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21 He that despiseth his re’a sinneth, but he that is kind to the anayim (needy ones), happy is he.

22 Do they not go astray that plot rah? But chesed and emes shall be to them that plan tov.

23 In all hard work there is profit, but idle chatter of the sfatayim (lips) tendeth only to makhsor (poverty, want).

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21 He that despiseth his re’a sinneth, but he that is kind to the anayim (needy ones), happy is he.

22 Do they not go astray that plot rah? But chesed and emes shall be to them that plan tov.

23 In all hard work there is profit, but idle chatter of the sfatayim (lips) tendeth only to makhsor (poverty, want).

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