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16 Jesus traveled to Nazareth, where he had grown up. On the Sabbath day he went to the synagogue, as he always did, and stood up to read. 17 The ·book [or scroll] of Isaiah the prophet was given to him. He ·opened [L unrolled] the ·book [or scroll] and found the place where this is written:

18 “·The Lord has put his Spirit in me [L The Spirit of the Lord is on me],
    because he ·appointed [L anointed; C at Jesus’ baptism he was anointed by the Spirit as the Messiah, meaning the Anointed One] me to ·tell [proclaim; preach] the ·Good News [Gospel] to the poor.
He has sent me to ·tell the captives they are free [proclaim liberty/release for the captives/prisoners]
    and to tell the blind that they can see again [Is. 61:1].
God sent me to free ·those who have been treated unfairly [the oppressed; Is. 58:6]
19     and to ·announce [proclaim] the ·time [year] when the Lord will show his ·kindness [favor; Is. 61:2; C an allusion to the release of slaves during the Jubilee year; Lev. 25].”

20 Jesus ·closed the book [or rolled up the scroll], gave it back to the ·assistant [synagogue attendant], and sat down. ·Everyone [L All the eyes] in the synagogue was watching Jesus closely. 21 He began to say to them, “·While you heard these words just now, they were coming true [L Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears]!”

22 All the people spoke well of Jesus and were amazed at the ·words of grace [or gracious words] he spoke. They asked, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”

23 Jesus said to them, “·I know that [No doubt; Surely] you will ·tell [quote] me ·the old saying [this proverb]: ‘·Doctor [T Physician], heal yourself.’ You want to say, ‘We heard about the things you did in Capernaum [C a town in Galilee where Jesus lived and ministered]. Do those things here in your own town!’” 24 Then Jesus said, “·I tell you the truth [L Truly/Amen I say to you], a prophet is not ·accepted [welcomed] in his hometown. 25 But I tell you ·the truth [truly], there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah. ·It did not rain [L The sky/heavens were shut] in Israel for three and one-half years, and there was ·no food anywhere [L a great famine] in the whole country [1 Kin. 17]. 26 But Elijah was sent to none of those widows, only to a widow in Zarephath, a town in Sidon [C a Gentile city on the coast north of Israel]. 27 And there were many ·with skin diseases [T lepers] living in Israel during the time of the prophet Elisha. But none of them were ·healed [cured; cleansed], only Naaman, ·who was from the country of Syria [L the Syrian; 2 Kin. 5].”

28 When all the people in the synagogue heard these things, they ·became very angry [were furious; L were filled with wrath]. 29 They got up, ·forced [drove] Jesus out of town, and took him to the ·edge [brow] of the ·cliff [hill] on which the town was built. They planned to throw him off the ·edge [cliff], 30 but Jesus ·walked [passed] through the crowd and went on his way.

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