For (A)he did not know what to say, for they were terrified.

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And (A)entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, (B)dressed in (C)a white robe, and (D)they were alarmed. And he said to them, (E)“Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that (F)he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, (G)just as he told you.” And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.

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15 When he had spoken to me according to these words, (A)I turned my face toward the ground (B)and was mute. 16 And behold, (C)one in the likeness of the children of man (D)touched my lips. Then I opened my mouth and spoke. I said to him who stood before me, “O my lord, by reason of the vision pains have come upon me, and (E)I retain no strength. 17 How can my lord's servant talk with my lord? For now no strength remains in me, and no breath is left in me.”

18 Again (F)one having the appearance of a man (G)touched me and strengthened me. 19 And he said, (H)“O man greatly loved, (I)fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”

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