29 Jesus answered, “The most important[a] is Listen, Israel! The Lord(A) our God, the Lord(B) is one.[b] 30 Love(C) the Lord your God(D) with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind,(E) and with all your strength.[c][d](F) 31 The second is, Love your neighbor(G) as yourself.[e](H) There is no other command(I) greater than these.”

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  1. 12:29 Other mss add of all the commands
  2. 12:29 Or the Lord our God is Lord alone.
  3. 12:30 Other mss add This is the first commandment.
  4. 12:30 Dt 6:4–5; Jos 22:5
  5. 12:31 Lv 19:18

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