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18 And I tell you, you are Peter,[a] and on this rock[b] I will build my church, and the powers of death[c] shall not prevail against it.[d]

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  1. Matthew 16:18 Greek Petros
  2. Matthew 16:18 Greek petra
  3. Matthew 16:18 Greek the gates of Hades
  4. 16.18 The name “Peter” comes from the Greek word for “rock.” Jesus makes him the foundation on which the church is to be built. The word “church” means “assembly” or “society” of believers. The Hebrew equivalent is used in the Old Testament to indicate the chosen people. In applying it to the church, Jesus shows it to be the Messianic community foretold by the prophets.

18 And I also say to you that (A)you are Peter, and (B)on this rock I will build My church, and (C)the gates of Hades shall not [a]prevail against it.

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  1. Matthew 16:18 be victorious