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49 I came to send fire into the earth, and what will I, but that it be kindled?

50 And I have to be baptized with a baptism, and how am I constrained, till that it be perfectly done [till it be perfectly done]?

51 Ween ye [Guess ye], that I came to give peace into [the] earth? Nay, I say to you, but parting.

52 For from this time there shall be five parted in one house; three shall be parted against twain, and twain shall be parted against three;[a]

53 the father against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the husband's mother against the son's wife, and the son's wife against her husband's mother.

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  1. Luke 12:52 Forsooth from this time, there shall be five parted in one house; three against two, and two against three;