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And they departed quickly from the kever with fear and great simcha and ran to report everything to Moshiach’s talmidim.

And hinei! Moshiach met them, saying Shalom Aleichem. And they came up and took hold of his feet and fell prostrate before him.

10 Then he said to them, Do not be afraid; go and take word to my Achim that they may go away to the Galil, and there they shall see me.

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And they departed quickly from the kever with fear and great simcha and ran to report everything to Moshiach’s talmidim.

And hinei! Moshiach met them, saying Shalom Aleichem. And they came up and took hold of his feet and fell prostrate before him.

10 Then he said to them, Do not be afraid; go and take word to my Achim that they may go away to the Galil, and there they shall see me.

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