sensibly,
but deceitful liars
    will be silenced.
32 If you obey the Lord,
you will always know
    the right thing to say.
But no one will trust you
    if you tell lies.

Watch What You Say and Do

11 The Lord hates anyone
    who cheats,
but he likes everyone
    who is honest.
Too much pride
can put you to shame.
    It's wiser to be humble.
If you do the right thing,
    honesty will be your guide.
But if you are crooked,
you will be trapped
    by your own dishonesty.

When God is angry,
    money won't help you.
Obeying God is the only way
    to be saved from death.
If you are truly good,
    you will do right;
if you are wicked,
you will be destroyed
    by your own sin.
Honesty can keep you safe,
but if you can't be trusted,
    you trap yourself.
When the wicked die,
    their hopes die with them.
Trouble goes right past
the Lord's people
    and strikes the wicked.

Dishonest people use gossip
    to destroy their neighbors;
good people are protected
    by their own good sense.
10 When honest people prosper
and the wicked disappear,
    the whole city celebrates.
11 Good people bring prosperity
    to their city,
but deceitful liars
    can destroy a city.

12 It's stupid to say bad things
    about your neighbors.
If you are sensible,
    you will keep quiet.
13 A gossip tells everything,
but a true friend
    will keep a secret.
14 (B) A city without wise leaders
    will end up in ruin;
a city with many wise leaders
    will be kept safe.

15 It's a dangerous thing
    to guarantee payment
for someone's debts.
    Don't do it!
16 A gracious woman
    will be respected,
but a ruthless man
    will only get rich.
17 Kindness is rewarded—
but if you are cruel,
    you hurt yourself.
18 Meanness gets you nowhere,
    but goodness is rewarded.
19 Always do the right thing,
    and you will live;
keep on doing wrong,
    and you will die.

20 The Lord hates sneaky people,
but he likes everyone
    who lives right.
21 You can be sure of this:
All crooks will be punished,
    but God's people won't.
22 A beautiful woman
    who acts foolishly
is like a gold ring
    on the snout of a pig.
23 Good people want what is best,
but troublemakers
    hope to stir up trouble.[c]

24 Sometimes you can become rich
by being generous
    or poor by being greedy.
25 Generosity will be rewarded:
    Give a cup of water,
and you will receive
    a cup of water in return.
26 Charge too much for grain,
    and you will be cursed;
sell it at a fair price,
    and you will be praised.
27 Try hard to do right,
    and you will win friends;
go looking for trouble,
    and you will find it.
28 Trust in your wealth,
    and you will be a failure,
but God's people will prosper
    like healthy plants.

29 Fools who cause trouble
in the family
    won't inherit a thing.
They will end up as slaves
    of someone with good sense.
30 Live right, and you will eat
    from the life-giving tree.
And if you act wisely,
    others will follow.[d]
31 (C) If good people are rewarded[e]
    here on this earth,
all who are cruel and mean
    will surely be punished.

You Can't Hide behind Evil

12 (D) To accept correction is wise,
    to reject it is stupid.
The Lord likes everyone
    who lives right,
but he punishes everyone
    who makes evil plans.
Sin cannot offer security!
    But if you live right,
you will be as secure
    as a tree with deep roots.
A helpful wife is a jewel
    for her husband,
but a shameless wife
    will make his bones rot.

Good people have kind thoughts,
but you should never trust
    the advice of someone evil.
Bad advice is a deadly trap,
but good advice
    is like a shield.
Once the wicked are defeated,
    they are gone forever,
but no one who obeys God
    will ever be thrown down.
Good sense is worthy of praise,
    but stupidity is a curse.
It's better to be ordinary
    and have only one servant[f]
than to think you are somebody
    and starve to death.
10 Good people are kind
to their animals,
    but a mean person is cruel.

11 Hard working farmers have more
    than enough food;
daydreamers are nothing more
    than stupid fools.
12 An evil person tries to hide
    behind evil;[g]
good people are like trees
    with deep roots.
13 We trap ourselves
    by telling lies,
but we stay out of trouble
    by living right.
14 We are rewarded or punished
    for what we say and do.
15 Fools think they know
    what is best,
but a sensible person
    listens to advice.

16 Losing your temper is foolish;
    ignoring an insult is smart.
17 An honest person
    tells the truth in court,
but a dishonest person
    tells nothing but lies.
18 Sharp words cut like a sword,
    but words of wisdom heal.
19 Truth will last forever;
    lies are soon found out.
20 An evil mind is deceitful,
but gentle thoughts
    bring happiness.
21 Good people never have trouble,
but troublemakers
    have more than enough.
22 The Lord hates every liar,
but he is the friend of all
    who can be trusted.
23 Be sensible and don't tell
    everything you know—
only fools spread
    foolishness everywhere.

24 Work hard, and you
    will be a leader;
be lazy, and you
    will end up a slave.
25 Worry is a heavy burden,
but a kind word
    always brings cheer.
26 You are better off to do right,
than to lose your way
    by doing wrong.[h]
27 Anyone too lazy to cook
    will starve,
but a hard worker
    is a valuable treasure.[i]
28 Living right is a pathway
that leads to life
    and away from death.

Wise Friends Make You Wise

13 Children with good sense
    accept correction
    from their parents,
but stubborn children
    ignore it completely.
You will be well rewarded
    for saying something kind,
but all some people think about
    is how to be cruel and mean.
(E) Keep what you know to yourself,
    and you will be safe;
talk too much,
    and you are done for.
No matter how much you want,
    laziness won't help a bit,
but hard work will reward you
    with more than enough.
A good person hates deceit,
but those who are evil
    cause shame and disgrace.
Live right, and you are safe!
    But sin will destroy you.

Some who have nothing
    may pretend to be rich,
and some who have everything
    may pretend to be poor.
The rich may have
    to pay a ransom,
but the poor don't have
    that problem.
The lamp of a good person
    keeps on shining;
the lamp of an evil person
    soon goes out.
10 Too much pride causes trouble.
    Be sensible and take advice.

11 Money wrongly[j] gained
    will disappear bit by bit;
money earned little by little
    will grow and grow.
12 Not getting what you want
    can break your heart,
but a wish that comes true
    is a life-giving tree.
13 If you reject God's teaching,
    you will pay the price;
if you obey his commands,
    you will be rewarded.

14 Sensible instruction
    is a life-giving fountain
that helps you escape
    all deadly traps.
15 Sound judgment is praised,
but people without good sense
    are on the way to disaster.[k]
16 If you have good sense,
you will act sensibly,
    but fools act like fools.
17 Whoever delivers your message
can make things better
    or worse for you.

18 All who refuse correction
    will be poor and disgraced;
all who accept correction
    will be praised.
19 It's a good feeling
    to get what you want,
but only a stupid fool
    hates to turn from evil.
20 (F) Wise friends make you wise,
but you hurt yourself
    by going around with fools.
21 You are in for trouble
    if you sin,
but you will be rewarded
    if you live right.
22 If you obey God,
you will have something
    to leave your grandchildren.
If you don't obey God,
those who live right
    will get what you leave.

23 Even when the land of the poor
    produces good crops,
they get cheated
    out of what they grow.[l]
24 If you love your children,
    you will correct them;
if you don't love them,
    you won't correct them.
25 If you live right,
    you will have plenty to eat;
if you don't live right,
    you will go away empty.

Wisdom Makes Good Sense

14 A woman's family
is held together
    by her wisdom,
but it can be destroyed
    by her foolishness.
By living right, you show
    that you respect the Lord;
by being deceitful, you show
    that you despise him.
Proud fools are punished
    for their stupid talk,
but sensible talk
    can save your life.
Without the help of an ox
    there can be no crop,
but with a strong ox
    a big crop is possible.
An honest witness
    tells the truth;
a dishonest witness
    tells nothing but lies.

Make fun of wisdom,
    and you will never find it.
But if you have understanding,
    knowledge comes easily.
Stay away from fools,
    or you won't learn a thing.
Wise people have enough sense
to find their way,
    but stupid fools get lost.
Fools don't care
    if they are wrong,[m]
but God is pleased
    when people do right.

10 No one else can really know
    how sad or happy you are.
11 The tent of a good person
stands longer than the house
    of someone evil.
12 (G) You may think you are
on the right road
    and still end up dead.
13 Sorrow may hide
    behind laughter,
and happiness may end
    in sorrow.
14 You harvest what you plant,
    whether good or bad.

15 Don't be stupid
    and believe all you hear;
be smart and know
    where you are headed.
16 Only a stupid fool
    is never cautious—
so be extra careful
    and stay out of trouble.
17 Fools have quick tempers,
and no one likes you
    if you can't be trusted.
18 Stupidity leads to foolishness;
    be smart and learn.

19 The wicked will come crawling
    to those who obey God.
20 You have no friends
    if you are poor,
but you have lots of friends
    if you are rich.
21 It's wrong to hate others,
but God blesses everyone
    who is kind to the poor.
22 It's a mistake
    to make evil plans,
but you will have loyal friends
    if you want to do right.
23 Hard work is worthwhile,
but empty talk
    will make you poor.
24 Wisdom can make you rich,
but foolishness leads
    to more foolishness.
25 An honest witness
can save your life,
    but liars can't be trusted.

26 If you respect the Lord,
you and your children
    have a strong fortress
27 and a life-giving fountain
that keeps you safe
    from deadly traps.

28 Rulers of powerful nations
    are held in honor;
rulers of weak nations
    are nothing at all.
29 It's smart to be patient,
but it's stupid
    to lose your temper.
30 It's healthy to be content,
    but envy can eat you up.
31 If you mistreat the poor,
    you insult your Creator;
if you are kind to them,
    you show him respect.
32 In times of trouble
    the wicked are destroyed,
but even at death
    the innocent have faith.[n]

33 Wisdom is found in the minds
of people with good sense,
    but fools don't know it.[o]
34 Doing right brings honor
to a nation,
    but sin brings disgrace.
35 Kings reward servants
    who act wisely,
but they punish those
    who act foolishly.

The Lord Sees Everything

15 A kind answer
    soothes angry feelings,
but harsh words
    stir them up.
Words of wisdom
come from the wise,
    but fools speak foolishness.

The Lord sees everything,
    whether good or bad.
Kind words are good medicine,
but deceitful words
    can really hurt.
Don't be a fool
and disobey your parents.
    Be smart! Accept correction.
Good people become wealthy,
but those who are evil
    will lose what they have.
Words of wisdom
    make good sense;
the thoughts of a fool
    make no sense at all.

The Lord is disgusted
    by gifts from the wicked,
but it makes him happy
    when his people pray.
The Lord is disgusted
    with all who do wrong,
but he loves everyone
    who does right.
10 If you turn from the right way,
    you will be punished;
if you refuse correction,
    you will die.

11 If the Lord can see everything
in the world of the dead,
    he can see in our hearts.
12 Those who sneer at others
    don't like to be corrected,
and they won't ask help
    from someone with sense.
13 Happiness makes you smile;
    sorrow can crush you.
14 Anyone with good sense
    is eager to learn more,
but fools are hungry
    for foolishness.

15 The poor have a hard life,
but being content is as good
    as an endless feast.
16 It's better to obey the Lord
    and have only a little,
than to be very rich
    and terribly anxious.
17 A simple meal with love
is better than a feast
    where there is hatred.

18 Losing your temper
    causes a lot of trouble,
but staying calm
    settles arguments.
19 A lazy person refuses
    to clear a thorny path,
but everyone who does right
    walks on a smooth road.
20 Children with good sense
    make their parents happy,
but foolish children
    despise them.
21 Stupidity brings happiness
    to senseless fools,
but everyone with good sense
    follows the straight path.

22 Without good advice
    everything goes wrong—
it takes careful planning
    for things to go right.
23 Giving the right answer
at the right time
    makes everyone happy.
24 All who are wise follow a road
that leads upward to life
    and away from death.

25 The Lord destroys the homes
    of those who are proud,
but he protects the property
    of widows.
26 The Lord hates evil thoughts,
    but kind words please him.
27 Being greedy causes trouble
    for your family,
but you protect yourself
    by refusing bribes.
28 Good people think
    before they answer,
but the wicked speak evil
    without ever thinking.

29 The Lord never even hears
    the prayers of the wicked,
but he answers the prayers
    of all who obey him.
30 A friendly smile
    makes you happy,
and good news
    makes you feel strong.
31 Healthy correction is good,
and if you accept it,
    you will be wise.
32 You hurt only yourself
    by rejecting instruction,
but it makes good sense
    to accept it.
33 Showing respect to the Lord
    will make you wise,
and being humble
    will bring honor to you.

The Lord Has the Final Word

16 We humans make plans,
but the Lord
    has the final word.
We may think we know
    what is right,
but the Lord is the judge
    of our motives.
Share your plans with the Lord,
    and you will succeed.

The Lord has a reason
    for everything he does,
and he lets evil people live
    only to be punished.
The Lord doesn't like
    anyone who is conceited—
you can be sure
    they will be punished.
(H) If we truly love God,
    our sins will be forgiven;
if we show him respect,
    we will keep away from sin.
When we please the Lord,
even our enemies
    make friends with us.
(I) It's better to be honest
    and poor
than to be dishonest
    and rich.

We make our own plans,
but the Lord decides
    where we will go.
10 Rulers speak with authority
    and are never wrong.
11 The Lord watches to see
if we are fair
    or if we cheat others.
12 Justice makes rulers powerful.
They should hate evil
13     and like honesty and truth.
14 An angry ruler
    can put you to death.
So be wise!
    Don't make one angry.
15 When a ruler is happy
    and pleased with you,
it's like refreshing rain,
    and you will live.

16 It's much better to be wise
and sensible
    than to be rich.
17 God's people avoid evil ways,
and they protect themselves
    by watching where they go.
18 Too much pride
    will destroy you.
19 You are better off
    to be humble and poor
than to get rich
    from what you take by force.
20 If you know what you're doing,[p]
    you will prosper.
God blesses everyone
    who trusts him.
21 Good judgment proves
    that you are wise,
and if you speak kindly,
    you can teach others.
22 Good sense is a fountain
    that gives life,
but fools are punished
    by their foolishness.
23 You can persuade others
if you are wise
    and speak sensibly.

24 Kind words are like honey—
they cheer you up
    and make you feel strong.
25 (J) Sometimes what seems right
    is really a road to death.
26 The hungrier you are,
    the harder you work.
27 Worthless people plan trouble.
Even their words burn
    like a flaming fire.
28 (K) Gossip is no good!
It causes hard feelings
    and comes between friends.

29 Don't trust violent people.
They will mislead you
    to do the wrong thing.
30 When someone winks
or grins behind your back,
    trouble is on the way.
31 Gray hair is a glorious crown
worn by those
    who have lived right.
32 Controlling your temper
is better than being a hero
    who captures a city.
33 We make our own decisions,
but the Lord alone
    determines what happens.

Our Thoughts Are Tested by the Lord

17 A dry crust of bread eaten
    in peace and quiet
is better than a feast eaten
    where everyone argues.
A wise slave
will be placed in charge
    of a no-good child,
and that slave will be given
the same inheritance
    that each child receives.
Silver and gold are tested
    by flames of fire;
our thoughts are tested
    by the Lord.
Troublemakers listen
to troublemakers,
    and liars listen to liars.
By insulting the poor,
    you insult your Creator.
You will be punished
if you make fun
    of someone in trouble.
Grandparents are proud
    of their grandchildren,
and children should be proud
    of their parents.

It sounds strange for a fool
    to talk sensibly,
but it's even worse
    for a ruler to tell lies.
A bribe works miracles
like a magic charm
    that brings good luck.
You will keep your friends
    if you forgive them,
but you will lose your friends
if you keep talking about
    what they did wrong.
10 A sensible person
    accepts correction,
but you can't beat sense
    into a fool.

11 Cruel people want to rebel,
and so vicious attackers
    will be sent against them.
12 A bear robbed of her cubs
is far less dangerous
    than a stubborn fool.
13 You will always have trouble
if you are mean to those
    who are good to you.
14 The start of an argument
    is like a water leak—
so stop it before
    real trouble breaks out.
15 The Lord doesn't like those
who defend the guilty
    or condemn the innocent.
16 Why should fools have money
for an education
    when they refuse to learn?

17 (L) A friend is there to help,
    in any situation,
and relatives are born
    to share our troubles.
18 It's stupid to guarantee
    someone else's loan.
19 The wicked and the proud
love trouble and keep begging
    to be hurt.
20 Dishonesty does you no good,
and telling lies
    will get you in trouble.
21 It's never pleasant
to be the parent of a fool
    and have nothing but pain.
22 If you are cheerful,
    you feel good;
if you are sad,
    you hurt all over.

23 Crooks accept secret bribes
to keep justice
    from being done.
24 Anyone with wisdom knows
    what makes good sense,
but fools can never
    make up their minds.
25 Foolish children bring sorrow
    and pain to their parents.
26 It isn't fair
to punish the innocent
    and those who do right.
27 It makes a lot of sense
to be a person of few words
    and to stay calm.
28 (M) Even fools seem smart
    when they are quiet.

It's Wrong To Favor the Guilty

18 It's selfish and stupid
    to think only of yourself
and to sneer at people
    who have sense.[q]
Fools have no desire to learn,
instead they would rather
    give their own opinion.
Wrongdoing leads to shame
    and disgrace.
Words of wisdom
are a stream that flows
    from a deep fountain.
It's wrong to favor the guilty
and keep the innocent
    from getting justice.

Foolish talk will get you
    into a lot of trouble.
Saying foolish things
is like setting a trap
    to destroy yourself.
There's nothing so delicious
as the taste of gossip!
    It melts in your mouth.
Being lazy is no different
    from being a troublemaker.

10 The Lord is a mighty tower
where his people can run
    for safety—
11 the rich think their money
    is a wall of protection.

12 Pride leads to destruction;
    humility leads to honor.
13 (N) It's stupid and embarrassing
to give an answer
    before you listen.
14 Being cheerful helps
    when you are sick,
but nothing helps
    when you give up.
15 Everyone with good sense
    wants to learn.
16 A gift will get you in
    to see anyone.
17 You may think you have won
your case in court,
    until your opponent speaks.
18 Drawing straws is one way
    to settle a difficult case.
19 Making up with a friend
    you have offended[r]
is harder than breaking
    through a city wall.

20 Make your words good—
    you will be glad you did.
21 Words can bring death or life!
Talk too much, and you will eat
    everything you say.
22 (O) A man's greatest treasure
is his wife—
    she is a gift from the Lord.
23 The poor must beg for help,
but the rich can give
    a harsh reply.
24 Some friends don't help,[s]
but a true friend is closer
    than your own family.

It's Wise To Be Patient

19 It's better to be poor
and live right
    than to be a stupid liar.
Willingness and stupidity
    don't go well together.
If you are too eager,
    you will miss the road.
We are ruined
by our own stupidity,
    though we blame the Lord.

The rich have many friends;
    the poor have none.
Dishonest witnesses and liars
    won't escape punishment.
Everyone tries to be friends
    of those who can help them.
If you are poor,
your own relatives reject you,
    and your friends are worse.
When you really need them,
    they are not there.[t]

Do yourself a favor
by having good sense—
    you will be glad you did.
Dishonest witnesses and liars
    will be destroyed.
10 It isn't right for a fool
    to live in luxury
or for a slave to rule
    in place of a king.
11 It's wise to be patient
and show what you are like
    by forgiving others.
12 An angry king roars
    like a lion,
but when a king is pleased,
    it's like dew on the crops.

13 Foolish children bring disgrace
    to their fathers.
A nagging wife goes on and on
like the drip, drip, drip
    of the rain.
14 You may inherit all you own
    from your parents,
but a sensible wife
    is a gift from the Lord.
15 If you are lazy
and sleep your time away,
    you will starve.

16 Obey the Lord's teachings
and you will live—
    disobey and you will die.
17 Caring for the poor
is lending to the Lord,
    and you will be well repaid.
18 Correct your children
    before it's too late;
if you don't punish them,
    trouble will come their way.[u]
19 People with bad tempers
    are always in trouble,
and they need help
    over and over again.[v]
20 Pay attention to advice
and accept correction,
    so you can live sensibly.

21 We may make a lot of plans,
but the Lord will do
    what he has decided.
22 What matters most is loyalty.
It's better to be poor
    than to be a liar.
23 Showing respect to the Lord
    brings true life—
if you do it, you can relax
    without fear of danger.

24 Some people are too lazy
to lift a hand
    to feed themselves.
25 Stupid fools learn good sense
    by seeing others punished;
a sensible person learns
    by being corrected.
26 Disgraceful children
rob their father
    and chase their mother away.
27 If you stop learning,
you will forget
    what you already know.
28 A lying witness makes fun
    of the court system,
and criminals think crime
    is really delicious.
29 A stupid fool should expect
    to be punished.

Words of Wisdom Are Better than Gold

20 It isn't smart to get drunk!
Drinking makes a fool of you
    and leads to fights.
An angry ruler
    is like a roaring lion—
make either one angry,
    and you are dead.
It makes you look good
when you avoid a fight—
    only fools love to quarrel.
If you are too lazy to plow,
    don't expect a harvest.
Someone's thoughts may be
    as deep as the ocean,
but if you are smart,
    you will discover them.

There are many who say,
“You can trust me!”
    But can they be trusted?
Good people live right,
and God blesses the children
    who follow their example.
When rulers decide cases,
    they weigh the evidence.
Can any of us really say,
“My thoughts are pure,
    and my sins are gone”?

10 Two things the Lord hates
are dishonest scales
    and dishonest measures.
11 The good or bad
that children do
    shows what they are like.
12 Hearing and seeing
    are gifts from the Lord.
13 If you sleep all the time,
    you will starve;
if you get up and work,
    you will have enough food.
14 Everyone likes to brag
    about getting a bargain.
15 Sensible words are better
    than gold or jewels.

16 You deserve to lose your coat
    if you loan it to someone
to guarantee payment
    for the debt of a stranger.
17 The food you get by cheating
may taste delicious,
    but it turns to gravel.
18 Be sure you have sound advice
before making plans
    or starting a war.
19 Stay away from gossips—
    they tell everything.
20 Children who curse their parents
will go to the land of darkness
    long before their time.
21 Getting rich quick[w]
    may turn out to be a curse.
22 Don't try to get even.
Trust the Lord,
    and he will help you.

23 The Lord hates dishonest scales
and dishonest weights.
    So don't cheat!
24 How can we know
what will happen to us
    when the Lord alone decides?
25 Don't fall into the trap
of making promises to God
    before you think!
26 A wise ruler severely punishes
    every criminal.
27 Our inner thoughts are a lamp
from the Lord,
    and they search our hearts.
28 Rulers are protected
    by God's mercy and loyalty,
but[x] they must be merciful
    for their kingdoms to last.
29 Young people take pride
    in their strength,
but the gray hairs of wisdom
    are even more beautiful.
30 A severe beating can knock all
    of the evil out of you!


  1. 10.10 and foolish … ruin: One ancient translation “but you can help people by correcting them.”
  2. 10.22 When … regret: Or “No matter how hard you work, your riches really come from the Lord.”
  3. 11.23 Good people … trouble: Or “Good people do what is best, but troublemakers just stir up trouble.”
  4. 11.30 act … follow: Hebrew; one ancient translation “but violence leads to death.”
  5. 11.31 rewarded: Or “punished.”
  6. 12.9 It's … servant: Or “It is better just to have an ordinary job.”
  7. 12.12 An evil … evil: Or “Evil people love what they get from being evil.”
  8. 12.26 wrong: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 26.
  9. 12.27 but … treasure: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  10. 13.11 wrongly: Or “quickly.”
  11. 13.15 people … disaster: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  12. 13.23 grow: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 23.
  13. 14.9 Fools … wrong: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  14. 14.32 but even … faith: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text. Some ancient translations “but good people trust their innocence.”
  15. 14.33 but … it: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text; some ancient translations “but not in the mind of a fool.”
  16. 16.20 know what … doing: Or “do what you're taught.”
  17. 18.1 sense: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 1.
  18. 18.19 Making … offended: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  19. 18.24 Some … help: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  20. 19.7 When … there: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  21. 19.18 if … way: Or “but be careful not to punish them too harshly.”
  22. 19.19 and they … again: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  23. 20.21 quick: Or “the wrong way.”
  24. 20.28 by God's mercy … but: Or “by their mercy … and.”

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