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Tsˈaⁿ na tjacjuˈ lqueeⁿ trigo

Cwiicheⁿ cwii ndiiˈ tquieˈcañom cwii tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na jndyendye na mˈaaⁿ Jesús ˈndyoo ndaaluee. To̱o̱ⁿˈo̱ⁿ na maˈmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱na. Ndoˈ jeeⁿ ndyaˈ tyolaˈcantoˈndyena nacañomˈm. Joˈ chii tjacuo̱o̱ⁿ tsˈom wˈaandaa chjoo na meintyjeˈcheⁿnaˈ tsˈom ndaaluee. Tjacjom tsˈomnaˈ ndoˈ chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ ljooˈndyena ˈndyoowiˈ ndaaluee tyuaatcwii. Jndye ñˈoom tjañoomˈ teilˈueeˈñê na tyoˈmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ. Tueˈcañoomnaˈ na tsoom ñˈoomwaa:

—Candyeˈyoˈ ñˈoomwaa: Tyomˈaaⁿ cwii tsˈaⁿ, tjacjoomˈm lqueeⁿ trigo. Ndoˈ yocheⁿ na majoomˈm lqueeⁿˈñee, ntˈom tquiaa tsˈom nato. Ndoˈ tquie cantsaa, tcwaˈyoˈ joonaˈ. Ntˈom lqueeⁿ tquiaanaˈ tyuaa na jeeⁿ ljo̱ˈ yuu na tita mˈaaⁿ tsˈo. Lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ tyuaaˈ tˈoomnaˈ ee tita tionaˈ tsˈo. Sa̱a̱ na jeeⁿ jmeiⁿˈ tyontyˈiaaˈ ñeˈquioomˈ, tˈuaanaˈ. Tjacaaⁿnaˈ ee na tinjoom tyˈe nchˈiooˈnaˈ. Ntˈom lqueeⁿ tquiaanaˈ yuu na meintyjeeˈ ndaˈ lˈo̱o̱ nioom. Tyuaaˈti tjawindye lˈo̱o̱ nioomˈñeeⁿ, tco̱ˈnaˈ ntjom, ncˈe naljoˈ tjaaˈnaⁿ ljoˈ tueˈ lˈa lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ. Sa̱a̱ ntˈom lqueeⁿ tquiaanaˈ yuu na ya tsˈo. Tˈoomnaˈ, tyˈewijnda̱naˈ, jndye lqueeⁿ tueˈ. Ntˈom tjeiˈnaˈ cwii xuu waljooˈ yom tsˈoom lqueeⁿ trigo na cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿ tjacjuˈ tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ. Ndoˈ ntˈom tjeiˈnaˈ we xuu waljooˈ xcwe na cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿ tjacjoomˈm. Ndoˈ ntˈom tjeiˈnaˈ ñequiee xuu na cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿ na tjacjoomˈm.

Quia joˈ tso Jesús nda̱a̱na:

—ˈÑeeⁿ juu na niom lueˈ nˈom luaˈqui na nndii, candii.

Luaa tsˈiaaⁿˈ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ

10 Jnda̱ na tjuˈnaˈ na ñenquii Jesús ñequio nnˈaⁿ canchooˈwendye ndoˈ ñequio ntˈom nnˈaⁿ na mati cwicañˈeeⁿtyeⁿ ñˈeⁿñê, taˈxˈeena ljoˈ ñeˈcaˈmo̱ⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈñeeⁿ. 11 Ndoˈ tsoom nda̱a̱na:

—Mañequiaa Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na ˈo calaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ ñˈoom na tyooliu nnˈaⁿ cantyja na matsa̱ˈntjoom. Sa̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na tyoolaˈjomndye ñˈeⁿndyo̱, ñenquiiˈ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ matseina̱ⁿya nda̱a̱na. 12 Joˈ chii machˈeenaˈ na mayuuˈcheⁿ meiiⁿ na jndye ndiiˈ nndyena ñˈoom na mañequiaya, sa̱a̱ xocalaˈno̱ⁿˈna. Ndoˈ meiiⁿ na jndye ndiiˈ nntyˈiaana tsˈiaaⁿ na matsˈaa sa̱a̱ tixoqueⁿna cwenta. Ee cwilˈayana na nmeiiⁿˈ cha tilcweˈ nˈomna, tintseitˈmaⁿ tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom jnaaⁿna.

Luaa maˈmo̱ⁿ ñˈoom na tjacjuˈ tsˈaⁿ lqueeⁿ trigo

13 Quia joˈ tsoom nda̱a̱na:

—¿Aa maxjeⁿ ticalaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ ñˈoom tjañoomˈwaaˈ? ¿Chiuu nlˈaa na nlaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ ntˈomcheⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ? 14 Juu tsˈaⁿ na tjacjuˈ lqueeⁿ trigo, joˈ tsˈaⁿ na mañequiaa ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. 15 Lqueeⁿ na tquiaa tsˈom nato, joˈ nnˈaⁿ na cwindye ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na mañequiaa tsˈaⁿ, sa̱a̱ mantyja macwjiˈ Satanás ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ naquiiˈ nˈomna. 16 Ndoˈ lqueeⁿ na tquiaa yuu na jeeⁿ ljo̱ˈ tyuaa, joˈ nnˈaⁿ na ya cwindye ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Neiiⁿna cwitoˈñoomna juunaˈ. 17 Sa̱a̱ tiyo cwindyena ee matseijomnaˈ joona chaˈna jnda̱ lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ na tinjoom tyˈe nchˈiooˈnaˈ. Ndoˈ quia na macoˈwiˈnaˈ joona oo cwilaˈwjee nnˈaⁿ joona ncˈe na cwilaˈyuˈna, mantyja cwiˈndyena. 18 Lqueeⁿ na tquiaa naquiiˈ lˈo̱o̱ nioom, joˈ nnˈaⁿ na ya Cwindye ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. 19 Sa̱a̱ naⁿˈñeeⁿ jeeⁿ mˈaaⁿˈ nˈomna chiuu cwii ˈoomˈaⁿtina. Maquiuˈnnˈaⁿnaˈ joona na ñeˈcwityandyena, ndoˈ jeeⁿ cwilaˈqueeⁿ nˈomna na ñeˈcaleiˈchona chaˈtso nnom ˈnaⁿ. Chaˈtso nmeiⁿˈ matseicatsuunaˈ ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom naquiiˈ nˈomna. Joˈ chii tileicanaⁿjndeiinaˈ na nlˈana yuu na cjaweeˈ ntyjii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. 20 Sa̱a̱ mˈaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na ya cwindye ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Cwilaˈljona juunaˈ naquiiˈ nˈomna. Cwiqueⁿndyena na cwilˈana yuu na ya. Matseijomnaˈ joona chaˈna lqueeⁿ na tquiaa yuu na jeeⁿ ya tsˈo. Ntˈom naⁿˈñeeⁿ matseijomnaˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿna chaˈna cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ na tjeiˈnaˈ cwii xuu waljooˈ yom tsˈoom. Ndoˈ ntˈomndyena matseijomnaˈ chaˈna cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ na tjeiˈnaˈ we xuu waljooˈ xcwe. Ndoˈ ntˈomndye naⁿˈñeeⁿ matseijomnaˈ joona chaˈna cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ na tjeiˈnaˈ ñequiee xuu.

Ñˈoom tjañoomˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ xjocanti

21 Jnda̱ joˈ seineiⁿtyeeⁿcheⁿ nda̱a̱na:

—¿Aa nntsˈaacheⁿnaˈ na nntseicwˈaa tsˈaⁿ xjocanti ndoˈ nncwjaaˈñeyom juunaˈ nacjeeˈ tsˈoom maquila, oo na nlcoomˈm juunaˈ nacjeeˈ jnduu? ¿Aa nchii ndye nntseintyjaaⁿ juunaˈ? 22 Chaˈtso na matsˈaa jeˈ na ticaliu chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ, mancjoˈyoˈ nlacano̱o̱ⁿˈyoˈ nda̱a̱na. Ndoˈ cwii cwii ñˈoom wjaañoomˈ na matseina̱ⁿya jeˈ maxjeⁿ nncueˈntyjo̱ na nlaˈno̱ⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ meiⁿnquiayuucheⁿ. 23 ˈÑeeⁿ juu na niom lueˈ nˈom luaˈqui na nndii, candii.

24 Ndoˈ mati tsoom nda̱a̱na:

—Queⁿˈyoˈ cwenta cantyja ˈnaaⁿ ñˈoommeiⁿˈ na cwindyeˈyoˈ. Ee chaˈxjeⁿ na cwiqueⁿndyoˈ na cwindyeˈyoˈ, malaaˈtiˈ nñequiaa Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na nlaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ. Ndoˈ nntsˈaaⁿ na nntsaalaˈno̱ⁿˈtiˈyoˈ ncˈe na cwiqueⁿˈyoˈ cwenta. 25 Ee meiⁿcwiˈñeeⁿcheⁿ tsˈaⁿ na mayuuˈ matseiljo ñˈoomya naquiiˈ tsˈom, mˈmo̱o̱ⁿtya̱ya nnom. Sa̱a̱ tsˈaⁿ na ticatseiljo ñˈoomya naquiiˈ tsˈom, tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ machˈeenaˈ cweˈ tsˈiaaⁿˈndyo cantyjati chjoowiˈ ñˈoom na mantyjiityeeⁿ.

Ñˈoom tjañoomˈ cantyja na ˈoowijnda̱ lqueeⁿ trigo

26 Mati tsonndaˈ Jesús nda̱a̱na:

—Juu na matsa̱ˈntjom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, matseijomnaˈ chaˈxjeⁿ na cwiluii quia na majuˈ tsˈaⁿ lqueeⁿ trigo nomtyuaa. 27 Jnda̱ na tjoomˈm lqueeⁿ wjaⁿ. Nntsom, nneiⁿncooñê, mmaaⁿñê, cweˈ laaˈtiˈ cwiwinom jndye xuee, jndye tsjom. Ndoˈ lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ nncˈoomnaˈ, wjaawindyenaˈ sa̱a̱ tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ ticatseiˈno̱o̱ⁿˈo̱ⁿ chiuu cwiluiiyuu na cwiˈoowijnda̱naˈ. 28 Ee tyuaa ticaⁿnaˈ tsˈaⁿ na nnteijndeii na nncˈoom ntjom. Najndyee cwiˈoom jnda̱, ndoˈ ˈoowindyenaˈ. Ndoˈ cwiwaaˈ xuˈlqueeⁿ. Jnda̱ joˈ macwjaaˈñenaˈ nˈom lqueeⁿ. 29 Ndoˈ quia na jnda̱ tmaⁿ lqueeⁿ, ˈoocatyje nnˈaⁿ joonaˈ ee na jnda̱ tueˈntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na nno̱ⁿnaˈ.

Ñˈoom tjañoomˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ lqueeⁿ mostaza

30 Ndoˈ mati tsoom:

—Juu na matsa̱ˈntjom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, ¿ljoˈ ñˈeⁿ matseijomnaˈ? Ndoˈ ¿ljoˈ ñˈeⁿ nlajo̱o̱ⁿˈa na mˈmo̱ⁿnaˈ chiuu jaawitˈmaⁿ cantyja na matsa̱ˈntjoom? 31 Matseijomnaˈ chaˈna cwii lqueeⁿ mostaza na nnomˈ tsˈaⁿ. Tjaaˈnaⁿ cwiicheⁿ lqueeⁿ na cachjooti na cwinom nnˈaⁿ. 32 Jnda̱ na jnomˈ tsˈaⁿ lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ cwiˈoomnaˈ, wjaawindyenaˈ, mawinomˈnaˈ chaˈtso ntjom na tiquiwindye. Cwileitanaˈ hasta cantsaa na cwiˈoontyja cwitaˈjndyeeyoˈ ncwaⁿˈ lˈo̱ tsˈoomˈñeeⁿ.

Ñequiiˈcheⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ seineiⁿ Jesús quia tˈmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ.

33 Jndye ntˈomcheⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ teilˈueeˈñe Jesús quia tyotseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱ tmaaⁿˈ naⁿˈneeⁿ, cantyjati na nnda̱a̱ nlaˈno̱ⁿˈna. 34 Chaˈtso ñˈoom na tyotseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱na, ñenquiiˈcheⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ. Ndoˈ jnda̱nquia quia na tjuˈnaˈ na ñenqueⁿ ñequio nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈjomndye ñˈeⁿñê, quia joˈ seineiⁿndyeyoom ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ nda̱a̱na.

Seicheⁿ Jesús jndye ñˈeⁿ nmo̱ⁿ ndaaluee

35 Mañejuu xueeˈñeeⁿ quia na jnda̱ tmaaⁿ, tsoom nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈjomndye ñˈeⁿñê:

—Cjaaya xndyaaˈ ndaaluee, ntyjawaˈñeⁿ.

36 Quia joˈ ˈndyena nnˈaⁿ na jndyendye. Tuo̱na tsˈom wˈaandaa na maxjeⁿ njom Jesús. Tyˈeñˈomna jom. Mati tyˈelaˈjomndye ntˈomcheⁿ lˈaandaa. 37 Xjeⁿˈñeeⁿ jndeii tioo jndye nnom ndaaluee tyontquienaˈ nmo̱ⁿ tsˈom wˈaandaa hasta wjaatooˈnaˈ wjaatiomnaˈ ndaatioo. 38 Sa̱a̱ nquii Jesús watsom jo tsˈaaⁿ wˈaandaa, wantyeeⁿ cwii liaa ndyaa. Joona jlaˈnlcwina jom, jluena nnoom:

—ˈU Maestro, ¿aa maxjeⁿ tjaa na cochˈeenaˈ ˈu meiiⁿ na nncwja̱a̱ya?

39 Quia joˈ teicantyja Jesús, seitiaaⁿˈaⁿ jndye. Seineiiⁿ nnom ndaaluee, tsoom:

—Cuacheeⁿ, cjameiⁿntyjeˈ.

Quia joˈ teicheⁿ jndye ndoˈ su sˈaanaˈ nnom ndaaluee. 40 Ndoˈ tsoom nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈjomndye ñˈeⁿñê:

—¿Chiuu na jeeⁿcheⁿ tyueˈyoˈ? ¿Aa maxjeⁿ tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nlayuˈya nˈomˈyoˈ?

41 Sa̱a̱ joona yacheⁿ tyocatyuena. Tyoluena nda̱a̱ ntyjeena:

—¿ˈÑeeⁿ cwiluiiñe tsaⁿmˈaaⁿˈ? Jndaˈjom meiiⁿ jndye, meiiⁿ ndaaluee cwilaˈcanda̱naˈ ñˈoom na matsa̱ˈntjoom.

The Parable of the Sower(A)(B)

Again Jesus began to teach by the lake.(C) The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge. He taught them many things by parables,(D) and in his teaching said: “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.(E) As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”(F)

Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”(G)

10 When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11 He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God(H) has been given to you. But to those on the outside(I) everything is said in parables 12 so that,

“‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
    and ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’[a](J)

13 Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable? 14 The farmer sows the word.(K) 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan(L) comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. 16 Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. 17 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 18 Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19 but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth(M) and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”

A Lamp on a Stand

21 He said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand?(N) 22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.(O) 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”(P)

24 “Consider carefully what you hear,” he continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more.(Q) 25 Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”(R)

The Parable of the Growing Seed

26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like.(S) A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”(T)

The Parable of the Mustard Seed(U)

30 Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like,(V) or what parable shall we use to describe it? 31 It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. 32 Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”

33 With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand.(W) 34 He did not say anything to them without using a parable.(X) But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.

Jesus Calms the Storm(Y)

35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat.(Z) There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”(AA)

41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”


  1. Mark 4:12 Isaiah 6:9,10

Tsˈaⁿ na tjacjuˈ lqueeⁿ trigo

Cwiicheⁿ cwii ndiiˈ tquieˈcañom cwii tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na jndyendye na mˈaaⁿ Jesús ˈndyoo ndaaluee. To̱o̱ⁿˈo̱ⁿ na maˈmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱na. Ndoˈ jeeⁿ ndyaˈ tyolaˈcantoˈndyena nacañomˈm. Joˈ chii tjacuo̱o̱ⁿ tsˈom wˈaandaa chjoo na meintyjeˈcheⁿnaˈ tsˈom ndaaluee. Tjacjom tsˈomnaˈ ndoˈ chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ ljooˈndyena ˈndyoowiˈ ndaaluee tyuaatcwii. Jndye ñˈoom tjañoomˈ teilˈueeˈñê na tyoˈmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ. Tueˈcañoomnaˈ na tsoom ñˈoomwaa:

—Candyeˈyoˈ ñˈoomwaa: Tyomˈaaⁿ cwii tsˈaⁿ, tjacjoomˈm lqueeⁿ trigo. Ndoˈ yocheⁿ na majoomˈm lqueeⁿˈñee, ntˈom tquiaa tsˈom nato. Ndoˈ tquie cantsaa, tcwaˈyoˈ joonaˈ. Ntˈom lqueeⁿ tquiaanaˈ tyuaa na jeeⁿ ljo̱ˈ yuu na tita mˈaaⁿ tsˈo. Lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ tyuaaˈ tˈoomnaˈ ee tita tionaˈ tsˈo. Sa̱a̱ na jeeⁿ jmeiⁿˈ tyontyˈiaaˈ ñeˈquioomˈ, tˈuaanaˈ. Tjacaaⁿnaˈ ee na tinjoom tyˈe nchˈiooˈnaˈ. Ntˈom lqueeⁿ tquiaanaˈ yuu na meintyjeeˈ ndaˈ lˈo̱o̱ nioom. Tyuaaˈti tjawindye lˈo̱o̱ nioomˈñeeⁿ, tco̱ˈnaˈ ntjom, ncˈe naljoˈ tjaaˈnaⁿ ljoˈ tueˈ lˈa lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ. Sa̱a̱ ntˈom lqueeⁿ tquiaanaˈ yuu na ya tsˈo. Tˈoomnaˈ, tyˈewijnda̱naˈ, jndye lqueeⁿ tueˈ. Ntˈom tjeiˈnaˈ cwii xuu waljooˈ yom tsˈoom lqueeⁿ trigo na cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿ tjacjuˈ tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ. Ndoˈ ntˈom tjeiˈnaˈ we xuu waljooˈ xcwe na cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿ tjacjoomˈm. Ndoˈ ntˈom tjeiˈnaˈ ñequiee xuu na cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿ na tjacjoomˈm.

Quia joˈ tso Jesús nda̱a̱na:

—ˈÑeeⁿ juu na niom lueˈ nˈom luaˈqui na nndii, candii.

Luaa tsˈiaaⁿˈ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ

10 Jnda̱ na tjuˈnaˈ na ñenquii Jesús ñequio nnˈaⁿ canchooˈwendye ndoˈ ñequio ntˈom nnˈaⁿ na mati cwicañˈeeⁿtyeⁿ ñˈeⁿñê, taˈxˈeena ljoˈ ñeˈcaˈmo̱ⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈñeeⁿ. 11 Ndoˈ tsoom nda̱a̱na:

—Mañequiaa Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na ˈo calaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ ñˈoom na tyooliu nnˈaⁿ cantyja na matsa̱ˈntjoom. Sa̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na tyoolaˈjomndye ñˈeⁿndyo̱, ñenquiiˈ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ matseina̱ⁿya nda̱a̱na. 12 Joˈ chii machˈeenaˈ na mayuuˈcheⁿ meiiⁿ na jndye ndiiˈ nndyena ñˈoom na mañequiaya, sa̱a̱ xocalaˈno̱ⁿˈna. Ndoˈ meiiⁿ na jndye ndiiˈ nntyˈiaana tsˈiaaⁿ na matsˈaa sa̱a̱ tixoqueⁿna cwenta. Ee cwilˈayana na nmeiiⁿˈ cha tilcweˈ nˈomna, tintseitˈmaⁿ tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom jnaaⁿna.

Luaa maˈmo̱ⁿ ñˈoom na tjacjuˈ tsˈaⁿ lqueeⁿ trigo

13 Quia joˈ tsoom nda̱a̱na:

—¿Aa maxjeⁿ ticalaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ ñˈoom tjañoomˈwaaˈ? ¿Chiuu nlˈaa na nlaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ ntˈomcheⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ? 14 Juu tsˈaⁿ na tjacjuˈ lqueeⁿ trigo, joˈ tsˈaⁿ na mañequiaa ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. 15 Lqueeⁿ na tquiaa tsˈom nato, joˈ nnˈaⁿ na cwindye ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na mañequiaa tsˈaⁿ, sa̱a̱ mantyja macwjiˈ Satanás ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ naquiiˈ nˈomna. 16 Ndoˈ lqueeⁿ na tquiaa yuu na jeeⁿ ljo̱ˈ tyuaa, joˈ nnˈaⁿ na ya cwindye ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Neiiⁿna cwitoˈñoomna juunaˈ. 17 Sa̱a̱ tiyo cwindyena ee matseijomnaˈ joona chaˈna jnda̱ lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ na tinjoom tyˈe nchˈiooˈnaˈ. Ndoˈ quia na macoˈwiˈnaˈ joona oo cwilaˈwjee nnˈaⁿ joona ncˈe na cwilaˈyuˈna, mantyja cwiˈndyena. 18 Lqueeⁿ na tquiaa naquiiˈ lˈo̱o̱ nioom, joˈ nnˈaⁿ na ya Cwindye ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. 19 Sa̱a̱ naⁿˈñeeⁿ jeeⁿ mˈaaⁿˈ nˈomna chiuu cwii ˈoomˈaⁿtina. Maquiuˈnnˈaⁿnaˈ joona na ñeˈcwityandyena, ndoˈ jeeⁿ cwilaˈqueeⁿ nˈomna na ñeˈcaleiˈchona chaˈtso nnom ˈnaⁿ. Chaˈtso nmeiⁿˈ matseicatsuunaˈ ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom naquiiˈ nˈomna. Joˈ chii tileicanaⁿjndeiinaˈ na nlˈana yuu na cjaweeˈ ntyjii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. 20 Sa̱a̱ mˈaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na ya cwindye ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Cwilaˈljona juunaˈ naquiiˈ nˈomna. Cwiqueⁿndyena na cwilˈana yuu na ya. Matseijomnaˈ joona chaˈna lqueeⁿ na tquiaa yuu na jeeⁿ ya tsˈo. Ntˈom naⁿˈñeeⁿ matseijomnaˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿna chaˈna cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ na tjeiˈnaˈ cwii xuu waljooˈ yom tsˈoom. Ndoˈ ntˈomndyena matseijomnaˈ chaˈna cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ na tjeiˈnaˈ we xuu waljooˈ xcwe. Ndoˈ ntˈomndye naⁿˈñeeⁿ matseijomnaˈ joona chaˈna cwii tsˈoom lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ na tjeiˈnaˈ ñequiee xuu.

Ñˈoom tjañoomˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ xjocanti

21 Jnda̱ joˈ seineiⁿtyeeⁿcheⁿ nda̱a̱na:

—¿Aa nntsˈaacheⁿnaˈ na nntseicwˈaa tsˈaⁿ xjocanti ndoˈ nncwjaaˈñeyom juunaˈ nacjeeˈ tsˈoom maquila, oo na nlcoomˈm juunaˈ nacjeeˈ jnduu? ¿Aa nchii ndye nntseintyjaaⁿ juunaˈ? 22 Chaˈtso na matsˈaa jeˈ na ticaliu chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ, mancjoˈyoˈ nlacano̱o̱ⁿˈyoˈ nda̱a̱na. Ndoˈ cwii cwii ñˈoom wjaañoomˈ na matseina̱ⁿya jeˈ maxjeⁿ nncueˈntyjo̱ na nlaˈno̱ⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ meiⁿnquiayuucheⁿ. 23 ˈÑeeⁿ juu na niom lueˈ nˈom luaˈqui na nndii, candii.

24 Ndoˈ mati tsoom nda̱a̱na:

—Queⁿˈyoˈ cwenta cantyja ˈnaaⁿ ñˈoommeiⁿˈ na cwindyeˈyoˈ. Ee chaˈxjeⁿ na cwiqueⁿndyoˈ na cwindyeˈyoˈ, malaaˈtiˈ nñequiaa Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na nlaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ. Ndoˈ nntsˈaaⁿ na nntsaalaˈno̱ⁿˈtiˈyoˈ ncˈe na cwiqueⁿˈyoˈ cwenta. 25 Ee meiⁿcwiˈñeeⁿcheⁿ tsˈaⁿ na mayuuˈ matseiljo ñˈoomya naquiiˈ tsˈom, mˈmo̱o̱ⁿtya̱ya nnom. Sa̱a̱ tsˈaⁿ na ticatseiljo ñˈoomya naquiiˈ tsˈom, tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ machˈeenaˈ cweˈ tsˈiaaⁿˈndyo cantyjati chjoowiˈ ñˈoom na mantyjiityeeⁿ.

Ñˈoom tjañoomˈ cantyja na ˈoowijnda̱ lqueeⁿ trigo

26 Mati tsonndaˈ Jesús nda̱a̱na:

—Juu na matsa̱ˈntjom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, matseijomnaˈ chaˈxjeⁿ na cwiluii quia na majuˈ tsˈaⁿ lqueeⁿ trigo nomtyuaa. 27 Jnda̱ na tjoomˈm lqueeⁿ wjaⁿ. Nntsom, nneiⁿncooñê, mmaaⁿñê, cweˈ laaˈtiˈ cwiwinom jndye xuee, jndye tsjom. Ndoˈ lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ nncˈoomnaˈ, wjaawindyenaˈ sa̱a̱ tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ ticatseiˈno̱o̱ⁿˈo̱ⁿ chiuu cwiluiiyuu na cwiˈoowijnda̱naˈ. 28 Ee tyuaa ticaⁿnaˈ tsˈaⁿ na nnteijndeii na nncˈoom ntjom. Najndyee cwiˈoom jnda̱, ndoˈ ˈoowindyenaˈ. Ndoˈ cwiwaaˈ xuˈlqueeⁿ. Jnda̱ joˈ macwjaaˈñenaˈ nˈom lqueeⁿ. 29 Ndoˈ quia na jnda̱ tmaⁿ lqueeⁿ, ˈoocatyje nnˈaⁿ joonaˈ ee na jnda̱ tueˈntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na nno̱ⁿnaˈ.

Ñˈoom tjañoomˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ lqueeⁿ mostaza

30 Ndoˈ mati tsoom:

—Juu na matsa̱ˈntjom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, ¿ljoˈ ñˈeⁿ matseijomnaˈ? Ndoˈ ¿ljoˈ ñˈeⁿ nlajo̱o̱ⁿˈa na mˈmo̱ⁿnaˈ chiuu jaawitˈmaⁿ cantyja na matsa̱ˈntjoom? 31 Matseijomnaˈ chaˈna cwii lqueeⁿ mostaza na nnomˈ tsˈaⁿ. Tjaaˈnaⁿ cwiicheⁿ lqueeⁿ na cachjooti na cwinom nnˈaⁿ. 32 Jnda̱ na jnomˈ tsˈaⁿ lqueeⁿˈñeeⁿ cwiˈoomnaˈ, wjaawindyenaˈ, mawinomˈnaˈ chaˈtso ntjom na tiquiwindye. Cwileitanaˈ hasta cantsaa na cwiˈoontyja cwitaˈjndyeeyoˈ ncwaⁿˈ lˈo̱ tsˈoomˈñeeⁿ.

Ñequiiˈcheⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ seineiⁿ Jesús quia tˈmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ.

33 Jndye ntˈomcheⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ teilˈueeˈñe Jesús quia tyotseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱ tmaaⁿˈ naⁿˈneeⁿ, cantyjati na nnda̱a̱ nlaˈno̱ⁿˈna. 34 Chaˈtso ñˈoom na tyotseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱na, ñenquiiˈcheⁿ ñˈoom tjañoomˈ. Ndoˈ jnda̱nquia quia na tjuˈnaˈ na ñenqueⁿ ñequio nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈjomndye ñˈeⁿñê, quia joˈ seineiⁿndyeyoom ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ nda̱a̱na.

Seicheⁿ Jesús jndye ñˈeⁿ nmo̱ⁿ ndaaluee

35 Mañejuu xueeˈñeeⁿ quia na jnda̱ tmaaⁿ, tsoom nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈjomndye ñˈeⁿñê:

—Cjaaya xndyaaˈ ndaaluee, ntyjawaˈñeⁿ.

36 Quia joˈ ˈndyena nnˈaⁿ na jndyendye. Tuo̱na tsˈom wˈaandaa na maxjeⁿ njom Jesús. Tyˈeñˈomna jom. Mati tyˈelaˈjomndye ntˈomcheⁿ lˈaandaa. 37 Xjeⁿˈñeeⁿ jndeii tioo jndye nnom ndaaluee tyontquienaˈ nmo̱ⁿ tsˈom wˈaandaa hasta wjaatooˈnaˈ wjaatiomnaˈ ndaatioo. 38 Sa̱a̱ nquii Jesús watsom jo tsˈaaⁿ wˈaandaa, wantyeeⁿ cwii liaa ndyaa. Joona jlaˈnlcwina jom, jluena nnoom:

—ˈU Maestro, ¿aa maxjeⁿ tjaa na cochˈeenaˈ ˈu meiiⁿ na nncwja̱a̱ya?

39 Quia joˈ teicantyja Jesús, seitiaaⁿˈaⁿ jndye. Seineiiⁿ nnom ndaaluee, tsoom:

—Cuacheeⁿ, cjameiⁿntyjeˈ.

Quia joˈ teicheⁿ jndye ndoˈ su sˈaanaˈ nnom ndaaluee. 40 Ndoˈ tsoom nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈjomndye ñˈeⁿñê:

—¿Chiuu na jeeⁿcheⁿ tyueˈyoˈ? ¿Aa maxjeⁿ tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nlayuˈya nˈomˈyoˈ?

41 Sa̱a̱ joona yacheⁿ tyocatyuena. Tyoluena nda̱a̱ ntyjeena:

—¿ˈÑeeⁿ cwiluiiñe tsaⁿmˈaaⁿˈ? Jndaˈjom meiiⁿ jndye, meiiⁿ ndaaluee cwilaˈcanda̱naˈ ñˈoom na matsa̱ˈntjoom.

The Parable of the Sower(A)(B)

Again Jesus began to teach by the lake.(C) The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge. He taught them many things by parables,(D) and in his teaching said: “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.(E) As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”(F)

Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”(G)

10 When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11 He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God(H) has been given to you. But to those on the outside(I) everything is said in parables 12 so that,

“‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
    and ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’[a](J)

13 Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable? 14 The farmer sows the word.(K) 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan(L) comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. 16 Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. 17 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 18 Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19 but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth(M) and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”

A Lamp on a Stand

21 He said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand?(N) 22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.(O) 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”(P)

24 “Consider carefully what you hear,” he continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more.(Q) 25 Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”(R)

The Parable of the Growing Seed

26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like.(S) A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”(T)

The Parable of the Mustard Seed(U)

30 Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like,(V) or what parable shall we use to describe it? 31 It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. 32 Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”

33 With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand.(W) 34 He did not say anything to them without using a parable.(X) But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.

Jesus Calms the Storm(Y)

35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat.(Z) There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”(AA)

41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”


  1. Mark 4:12 Isaiah 6:9,10