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34 He said to him, Omein, I say to you that balailah hazeh (during this night), before a tarnegol (cock) crows, you will make hakhchashah (denial) of me [as Moshiach] shalosh paamim (three times).

35 Kefa says to him, Even if it is necessary for me to die al kiddush ha-Shem with you, by no means will I deny you. Likewise all the talmidim spoke also.

36 Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach comes with them to a place being called Gat-Shmanim, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to the talmidim, Sit here until I go over there and daven.

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34 He said to him, Omein, I say to you that balailah hazeh (during this night), before a tarnegol (cock) crows, you will make hakhchashah (denial) of me [as Moshiach] shalosh paamim (three times).

35 Kefa says to him, Even if it is necessary for me to die al kiddush ha-Shem with you, by no means will I deny you. Likewise all the talmidim spoke also.

36 Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach comes with them to a place being called Gat-Shmanim, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to the talmidim, Sit here until I go over there and daven.

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