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Ashrey are those of LEV TAHOR (pure heart, TEHILLIM 51:12 [10]), for they will see Hashem.

Ashrey are the peacemakers, for they will be called bnei haElohim (sons of G-d).

10 Ashrey are the ones being persecuted because of Tzidkat Hashem (righteousness, DANIEL 9:24), for theirs is the Malchut HaShomayim.

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Ashrey are those of LEV TAHOR (pure heart, TEHILLIM 51:12 [10]), for they will see Hashem.

Ashrey are the peacemakers, for they will be called bnei haElohim (sons of G-d).

10 Ashrey are the ones being persecuted because of Tzidkat Hashem (righteousness, DANIEL 9:24), for theirs is the Malchut HaShomayim.

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