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23 Then kai the ho whole hapas assembly plēthos of them autos rose anistēmi up and brought agō Jesus autos before epi · ho Pilate Pilatos. And de they began archō to accuse katēgoreō him autos, saying legō, “ We found heuriskō this houtos man trying to mislead diastrephō · ho our hēmeis nation ethnos, · kai opposing kōlyō the payment didōmi of taxes phoros to Caesar Kaisar, and kai claiming legō himself heautou to be eimi Christ Christos, a king basileus.” · ho So de Pilate Pilatos asked erōtaō Jesus autos, saying legō, “ Are eimi you sy the ho king basileus of the ho Jews Ioudaios?” In response apokrinomai Jesus ho · de said phēmi to him autos, “ You sy say legō so.” · ho Then de Pilate Pilatos said legō to pros the ho chief archiereus priests and kai the ho crowds ochlos, “ I find heuriskō no oudeis basis for a charge aitios against en · ho this houtos man anthrōpos.” But de they ho kept insisting epischuō, saying legō, “ He stirs anaseiō up the ho people laos, teaching didaskō throughout kata all holos · ho Judea Ioudaia, · kai starting archō from apo · ho Galilee Galilaia even heōs to this hōde place .”

Now de when Pilate Pilatos heard akouō this, he asked eperōtaō whether ei the ho man anthrōpos was eimi a Galilean Galilaios. · kai Learning epiginōskō that hoti he was eimi from ek · ho Herod’ s hērōdēs jurisdiction exousia, he sent anapempō him autos off to pros Herod hērōdēs, who autos was eimi also kai in en Jerusalem Hierosolyma during en those houtos · ho days hēmera. Upon seeing Jesus Iēsous, · ho · de Herod hērōdēs · ho was very lian glad chairō, since gar for ek a long hikanos time chronos he had been eimi wanting thelō to see him autos, because dia of what ho he had heard akouō about peri him autos, and kai he was hoping elpizō to see some tis miraculous sign sēmeion done ginomai by hypo him autos. So de Herod questioned eperōtaō him autos with en many hikanos words logos; but de Jesus autos gave him autos no oudeis answer apokrinomai, 10 even though the ho chief priests archiereus and kai the ho scribes grammateus stood histēmi by , · de vehemently eutonōs accusing katēgoreō him autos. 11 Then de, when Herod hērōdēs, along with syn his autos soldiers strateuma, had treated exoutheneō him autos with contempt · kai · ho · ho and kai ridiculed empaizō him, they put periballō an elegant lampros robe esthēs on him, and sent anapempō him autos back to ho Pilate Pilatos. 12 And de Herod hērōdēs and kai Pilate Pilatos became ginomai friends philos · ho · ho with meta each other allēlōn that en very autos · ho day hēmera, for gar before prouparchō this they had been eimi hostile en echthra toward pros each autos other .

13 Pilate Pilatos then de called synkaleō together the ho chief archiereus priests , · kai the ho rulers archōn, and kai the ho people laos, 14 and said legō to pros them autos, “ You brought prospherō me egō · ho this houtos man anthrōpos as hōs one who was trying apostrephō to mislead the ho people laos. And kai indeed idou, having examined anakrinō him in enōpion your hymeis presence enōpion, I egō found heuriskō no outheis basis aitios for hos your charges katēgoreō against en · ho this houtos man anthrōpos. 15 For that matter alla, neither oude did Herod hērōdēs, for gar he sent anapempō him autos back to pros us hēmeis. · kai Look idou, nothing oudeis deserving axios death thanatos has been eimi done prassō by him autos. 16 So oun I will have him autos flogged paideuō and release apolyō him.”

18 But de they cried anakrazō out together pamplēthei, saying legō, “ Take airō this houtos man away! Release apolyō · de for us hēmeis · ho Barabbas Barabbas!” 19 who hostis was eimi thrown ballō into en prison phylakē because dia of a certain tis riot stasis that had occurred ginomai in en the ho city polis and kai for murder phonos. · ho 20 Once again palin · de · ho Pilate Pilatos, wanting thelō to release apolyō Jesus Iēsous, called prosphōneō out to them autos, · ho 21 but de they ho kept shouting epiphōneō, saying legō, “ Crucify stauroō, crucify stauroō him autos!” 22 A third time triton he ho · de spoke legō to pros them autos, “ What tis evil kakos did poieō this houtos man do? I have found heuriskō in en him autos no oudeis guilt aitios deserving death thanatos. I will therefore oun punish paideuō and release apolyō him autos.” 23 But de they ho were insistent epikeimai, demanding aiteō with loud megas cries phōnē that he autos should be crucified stauroō, and kai their autos cries phōnē prevailed katischuō. · ho 24 So kai Pilate Pilatos decided epikrinō that their autos demand aitēma should be granted ginomai. · ho 25 He released apolyō · de the ho man who had been thrown ballō into eis prison phylakē for dia insurrection stasis and kai murder phonos, for whom hos they asked aiteō, but de he handed over paradidōmi · ho Jesus Iēsous to ho their autos will thelēma.

26 · kai As hōs they led apagō him autos away , they took epilambanomai hold of a certain tis Simon Simōn of Cyrene Kyrēnaios, who was coming erchomai in from apo the countryside agros, and put epitithēmi the ho cross stauros on him autos to carry pherō it behind opisthen · ho Jesus Iēsous. 27 And de there followed akoloutheō him autos a great polys crowd plēthos of the ho people laos, and kai among them were women gynē who hos were mourning koptō and kai wailing thrēneō for him autos. 28 Turning strephō · de to pros them autos, · ho Jesus Iēsous said legō, “ Daughters thugatēr of Jerusalem Ierousalēm, do not weep klaiō for epi me egō, but plēn weep klaiō for epi yourselves heautou and kai for epi · ho your hymeis children teknon. 29 For hoti the days hēmera are surely coming erchomai when en hos they will say legō, ‘ Blessed makarios are the ho barren steira and kai the ho wombs koilia that hos never ou gave birth gennaō and kai the breasts mastos that hos never ou nursed trephō!’ 30 Then tote they will begin archō to say legō to the ho mountains oros, ‘ Fall piptō on epi us hēmeis!’ and kai to the ho hills bounos, ‘ Cover kalyptō us hēmeis!’ 31 For hoti if ei they do poieō these things houtos when en the ho wood xylon is green hygros, what tis will happen ginomai when en · ho it is dry xēros?”

32 And de they also kai led agō away two dyo others heteros, who were criminals kakourgos, to be put to death anaireō with syn him autos. 33 And kai when hote they came erchomai to epi the ho place topos · ho called kaleō “The Skull kranion,” there ekei they crucified stauroō him autos and kai the ho criminals kakourgos one hos on ek his right dexios and de one hos on ek his left aristeros. 34 · ho And de Jesus Iēsous was saying legō, “ Father patēr, forgive aphiēmi them autos; for gar they do not ou know oida what tis they are doing poieō.” Then de in order to divide diamerizō up · ho his autos clothing himation they cast ballō lots klēros. 35 · kai The ho people laos stood histēmi by , watching theōreō. The ho rulers archōn even kai scoffed ekmyktērizō · de at him, saying legō, “ He saved sōzō others allos; let him save sōzō himself heautou, if ei he houtos is eimi the ho Christ Christos of ho God theos, the ho Chosen eklektos One !” 36 The ho soldiers stratiōtēs, also kai, mocked empaizō · de him autos, coming proserchomai up and offering prospherō him autos sour oxos wine 37 and kai saying legō, “ If ei you sy are eimi the ho king basileus of the ho Jews Ioudaios, save sōzō yourself seautou!” 38 In fact kai, there was eimi · de an inscription epigraphē above epi him autos, “ This houtos is the ho King basileus of the ho Jews Ioudaios.”

39 One heis · de of the ho criminals kakourgos hanging kremannymi there kept deriding blasphēmeō him autos, saying legō, “ Are eimi you sy not ouchi the ho Messiah Christos? Save sōzō yourself seautou and kai us hēmeis!” 40 But de the ho other heteros responded apokrinomai to him autos with a rebuke epitimaō, saying phēmi, “ Do you sy not oude fear phobeomai · ho God theos, since hoti you are eimi under en the ho same autos sentence krima? 41 And kai we hēmeis indeed men justly dikaiōs. For gar we are receiving apolambanō what we deserve axios for what hos we did prassō; but de this houtos man has done prassō nothing oudeis improper atopos.” 42 Then kai he said legō, “ Jesus Iēsous, remember mimnēskomai me egō when hotan you come erchomai in eis · ho your sy kingdom basileia.” 43 And kai Jesus said legō to him autos, “ In solemn truth amēn I tell legō you sy: today sēmeron you will be eimi with meta me egō in en · ho paradise paradeisos.”

44 · kai It was eimi already ēdē only about hōsei the sixth hektos hour hōra but kai darkness skotos covered ginomai epi the whole holos · ho land until heōs the ninth enatos hour hōra, 45 because the light of the ho sun hēlios had been eclipsed ekleipō. The ho curtain katapetasma of the ho temple naos was torn schizō · de down the middle mesos. 46 Then kai Jesus Iēsous, crying phōneō out in a loud megas voice phōnē, · ho said legō, “ Father patēr, into eis your sy hands cheir I commit paratithēmi · ho my egō spirit pneuma!” Having said legō this houtos, · de he breathed ekpneō his last . 47 Now de when the ho centurion hekatontarchēs saw what ho had happened ginomai, he praised doxazō · ho God theos, saying legō, “ Truly ontōs · ho this houtos man anthrōpos was eimi righteous dikaios!”

48 And kai when all pas the ho crowds ochlos who had gathered symparaginomai for epi · ho this houtos spectacle theōria saw theōreō what ho had happened ginomai, they returned hypostrephō home, beating typtō their ho breasts stēthos. 49 And de all pas who ho knew gnōstos Jesus autos, including kai the women gynē who ho had followed synakoloutheō him autos from apo · ho Galilee Galilaia, were standing histēmi at apo a distance makrothen, watching horaō these houtos things . 50 Now kai there idou was a man anēr named onoma Joseph Iōsēph, a member hyparchō of the Council bouleutēs, · kai a good agathos and kai righteous dikaios man anēr. 51 ( He houtos had eimi not ou agreed synkatatithēmi with their ho decision boulē or kai · ho their autos action praxis.) He was from apo the ho Jewish Ioudaios town polis of Arimathea Harimathaia, and he hos was waiting prosdechomai expectantly for the ho kingdom basileia of ho God theos. 52 This houtos man went proserchomai to ho Pilate Pilatos and asked aiteō for the ho body sōma of ho Jesus Iēsous; 53 then kai taking kathaireō it down , he wrapped entylissō it autos in a linen sindōn cloth , and kai laid tithēmi him autos in en a tomb mnēma cut laxeutos in stone , where hou no one oudeis had yet oupō been eimi laid keimai. 54 · kai It was eimi the day hēmera of preparation paraskeuē and kai the Sabbath sabbaton was about to begin epiphōskō.

55 The ho women gynē who hostis had eimi come with synerchomai him autos from ek Galilee Galilaia followed along behind katakoloutheō · de · ho and saw theaomai the ho tomb mnēmeion, and kai how hōs his autos body sōma was laid tithēmi in it · ho 56 Then de they returned hypostrephō and prepared hetoimazō anointing spices arōma and kai perfumes myron. · kai On the ho Sabbath sabbaton they rested hēsychazō according kata to the ho commandment entolē.

23 Then kai the ho whole hapas assembly plēthos of them autos rose anistēmi up and brought agō Jesus autos before epi · ho Pilate Pilatos. And de they began archō to accuse katēgoreō him autos, saying legō, “ We found heuriskō this houtos man trying to mislead diastrephō · ho our hēmeis nation ethnos, · kai opposing kōlyō the payment didōmi of taxes phoros to Caesar Kaisar, and kai claiming legō himself heautou to be eimi Christ Christos, a king basileus.” · ho So de Pilate Pilatos asked erōtaō Jesus autos, saying legō, “ Are eimi you sy the ho king basileus of the ho Jews Ioudaios?” In response apokrinomai Jesus ho · de said phēmi to him autos, “ You sy say legō so.” · ho Then de Pilate Pilatos said legō to pros the ho chief archiereus priests and kai the ho crowds ochlos, “ I find heuriskō no oudeis basis for a charge aitios against en · ho this houtos man anthrōpos.” But de they ho kept insisting epischuō, saying legō, “ He stirs anaseiō up the ho people laos, teaching didaskō throughout kata all holos · ho Judea Ioudaia, · kai starting archō from apo · ho Galilee Galilaia even heōs to this hōde place .”

Now de when Pilate Pilatos heard akouō this, he asked eperōtaō whether ei the ho man anthrōpos was eimi a Galilean Galilaios. · kai Learning epiginōskō that hoti he was eimi from ek · ho Herod’ s hērōdēs jurisdiction exousia, he sent anapempō him autos off to pros Herod hērōdēs, who autos was eimi also kai in en Jerusalem Hierosolyma during en those houtos · ho days hēmera. Upon seeing Jesus Iēsous, · ho · de Herod hērōdēs · ho was very lian glad chairō, since gar for ek a long hikanos time chronos he had been eimi wanting thelō to see him autos, because dia of what ho he had heard akouō about peri him autos, and kai he was hoping elpizō to see some tis miraculous sign sēmeion done ginomai by hypo him autos. So de Herod questioned eperōtaō him autos with en many hikanos words logos; but de Jesus autos gave him autos no oudeis answer apokrinomai, 10 even though the ho chief priests archiereus and kai the ho scribes grammateus stood histēmi by , · de vehemently eutonōs accusing katēgoreō him autos. 11 Then de, when Herod hērōdēs, along with syn his autos soldiers strateuma, had treated exoutheneō him autos with contempt · kai · ho · ho and kai ridiculed empaizō him, they put periballō an elegant lampros robe esthēs on him, and sent anapempō him autos back to ho Pilate Pilatos. 12 And de Herod hērōdēs and kai Pilate Pilatos became ginomai friends philos · ho · ho with meta each other allēlōn that en very autos · ho day hēmera, for gar before prouparchō this they had been eimi hostile en echthra toward pros each autos other .

13 Pilate Pilatos then de called synkaleō together the ho chief archiereus priests , · kai the ho rulers archōn, and kai the ho people laos, 14 and said legō to pros them autos, “ You brought prospherō me egō · ho this houtos man anthrōpos as hōs one who was trying apostrephō to mislead the ho people laos. And kai indeed idou, having examined anakrinō him in enōpion your hymeis presence enōpion, I egō found heuriskō no outheis basis aitios for hos your charges katēgoreō against en · ho this houtos man anthrōpos. 15 For that matter alla, neither oude did Herod hērōdēs, for gar he sent anapempō him autos back to pros us hēmeis. · kai Look idou, nothing oudeis deserving axios death thanatos has been eimi done prassō by him autos. 16 So oun I will have him autos flogged paideuō and release apolyō him.”

18 But de they cried anakrazō out together pamplēthei, saying legō, “ Take airō this houtos man away! Release apolyō · de for us hēmeis · ho Barabbas Barabbas!” 19 who hostis was eimi thrown ballō into en prison phylakē because dia of a certain tis riot stasis that had occurred ginomai in en the ho city polis and kai for murder phonos. · ho 20 Once again palin · de · ho Pilate Pilatos, wanting thelō to release apolyō Jesus Iēsous, called prosphōneō out to them autos, · ho 21 but de they ho kept shouting epiphōneō, saying legō, “ Crucify stauroō, crucify stauroō him autos!” 22 A third time triton he ho · de spoke legō to pros them autos, “ What tis evil kakos did poieō this houtos man do? I have found heuriskō in en him autos no oudeis guilt aitios deserving death thanatos. I will therefore oun punish paideuō and release apolyō him autos.” 23 But de they ho were insistent epikeimai, demanding aiteō with loud megas cries phōnē that he autos should be crucified stauroō, and kai their autos cries phōnē prevailed katischuō. · ho 24 So kai Pilate Pilatos decided epikrinō that their autos demand aitēma should be granted ginomai. · ho 25 He released apolyō · de the ho man who had been thrown ballō into eis prison phylakē for dia insurrection stasis and kai murder phonos, for whom hos they asked aiteō, but de he handed over paradidōmi · ho Jesus Iēsous to ho their autos will thelēma.

26 · kai As hōs they led apagō him autos away , they took epilambanomai hold of a certain tis Simon Simōn of Cyrene Kyrēnaios, who was coming erchomai in from apo the countryside agros, and put epitithēmi the ho cross stauros on him autos to carry pherō it behind opisthen · ho Jesus Iēsous. 27 And de there followed akoloutheō him autos a great polys crowd plēthos of the ho people laos, and kai among them were women gynē who hos were mourning koptō and kai wailing thrēneō for him autos. 28 Turning strephō · de to pros them autos, · ho Jesus Iēsous said legō, “ Daughters thugatēr of Jerusalem Ierousalēm, do not weep klaiō for epi me egō, but plēn weep klaiō for epi yourselves heautou and kai for epi · ho your hymeis children teknon. 29 For hoti the days hēmera are surely coming erchomai when en hos they will say legō, ‘ Blessed makarios are the ho barren steira and kai the ho wombs koilia that hos never ou gave birth gennaō and kai the breasts mastos that hos never ou nursed trephō!’ 30 Then tote they will begin archō to say legō to the ho mountains oros, ‘ Fall piptō on epi us hēmeis!’ and kai to the ho hills bounos, ‘ Cover kalyptō us hēmeis!’ 31 For hoti if ei they do poieō these things houtos when en the ho wood xylon is green hygros, what tis will happen ginomai when en · ho it is dry xēros?”

32 And de they also kai led agō away two dyo others heteros, who were criminals kakourgos, to be put to death anaireō with syn him autos. 33 And kai when hote they came erchomai to epi the ho place topos · ho called kaleō “The Skull kranion,” there ekei they crucified stauroō him autos and kai the ho criminals kakourgos one hos on ek his right dexios and de one hos on ek his left aristeros. 34 · ho And de Jesus Iēsous was saying legō, “ Father patēr, forgive aphiēmi them autos; for gar they do not ou know oida what tis they are doing poieō.” Then de in order to divide diamerizō up · ho his autos clothing himation they cast ballō lots klēros. 35 · kai The ho people laos stood histēmi by , watching theōreō. The ho rulers archōn even kai scoffed ekmyktērizō · de at him, saying legō, “ He saved sōzō others allos; let him save sōzō himself heautou, if ei he houtos is eimi the ho Christ Christos of ho God theos, the ho Chosen eklektos One !” 36 The ho soldiers stratiōtēs, also kai, mocked empaizō · de him autos, coming proserchomai up and offering prospherō him autos sour oxos wine 37 and kai saying legō, “ If ei you sy are eimi the ho king basileus of the ho Jews Ioudaios, save sōzō yourself seautou!” 38 In fact kai, there was eimi · de an inscription epigraphē above epi him autos, “ This houtos is the ho King basileus of the ho Jews Ioudaios.”

39 One heis · de of the ho criminals kakourgos hanging kremannymi there kept deriding blasphēmeō him autos, saying legō, “ Are eimi you sy not ouchi the ho Messiah Christos? Save sōzō yourself seautou and kai us hēmeis!” 40 But de the ho other heteros responded apokrinomai to him autos with a rebuke epitimaō, saying phēmi, “ Do you sy not oude fear phobeomai · ho God theos, since hoti you are eimi under en the ho same autos sentence krima? 41 And kai we hēmeis indeed men justly dikaiōs. For gar we are receiving apolambanō what we deserve axios for what hos we did prassō; but de this houtos man has done prassō nothing oudeis improper atopos.” 42 Then kai he said legō, “ Jesus Iēsous, remember mimnēskomai me egō when hotan you come erchomai in eis · ho your sy kingdom basileia.” 43 And kai Jesus said legō to him autos, “ In solemn truth amēn I tell legō you sy: today sēmeron you will be eimi with meta me egō in en · ho paradise paradeisos.”

44 · kai It was eimi already ēdē only about hōsei the sixth hektos hour hōra but kai darkness skotos covered ginomai epi the whole holos · ho land until heōs the ninth enatos hour hōra, 45 because the light of the ho sun hēlios had been eclipsed ekleipō. The ho curtain katapetasma of the ho temple naos was torn schizō · de down the middle mesos. 46 Then kai Jesus Iēsous, crying phōneō out in a loud megas voice phōnē, · ho said legō, “ Father patēr, into eis your sy hands cheir I commit paratithēmi · ho my egō spirit pneuma!” Having said legō this houtos, · de he breathed ekpneō his last . 47 Now de when the ho centurion hekatontarchēs saw what ho had happened ginomai, he praised doxazō · ho God theos, saying legō, “ Truly ontōs · ho this houtos man anthrōpos was eimi righteous dikaios!”

48 And kai when all pas the ho crowds ochlos who had gathered symparaginomai for epi · ho this houtos spectacle theōria saw theōreō what ho had happened ginomai, they returned hypostrephō home, beating typtō their ho breasts stēthos. 49 And de all pas who ho knew gnōstos Jesus autos, including kai the women gynē who ho had followed synakoloutheō him autos from apo · ho Galilee Galilaia, were standing histēmi at apo a distance makrothen, watching horaō these houtos things . 50 Now kai there idou was a man anēr named onoma Joseph Iōsēph, a member hyparchō of the Council bouleutēs, · kai a good agathos and kai righteous dikaios man anēr. 51 ( He houtos had eimi not ou agreed synkatatithēmi with their ho decision boulē or kai · ho their autos action praxis.) He was from apo the ho Jewish Ioudaios town polis of Arimathea Harimathaia, and he hos was waiting prosdechomai expectantly for the ho kingdom basileia of ho God theos. 52 This houtos man went proserchomai to ho Pilate Pilatos and asked aiteō for the ho body sōma of ho Jesus Iēsous; 53 then kai taking kathaireō it down , he wrapped entylissō it autos in a linen sindōn cloth , and kai laid tithēmi him autos in en a tomb mnēma cut laxeutos in stone , where hou no one oudeis had yet oupō been eimi laid keimai. 54 · kai It was eimi the day hēmera of preparation paraskeuē and kai the Sabbath sabbaton was about to begin epiphōskō.

55 The ho women gynē who hostis had eimi come with synerchomai him autos from ek Galilee Galilaia followed along behind katakoloutheō · de · ho and saw theaomai the ho tomb mnēmeion, and kai how hōs his autos body sōma was laid tithēmi in it · ho 56 Then de they returned hypostrephō and prepared hetoimazō anointing spices arōma and kai perfumes myron. · kai On the ho Sabbath sabbaton they rested hēsychazō according kata to the ho commandment entolē.

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