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10 For Moshe [Rabbeinu] said, KABED ES AVICHA VES IMMECHA (Honor your father and your mother), and, The one reviling AVIV VIMMO MOT YUMAT (father or mother let him be put to death. [SHEMOT 20:12, DEVARIM 5:16, SHEMOT 21:17, VAYIKRA 20:9]

11 But you say, If a man says to his Abba or to his Em, whatever by me you might have benefited is Korban [that is, the taitsh (translation) of korban is an offering to Hashem],

12 Then no longer do you permit him to do anything for his Abba or his Em.

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10 For Moshe [Rabbeinu] said, KABED ES AVICHA VES IMMECHA (Honor your father and your mother), and, The one reviling AVIV VIMMO MOT YUMAT (father or mother let him be put to death. [SHEMOT 20:12, DEVARIM 5:16, SHEMOT 21:17, VAYIKRA 20:9]

11 But you say, If a man says to his Abba or to his Em, whatever by me you might have benefited is Korban [that is, the taitsh (translation) of korban is an offering to Hashem],

12 Then no longer do you permit him to do anything for his Abba or his Em.

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