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19 Now therefore summon unto me all the nevi’im of Ba’al, all his avadim, and all his kohanim; let none be wanting; for I have a zevach gadol to do to Ba’al; whosoever shall be wanting, he shall not live. But Yehu did it be’akbah (in cunning, in deception), to the intent that he might destroy the ovdei HaBa’al (worshippers of Ba’al).

20 Yehu said, Proclaim an atzeret (a solemn assembly) for Ba’al. They proclaimed it.

21 And Yehu sent through kol Yisroel; and kol ovdei HaBa’al (all the worshippers of Ba’al) came, so that there was not an ish left that came not. And they came into the bais of Ba’al; and the bais of Ba’al was full from end to end.

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19 Now therefore summon unto me all the nevi’im of Ba’al, all his avadim, and all his kohanim; let none be wanting; for I have a zevach gadol to do to Ba’al; whosoever shall be wanting, he shall not live. But Yehu did it be’akbah (in cunning, in deception), to the intent that he might destroy the ovdei HaBa’al (worshippers of Ba’al).

20 Yehu said, Proclaim an atzeret (a solemn assembly) for Ba’al. They proclaimed it.

21 And Yehu sent through kol Yisroel; and kol ovdei HaBa’al (all the worshippers of Ba’al) came, so that there was not an ish left that came not. And they came into the bais of Ba’al; and the bais of Ba’al was full from end to end.

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