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44 And they will dash you to the ground, you and your yeladim with you. And they will not leave an even (stone) upon an even (stone) within you, because you did not have daas of the zman (time) of your YOM PEKUDDAH (visitation, reckoning [YESHAYAH 10:3]).

45 And having entered into the Beis HaMikdash, Moshiach began to throw out the sellers,

46 Saying to them, It has been written, BEITI BEIT TEFILLAH YIKAREI, but you made it a MEARAT PARITZIM. [YESHAYAH 56:7; YIRMEYAH 7:11]

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44 And they will dash you to the ground, you and your yeladim with you. And they will not leave an even (stone) upon an even (stone) within you, because you did not have daas of the zman (time) of your YOM PEKUDDAH (visitation, reckoning [YESHAYAH 10:3]).

45 And having entered into the Beis HaMikdash, Moshiach began to throw out the sellers,

46 Saying to them, It has been written, BEITI BEIT TEFILLAH YIKAREI, but you made it a MEARAT PARITZIM. [YESHAYAH 56:7; YIRMEYAH 7:11]

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