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11 But the multitudes, having realized this, followed him. And having given them a kabbalat panim (welcome), Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was speaking to them about the Malchut Hashem, and to the ones having need of it, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was giving refuah.

12 Now the day began to decline. And having approached, the Shneym Asar said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, Send away the multitude, so that having gone into the surrounding shtetlach and farms, they may find lodging and may find provisions, for here we are in a desolate place.

13 And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to them, You give them [something] to eat. But they said, There are not to us more than chamesh kikrot (loaves) and dagim, shenayim, unless we go and buy for all this people okhel (food).

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11 But the multitudes, having realized this, followed him. And having given them a kabbalat panim (welcome), Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was speaking to them about the Malchut Hashem, and to the ones having need of it, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was giving refuah.

12 Now the day began to decline. And having approached, the Shneym Asar said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, Send away the multitude, so that having gone into the surrounding shtetlach and farms, they may find lodging and may find provisions, for here we are in a desolate place.

13 And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to them, You give them [something] to eat. But they said, There are not to us more than chamesh kikrot (loaves) and dagim, shenayim, unless we go and buy for all this people okhel (food).

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