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42 And whoever causes a michshol (stumbling block) for one of these little ones, the maaminim b’Moshiach who have emunah in me, it would be better for him if a heavy millstone, one turned by a donkey, were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea.

43 And if your yad causes you a michshol, cut off your yad; for it is better for you if you enter Chayyei Olam as an amputee, than, having both yadayim, you go away into Gehinnom, into the EISH LO TIKHBEH (fire not [ever] extinguished, YESHAYAH 66:24),

44 Where their TOLAAT LO TAMUT (worm does not die YESHAYAH 66:24) and EISH LO TIKHBEH (the fire not [ever] extinguished YESHAYAH 66:24).]

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42 And whoever causes a michshol (stumbling block) for one of these little ones, the maaminim b’Moshiach who have emunah in me, it would be better for him if a heavy millstone, one turned by a donkey, were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea.

43 And if your yad causes you a michshol, cut off your yad; for it is better for you if you enter Chayyei Olam as an amputee, than, having both yadayim, you go away into Gehinnom, into the EISH LO TIKHBEH (fire not [ever] extinguished, YESHAYAH 66:24),

44 Where their TOLAAT LO TAMUT (worm does not die YESHAYAH 66:24) and EISH LO TIKHBEH (the fire not [ever] extinguished YESHAYAH 66:24).]

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