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And when he sat in the mount of Olives against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him by themselves,

Say thou to us, when these things shall be done, and what token shall be [and what sign shall be], when all these things shall begin to be ended.

And Jesus answered, and began to say to them, Look ye, that no man deceive you; [And Jesus answering began to say to them, See ye, that no man deceive you;]

for many shall come in my name, saying, That I am; and they shall deceive many.

And when ye [shall] hear battles and opinions of battles, dread ye not; for it behooveth these things to be done, but not yet at once [anon] is the end [for it behooveth that these things be done, but the end is not yet].

For folk shall rise on [upon] folk, and realm on [upon] realm, and earth-movings and hunger shall be by places [and earth-moving shall be by places and hunger]; these things shall be beginnings of sorrows.

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