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36 And Benayah Ben Yehoyada answered HaMelech, and said, Omein; And so may Hashem Elohei adoni HaMelech say.

37 As Hashem hath been with adoni HaMelech, even so may He be with Sh’lomo, and make his kisse greater than the kisse of adoni HaMelech Dovid.

38 So Tzadok HaKohen, and Natan HaNavi, and Benayah Ben Yehoyada, and the Kereti, and the Peleti, went down, and had Sh’lomo ride upon the mule of HaMelech Dovid, and brought him to Gichon.

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36 And Benayah Ben Yehoyada answered HaMelech, and said, Omein; And so may Hashem Elohei adoni HaMelech say.

37 As Hashem hath been with adoni HaMelech, even so may He be with Sh’lomo, and make his kisse greater than the kisse of adoni HaMelech Dovid.

38 So Tzadok HaKohen, and Natan HaNavi, and Benayah Ben Yehoyada, and the Kereti, and the Peleti, went down, and had Sh’lomo ride upon the mule of HaMelech Dovid, and brought him to Gichon.

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