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Mɨ˜ cajmiˈleáangˉ Jesús jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ caang˜ tɨɨˉ

Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋguɨ tú̱ˉ ˈnɨˊ jmɨɨ˜ lajo̱, cangámˈˉtu̱ Jesús fɨˊ Capernaum. Jo̱ mɨ˜ calɨñiˊ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ e lɨɨng˜ jiéˈˋ fɨˊ lɨ˜ nɨtáangˋ dseaˋ do, jo̱baˈ ladsifɨˊ lanab caseángˈˊ fɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ e fɨˊ ˈnʉ́ʉˊ lɨ˜ iuungˉ Jesús e guiarˊ júuˆ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ, jo̱ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ joˋ íngˉguɨ dseaˋ fɨˊ oˈnʉ́ˆ quiáˈˉ e ˈnʉ́ʉˊ do, co̱ˈ i̱ ˈleáamˉ dseaˋ teáangˈ˜ e fɨˊ dsíiˊ jo̱. Jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱ caguilíingˉ quiúungˉ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ dsíingˋ jaangˋguɨ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ caang˜ tɨɨˉ. Jo̱ dsʉco̱ˈ eáamˊ fɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ i̱ teáangˈ˜ do ie˜ jo̱, jo̱baˈ jaˋ cuǿøngˋ faˈ e nidsijéeiñˋ i̱ dseaˋ dséeˈ˜ do catɨˊ quiniˇ Jesús. Jo̱baˈ caneáarˊ capíˈˆ fɨˊ yʉ́ˈˆ ˈnʉ́ʉˊ dseángˈˉ e lɨ˜ iuungˉ Jesús có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do, jo̱ fɨˊ jo̱b cajgiéerˉ e ˈmaˋ lɨ˜ dsíingˋ i̱ dseaˋ dséeˈ˜ do cartɨˊ quiniˇ laco̱ˈ singˈˊ Jesús. Jo̱ dsifɨˊ mɨ˜ calɨlíˈˆ Jesús jial dseángˈˉ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨngˋ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do júuˆ quiáˈrˉ, jo̱baˈ cajíñˈˉ casɨ́ˈrˉ i̱ dseaˋ dséeˈ˜ do lala:

—Jó̱o̱ˋo̱, nɨcaˈímˉbaa dseeˉ quíiˈˉ.

Jo̱ mɨ˜ cajíngˈˉ Jesús lajo̱, jo̱baˈ i̱ lɨɨng˜ tɨfaˈˊ quiáˈˉ júuˆ quiʉˈˊ ta˜ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel i̱ teáangˉ do ie˜ jo̱ canaaiñˋ ɨˊ dsíirˊ: “¿Jial teáˋ dsíiˊ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ na e féˈrˋ lana? Co̱ˈ jaléˈˋ e féˈrˋ na, júuˆ gabˋ lɨ́ɨˊ fɨˊ quiniˇ Fidiéeˇ, dsʉco̱ˈ dseángˈˉ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ Fidiéeˇbingˈ cuǿøngˋ líˋ íingˉ dseeˉ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ.” Jo̱ dsʉˈ dsifɨˊ lajo̱b calɨlíˈˆ Jesús lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e ɨˊ dsíiˊ i̱ dseaˋ do, jo̱baˈ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ do lala:

—¿Jialɨˈˊ ɨˊ áaˊ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ lana? ¿E˜ e lɨ́ɨngˉ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ e jaˋguɨ huɨ́ɨngˊ nifɨ́ɨˉɨ i̱ dseaˋ caang˜ tɨɨˉ na? ¿Su nifɨ́ɨˆɨre: “Nɨcaˈímˉbaa dseeˉ quíiˈˉ”, o̱si nifɨ́ɨˆɨre é: “Ráanˈˉ jo̱ ngɨ˜, jo̱ quié̱e̱ˋ uøˈˊ e ˈmaˋ lɨ˜ dsíinˈˆ na”? 10 Jo̱ dsʉˈ lana jnea˜ niˈéeˆe ˈnʉ́ˈˋ e jneab˜ cagáˉa fɨˊ ñifɨ́ˉ e lɨ́ɨnˊn jaangˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ e ooˉbaa ta˜ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la e niˈíin˜n dseeˉ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ.

Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ e cajíñˈˉ lajo̱, jo̱baˈ casɨ́ˈrˉ i̱ dseaˋ caang˜ tɨɨˉ do lala:

11 —Jnea˜ fɨ́ɨˉɨ ˈnʉˋ, ráanˈˉ jo̱ quié̱e̱ˋ e ˈmaˋ lɨ˜ dsíinˈˉ na jo̱ guǿngˈˊ fɨˊ quíiˈˉ.

12 Jo̱baˈ dsifɨˊ ladob caráangˉ i̱ dseaˋ caang˜ tɨɨˉ do, jo̱ cacó̱rˉ e ˈmaˋ lɨ˜ lamɨ˜ dsíiñˈˆ do la níˋ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ teáangˉ do ie˜ jo̱. Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangáˉ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e calɨ́ˉ do, jo̱baˈ lajɨɨmˋbre cangoˈgóˋ dsíirˊ jo̱ canaaiñˋ jmiféiñˈˊ Fidiéeˇ jo̱ féˈrˋ:

—Dseángˈˉ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ ya̱ˈˊ jaˋ mɨˊ caneˋnaaˈ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e nɨcalɨ́ˉ jmɨɨ˜ na.

Mɨ˜ catǿˈˉ Jesús jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ siiˋ Leví

13 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ lajo̱, cangóbˉtu̱ Jesús fɨˊ ˈnɨˈˋ guiéeˊ e néeˊ fɨˊ Galilea do. Jo̱ lajeeˇ táaiñˋ fɨˊ jo̱, dseángˈˉ eáamˊ dsilíingˉ dseaˋ, jo̱baˈ eˈˊbre jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ guilíingˉ do júuˆ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ. 14 Jo̱ lajeeˇ e iuungˉ Jesús fɨˊ ngóorˊ fɨˊ lɨ˜ jiéˈˋ, cangáiñˉ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ siiˋ Leví, jó̱o̱ˊ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ siiˋ Alfeo, e guiiñˈ˜ do fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ lɨ˜ mɨrˊ cuuˉ e catɨ́ɨngˉ dseata˜ i̱ guiing˜ fɨˊ Roma, co̱ˈ lɨ́ɨiñˈˊ do nodsicuuˉ. Jo̱baˈ casɨ́ˈˉ Jesús i̱ dseañʉˈˋ do lala:

—Leví, máˉaaˈ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jnea˜.

Jo̱ dsifɨˊ ladob caró̱o̱ˉ Leví jo̱ cangóˉbre có̱o̱ˈ˜ Jesús.

15 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, Leví catǿˈrˉ Jesús e nidséˉ dseaˋ do e nidsihéˈrˋ fɨˊ quiáiñˈˉ. Jo̱ fɨˊ jo̱ nɨguiing˜ dseaˋ do gøˈrˊ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ ngɨˊ có̱o̱ˈr˜ jo̱guɨ có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ fɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ i̱ mɨˊ cuuˉ quiáˈˉ dseata˜ guiing˜ fɨˊ Roma jo̱guɨ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ jiéngˈˋguɨ i̱ seaˋ júuˆ i̱ røøngˋ dseeˉ cajo̱. 16 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangáˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ Israel i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ fariseo có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ tɨfaˈˊ quiáˈˉ júuˆ quiʉˈˊ ta˜ quiáˈrˉ e Jesús guiiñ˜ gøˈrˊ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do, jo̱baˈ cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús do jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ do lala:

—¿Jialɨˈˊ gøˈˊ tɨfaˈˊ quíiˉnaˈ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ ˈnáˈˆ nodsicuuˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ caguiaangˉguɨ i̱ seaˋ júuˆ i̱ røøngˋ dseeˉ?

17 Jo̱ mɨ˜ canúuˉ Jesús lado, jo̱baˈ cañíirˋ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ do lala:

—Jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ guiúngˉ jaˋ ˈneáiñˉ tɨmɨ́ɨˊ, dsʉˈ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ dséeˈ˜bingˈ i̱ ˈneángˉ íˋ. Jo̱ jnea˜ jaˋ cagáˉa fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la faˈ e cagaˈnénˈˋn jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ éeˋ guiʉ́ˉ, dsʉˈ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ dseeˉ dseaˋ quiˊbingˈ i̱ cagaˈnénˈˋn.

Mɨ˜ cajmɨngɨ́ˈˉ dseaˋ Jesús uii˜ quiáˈˉ jaléˈˋ ayuno

18 Jo̱ co̱o̱ˋ néeˈ˜ cajméeˋ ayuno jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ ngɨˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ Juan i̱ seáangˋ dseaˋ jmɨɨˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ fariseo. Jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱, caguilíingˉ i̱ lɨɨng˜ dseaˋ fɨˊ lɨ˜ táangˋ Jesús jo̱ cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ dseaˋ do lala:

—Jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Juan i̱ seáangˋ dseaˋ jmɨɨˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ fariseo jmóoˋbre ayuno, jo̱ ¿jialɨˈˊ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ quíiˉ ˈnʉˋ jaˋ jmóorˋ lajo̱?

19 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ Jesús quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ do lala:

—Jaˋ cuǿøngˋ nijméˉ ayuno jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ sɨmɨ́ɨngˇ quiáˈˉ co̱o̱ˋ lɨ˜ cungˈˊ guooˋ dseaˋ lajeeˇ seengˋ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ i̱ cungˈˊ guóˋ do có̱o̱ˈr˜; co̱ˈ lajeeˇ sɨseángˈˊ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ dseaˋ sɨmɨ́ɨngˇ do, jaˋ cuǿøngˋ faˈ nijméˉ i̱ dseaˋ sɨmɨ́ɨngˇ do ayuno. 20 Jo̱ dsʉˈ co̱o̱bˋ mɨ˜ nitɨ́ˉ íˈˋ e nisáiñˈˊ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ i̱ cungˈˊ guóˋ do, jo̱ jo̱guɨb mɨ˜ niguiéeˊ jmɨɨ˜ e nijméˉ dseaˋ ayuno.

21 ’Jo̱ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ jaangˋ dseaˋ to̱ˈrˊ co̱o̱ˋ ˈmɨˈˊ e yʉ́ʉˈ˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ caˈnáˈˆ ˈmɨˈˊ e ˈmɨ́ɨˉ, dsʉco̱ˈ song cajméerˋ lajo̱, jo̱baˈ nijǿmˈˋ e ˈmɨˈˊ e ˈmɨ́ɨˉ do jo̱guɨ niˈguíˋbɨ e ˈmɨˈˊ e yʉ́ʉˈ˜ do cajo̱, jo̱baˈ lɨ́ˈˆ lɨˊ jmiguiʉˊguɨ niˈguíbˋ jóng. 22 Jo̱ lajo̱bɨ cajo̱, jaˋ guiéˈˋ dseaˋ méeˊ e laco̱ˈ guiˈnáˈˆ cóˈˊ fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ dsíiˊ loo˜ jóˈˋ e yʉ́ʉˈ˜; dsʉco̱ˈ song cajméerˋ lajo̱, jo̱baˈ niˈguíˋbaˈ do jo̱ nidsiˈɨ́ɨbˊ e méeˊ do jo̱guɨ niˈíimˉ e loo˜ jóˈˋ do cajo̱. Jo̱ co̱ˈ lajo̱b lɨ́ɨˊ, jo̱baˈ guiʉ́ˉguɨ e niguiéˈˋ dseaˋ e méeˊ laco̱ˈ guiˈnáˈˆ cóˈˊ do fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ dsíiˊ loo˜ jóˈˋ e ˈmɨ́ɨbˉ, jo̱ lajo̱baˈ jaˋ dseáangˈ˜ faˈ e niˈguíˋ e loo˜ jóˈˋ do o̱ˈguɨ faˈ e nidsiˈɨ́ɨˊ e méeˊ do cajo̱.

Mɨ˜ caˈéengˉ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús láaˊ quiáˈˉ cuɨˈieeˋ

23 Jo̱ co̱o̱ˋ ya̱ˈˊ ie˜ jmɨɨ˜ e jmiˈíngˈˊ dseaˋ góoˋ Jesús dseaˋ Israel, jo̱ caguiéˉ dseaˋ do co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ guieeˋ lɨ˜ sɨjneaˇ cuɨˈieeˋ. Jo̱ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ do mɨ˜ cangɨ́ɨiñˊ fɨˊ jo̱, canaaiñˋ éeiñˉ láaˊ quiáˈˉ e cuɨˈieeˋ e seaˋ do ie˜ jo̱. 24 Jo̱baˈ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ Israel i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ fariseo cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ Jesús lala:

—Janúˈˋ, ¿jialɨˈˊ jmóoˋ dseaˋ quíiˈˉ lana?, co̱ˈ jaˋ cuǿøngˋ jméˉ dseaˋ Israel e lana mɨ˜ jmɨɨ˜ e jmiˈíngˈˊnaaˈ.

25 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ Jesús quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ do lala:

—¿Su jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ ya̱ˈˊ jaˋ mɨˊ caˈíˋ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ fɨˊ ni˜ jiˋ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ lɨ˜ féˈˋ e˜ cajméeˋ dseata˜ Davíˈˆ ie˜ malɨɨ˜ do co̱o̱ˋ ya̱ˈˊ lajeeˇ e jmɨˈaangˉ dseaˋ do có̱o̱ˈ˜ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ? 26 Jo̱ ie˜ jo̱ jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ siiˋ Abiatar lɨ́ɨiñˊ jmidseaˋ laniingˉ, dsʉˈ i̱ dseata˜ Davíˈˆ do caˈíˉbre fɨˊ dsíiˊ ˈnʉ˜ Fidiéeˇ jo̱ cagǿˈˋbre e iñíˈˆ güeangˈˆ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ e sɨˈíˆ dseángˈˉ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ jmidseaˋbingˈ cuǿøngˋ líˋ dǿˈˉ; jo̱guɨ cacuøˈˊbɨr cajo̱ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ ngolíingˉguɨ có̱o̱ˈr˜ do e cagǿiñˈˋ do.

27 Jo̱ cajíngˈˉguɨ Jesús cajo̱:

—E jmɨɨ˜ e jmiˈíngˈˊ dseaˋ cajméeˋ Fidiéeˇ e laco̱ˈ nijmɨcó̱o̱ˈr˜ dseaˋ jmɨgüíbˋ, jo̱ o̱ˈ yaang˜ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ caguiˈrˊ e jmɨɨ˜ jo̱ e laco̱ˈ nijmiˈíñˈˊ. 28 Jo̱ uíiˈ˜ lajo̱baˈ e jnea˜, i̱ cagüéngˉ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la e gáaˊa fɨˊ ñifɨ́ˉ e lɨ́ɨnˊn jaangˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ, seabˋ fɨˊ quiéˉe e quiʉ́ˈˉʉ ta˜ lajeeˇ e jmɨɨ˜ e jmiˈíngˈˊ dseaˋ góoˋo dseaˋ Israel.

Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man(A)

A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers(B) that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man,(C) carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”(D)

Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”(E)

Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? 10 But I want you to know that the Son of Man(F) has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, 11 “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” 12 He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God,(G) saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”(H)

Jesus Calls Levi and Eats With Sinners(I)

13 Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him,(J) and he began to teach them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,”(K) Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.

15 While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16 When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees(L) saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”(M)

17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”(N)

Jesus Questioned About Fasting(O)

18 Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting.(P) Some people came and asked Jesus, “How is it that John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but yours are not?”

19 Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them. 20 But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them,(Q) and on that day they will fast.

21 “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. Otherwise, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse. 22 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath(R)(S)

23 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain.(T) 24 The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”(U)

25 He answered, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? 26 In the days of Abiathar the high priest,(V) he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat.(W) And he also gave some to his companions.”(X)

27 Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man,(Y) not man for the Sabbath.(Z) 28 So the Son of Man(AA) is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house.

And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them.

And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.

And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.

When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.

But there was certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts,

Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?

And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts?

Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?

10 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)

11 I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.

12 And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.

13 And he went forth again by the sea side; and all the multitude resorted unto him, and he taught them.

14 And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom, and said unto him, Follow me. And he arose and followed him.

15 And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him.

16 And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?

17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

18 And the disciples of John and of the Pharisees used to fast: and they come and say unto him, Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast, but thy disciples fast not?

19 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them? as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.

20 But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.

21 No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse.

22 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.

23 And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn.

24 And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful?

25 And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him?

26 How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him?

27 And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:

28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.