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37 Now while he spoke, a Parush asks him that he might have betziat halechem (have a meal, breaking of bread) with him. And, having entered, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach reclined at tish.

38 And the Parush, having seen this, was amazed that Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach did not first do netilat yadayim before the meal.

39 But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu said to him, Now you Perushim wash the outside of the kos and the dish you clean, but the inside of you is full of gezel (robbery) and resha.

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37 Now while he spoke, a Parush asks him that he might have betziat halechem (have a meal, breaking of bread) with him. And, having entered, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach reclined at tish.

38 And the Parush, having seen this, was amazed that Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach did not first do netilat yadayim before the meal.

39 But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu said to him, Now you Perushim wash the outside of the kos and the dish you clean, but the inside of you is full of gezel (robbery) and resha.

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