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11 But you say, If a man says to his Abba or to his Em, whatever by me you might have benefited is Korban [that is, the taitsh (translation) of korban is an offering to Hashem],

12 Then no longer do you permit him to do anything for his Abba or his Em.

13 You nullify and make void the dvar Hashem by means of your Masoret you received. And you do many similar things.

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11 But you say, If a man says to his Abba or to his Em, whatever by me you might have benefited is Korban [that is, the taitsh (translation) of korban is an offering to Hashem],

12 Then no longer do you permit him to do anything for his Abba or his Em.

13 You nullify and make void the dvar Hashem by means of your Masoret you received. And you do many similar things.

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