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28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.(A)

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29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.(A)

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Rivers of Living Water

37 On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, he cried out, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me,(A)

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37 Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never drive away,(A)

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An Invitation to Abundant Life

55 Hear, everyone who thirsts;
    come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
    come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
    without money and without price.(A)
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread
    and your earnings for that which does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good,
    and delight yourselves in rich food.(B)
Incline your ear, and come to me;
    listen, so that you may live.
I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
    my steadfast, sure love for David.(C)

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For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.(A)

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17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.”
And let everyone who hears say, “Come.”
And let everyone who is thirsty come.
Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift.(A)

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17 Thus says the Lord,
    your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
I am the Lord your God,
    who teaches you how to succeed,
    who leads you in the way you should go.(A)
18 O that you had paid attention to my commandments!
    Then your prosperity would have been like a river
    and your success like the waves of the sea;(B)

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16 Thus says the Lord:
Stand at the crossroads and look,
    and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way lies; and walk in it,
    and find rest for your souls.
But they said, “We will not walk in it.”(A)

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Return, O my soul, to your rest,
    for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.(A)

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12     to whom he has said,
“This is rest;
    give rest to the weary,
and this is repose,”
    yet they would not hear.(A)

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What God Requires

“With what shall I come before the Lord
    and bow myself before God on high?
Shall I come before him with burnt offerings,
    with calves a year old?
Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams,
    with ten thousands of rivers of oil?
Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,
    the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?”(A)
He has told you, O mortal, what is good,
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice and to love kindness
    and to walk humbly with your God?(B)

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All these things my hand has made,
    so all these things are mine,[a]
            says the Lord.
But this is the one to whom I will look,
    to the humble and contrite in spirit
    who trembles at my word.(A)

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  1. 66.2 Gk Syr: Heb these things came to be