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11 The ish oisher is chacham in his own eyes, but the dal meiven (poor man with understanding) searcheth him out.

12 When tzaddikim do triumph, there is rabbah tiferet (great glory), but when the resha’im rise, the people go into hiding.

13 He that covereth his peysha’im (sins) shall not prosper, but he who confesseth and forsaketh them shall find mercy.

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11 The ish oisher is chacham in his own eyes, but the dal meiven (poor man with understanding) searcheth him out.

12 When tzaddikim do triumph, there is rabbah tiferet (great glory), but when the resha’im rise, the people go into hiding.

13 He that covereth his peysha’im (sins) shall not prosper, but he who confesseth and forsaketh them shall find mercy.

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