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Mɨ˜ caˈeˊ Jesús júuˆ quiáˈˉ jaangˋ joˈseˈˋ i̱ sɨˈíingˇ

15  Jo̱ ie˜ jo̱ dsíngˈˉ fɨ́ɨngˊ jaléngˈˋ nodsicuuˉ quiáˈˉ Roma có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ seaˋ júuˆ e dsíngˈˉ røøiñˋ dseeˉ ngolíiñˉ fɨˊ lɨ˜ singˈˊ Jesús e núurˋ jaléˈˋ júuˆ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do. Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangáˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ Israel i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ fariseo có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ tɨfaˈˊ quiáˈˉ júuˆ quiʉˈˊ ta˜ quiáˈrˉ e ngolíingˉ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do fɨˊ lɨ˜ singˈˊ Jesús, jo̱baˈ canaaiñˈˋ do éeiñˋ Jesús jo̱ féˈrˋ:

—I̱ dseañʉˈˋ na co̱lɨɨm˜ ngɨrˊ jo̱guɨ gøˈrˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ seaˋ júuˆ e dsíngˈˉ røøiñˋ dseeˉ.

Jo̱ mɨ˜ canúuˉ Jesús e féˈˋ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do lado, jo̱baˈ caˈeˈˊreiñˈ júuˆ jáˈˉ e lafaˈ júuˆ cuento jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Faco̱ˈ jaangˋ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ aangˉnaˈ cien joˈseˈˋ, jo̱ calɨngɨɨng˜naˈ cangoˈíingˊ jaangˋ lajeeˇ taangˇnaˈ e móoˉnaˈreˈ, ˈnéˉ nitiúung˜teaˈ i̱ caguiaangˉguɨ do lajeeˇ nigüɨˈnéngˈˊnaˈ i̱ cangoˈíingˊ do cartɨˊ niguiéngˈˊnaˈreˈ. Jo̱ mɨ˜ niguiéngˈˊnaˈreˈ, dsíngˈˉ nilɨˈiáangˋ óoˊnaˈ jo̱ nitøøˉnaˈreˈ e dsíingˉneˈ yʉ́ˈˆ ˈnáˆnaˈ. Jo̱ mɨ˜ niguilíingˋnaˈ fɨˊ quíiˉnaˈ, niseáang˜naˈ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ cuíingˋnaˈ jo̱ nifɨ́ˈˆnaˈr: “Lana nijmiˈiáangˋ dsiˋnaaˈ, co̱ˈ cadsémˈˋbaa jaangˋ joˈseˈˋ quiéˉe i̱ calɨngɨɨn˜n cangoˈíingˊ.” Jo̱ laco̱ˈ lɨˈiáangˋ óoˊ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ mɨ˜ dséngˈˊnaˈ jaangˋ joˈseˈˋ i̱ dsiˈíingˊ quíiˉnaˈ, jo̱baˈ lajo̱b lɨˈiáangˋ dsíiˊ Fidiéeˇ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ i̱ neáangˊ fɨˊ ñifɨ́ˉ quiáˈrˉ mɨ˜ caquɨ́ˈˉ jíngˈˋ ˈñiaˈˊ jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ calɨlíˈˆ e lɨ́ɨiñˊ dseaˋ dseeˉ dseaˋ quiˊ fɨˊ quinirˇ laco̱ˈguɨ noventa y nueve dseaˋ i̱ lɨ́ɨngˉ e jaˋ lɨ́ɨiñˊ lajo̱ fɨˊ quiniˇ Fidiéeˇ.

Mɨ˜ caˈeˊ Jesús júuˆ quiáˈˉ co̱o̱ˋ cuuˉ e sɨˈíingˇ

Jo̱baˈ cajíngˈˉguɨ Jesús casɨ́ˈrˉ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do:

—Faˈ jaangˋ dseamɨ́ˋ i̱ óoˋ guíˉ cunéeˇ, jo̱ calɨngɨɨiñ˜ e cangoˈíingˊ co̱o̱ˋ e cuuˉ do fɨˊ dsíiˊ sɨnʉ́ʉˆ quiáˈrˉ. Jo̱baˈ dsifɨbˊ nijmijneárˋ co̱o̱ˋ jɨˋ jo̱ niˈírˋ niquiáaiñˉ røøˋ laˈúngˉ e sɨnʉ́ʉˆ do, jo̱ niˈnóˈrˊ e cuuˉ do carˋ niguiéˈrˊ. Jo̱ mɨ˜ niguiéˈrˊ e cuuˉ do, jo̱ nitǿˈrˋ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ cuíiñˋ jo̱ nisɨ́ˈˋreiñˈ: “Lana nijmiˈiáangˋ dsiˋnaaˈ, co̱ˈ cadséˈˋbaa co̱o̱ˋ cunéeˇ quiéˉe e calɨngɨɨn˜n cangoˈíingˊ.” 10 Jo̱ laco̱ˈ lɨˈiáangˋ dsíiˊ jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ dséˈˊ cuuˉ quiáˈˉ, jo̱baˈ lajo̱b lɨˈiáangˋ dsíiˊ jaléngˈˋ ángeles quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ mɨ˜ caquɨ́ˈˉ jíngˈˋ ˈñiaˈˊ jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ calɨlíˈˆ e lɨ́ɨiñˊ dseaˋ dseeˉ dseaˋ quiˊ fɨˊ quiniˇ Fidiéeˇ.

Mɨ˜ caˈeˊ Jesús quiáˈˉ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ caˈíingˉ dseeˉ quiáˈˉ jaangˋ jó̱o̱rˊ

11 Jo̱ mɨ˜ calɨ́ˉ jo̱, jo̱ caˈeˈˊguɨ Jesús jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do co̱o̱ˋguɨ júuˆ jáˈˉ e lafaˈ júuˆ cuento jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Co̱o̱ˋ néeˈ˜ calɨséngˋ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ, jo̱ calɨséngˋ gángˉ jó̱o̱rˊ dseañʉˈˋ. 12 Jo̱ i̱ jiuung˜guɨ do co̱o̱ˋ néeˈ˜ casɨ́ˈrˉ tiquiáˈrˆ jo̱ cajíñˈˉ: “Teaa˜, mɨ˜ nijúungˉ ˈnʉˋ, ˈnéˉ nilíˋ jmáˈˉjiʉ røøˋ jaléˈˋ e seaˋ quíiˈˉ lana. Jo̱baˈ fɨ́ɨˉɨ ˈnʉˋ faˈ jméeˆbaˈ jmáˈˉjiʉ jaléˈˋ e jo̱ na la seengˋguɨˈ.” Jo̱ dsifɨˊ lajo̱b cacuøˊ i̱ tiquiáˈrˆ do lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e catɨ́ɨiñˈˉ do. 13 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ tú̱ˉ ˈnɨˊ jmɨɨ˜ lajo̱, caˈnɨ́ɨbˋ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do jaléˈˋ e nicangɨ́ɨiñˋ cacuøˊ tiquiáˈrˆ, jo̱ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléˈˋ e cuuˉ e calɨ́ˈrˉ do cagüɨˈɨ́ɨˊbre góorˋ jo̱ cangórˉ fɨˊ lɨ˜ huí̱i̱ˆ eáangˊ, jo̱ fɨˊ jo̱b caˈíiñˉ jaléˈˋ e cuuˉ quiáˈrˉ do, jo̱ cajmɨrǿngˋ dseeˉ ˈñiaˈrˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléˈˋ e ˈlɨˈˆ e seaˋ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ. 14 Jo̱ dsʉˈ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ e cadseáˈrˉ jaléˈˋ e cuuˉ quiáˈrˉ do, lajeeˇ jo̱b calɨˈǿøngˋ jaléˈˋ e gøˈˊ dseaˋ e fɨˊ lɨ˜ táaiñˈˋ do, jo̱ co̱o̱ˋ mɨ˜ cangɨrˊ e joˋ eeˋ seaˋ dǿˈrˉ. 15 Jo̱ jo̱guɨbaˈ cajméerˋ quijí̱ˉ ta˜ nijmérˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ seengˋ e fɨˊ lɨ˜ táaiñˋ do, jo̱ cangɨ́ɨiñˋ co̱o̱ˋ ta˜ e jmóorˋ íˆ cúˆ. 16 Jo̱ dsíngˈˉ lɨ́ˋ dsíirˊ faˈ nidǿˈˉbɨjiʉr jaléˈˋ e gøˈˊ i̱ cúˆ do laco̱o̱ˋ jmɨɨ˜, co̱ˈ jaˋ eeˋ ˈgaˈˊ lɨˊ ngɨ́ɨiñˋ e nidǿˈrˉ ˈñiaˈrˊ. 17 Jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱ dsíngˈˉ cajoˈˉ dsíirˊ quiáˈˉ jaléˈˋ e cajméerˋ lamɨ˜ jéengˊguɨ do jo̱ caˈɨ́ˋ dsíirˊ: “¡Jaˋ ñíˆ jǿngˈˋguɨ dseaˋ jmóoˋ ta˜ quiáˈˉ tiquiéˆe jo̱ seabˋ e gøˈrˊ lalíingˋ lana, jo̱ dsʉˈ jnea˜ lab táanˋn nijúunˉn ooˉ! 18 Jo̱baˈ nímˈˆtú̱u̱ fɨˊ góoˊo jo̱ niˈnémˈˆtú̱u̱ tiquiéˆe jo̱ nifɨ́ɨˆɨre: Teaa˜, dsíngˈˉ nɨcajmɨrǿøngˋ dseeˉ ˈñiáˈˋa fɨˊ quiniˇ Fidiéeˇ jo̱guɨ fɨˊ quiníˈˆ cajo̱. 19 Jo̱ lana gánˈˊn e iin˜n nijméeˈ˜e ta˜ lafaˈ jaangˋ dseaˋ ˈléengˈ˜ quíiˆbaˈ, jo̱ joˋ jméeˈ˜ cuente e jó̱o̱ˈˋ jnea˜.” 20 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ e caˈɨ́ˋ dsíirˊ lado, dsifɨˊ lajo̱b cangángˈˉtu̱r fɨˊ góorˋ, jo̱ cangoˈnéengˈˇtu̱r tiquiáˈrˆ.

’Jo̱ jaquiéemˊ niguieiñˈˊ quiáˈrˉ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ cangáˉ tiquiáˈrˆ e nɨngaiñˈˊ. Jo̱ dsíngˈˉ calɨ́ˉ fɨ́ɨˉ lɨ́ɨngˉ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ do i̱ jó̱o̱rˊ do, jo̱ e cuí̱i̱ˋbre cangojmijíngˈˊneiñˈ jo̱ carǿøngˋ rúiñˈˋ. 21 Jo̱baˈ cajíngˈˉ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do casɨ́ˈrˉ tiquiáˈrˆ: “Teaa˜, dsíngˈˉ nɨcaˈlee˜e fɨˊ quiniˇ Fidiéeˇ jo̱guɨ nɨcaˈlee˜baa fɨˊ quiníˈˆ cajo̱, jo̱ joˋ jméeˈ˜ cuente e jó̱o̱ˈˋ jnea˜.” 22 Dsʉˈ i̱ tiquiáˈrˆ do dsifɨˊ lajo̱b caquiʉˈrˊ ta˜ dseaˋ ˈléengˈ˜ i̱ néeˊ ni˜ sɨnʉ́ʉˆ quiáˈrˉ jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ: “Güɨquie̱ˋduˈ ˈmɨˈˊ e jloˈˆguɨ lajeeˇ lajaléˈˋ e seaˋ jo̱ niquɨ́ˈˊ i̱ jó̱o̱ˋo̱ la, jo̱guɨ güɨquie̱ˋnaˈ co̱o̱ˋ ñíˆ iʉ˜ niguooˋ jo̱ ñicuǿøˈ˜naˈr, jo̱guɨ cuǿøˈ˜naˈr caneáangˊ mɨlooˋ e ˈmɨ́ɨˉ e niˈǿˈrˉ. 23 Jo̱guɨ güɨteeˉnaˈ jaangˋ güɨtሠjiuung˜ i̱ nɨˈúungˈ˜guɨ lajeeˇ lajaléngˈˋneˈ, jo̱ nijngáangˈ˜naˈreˈ jo̱ nilíingˉneˈ jmiñiˇ. ¡Ná nijmóˆooˈ co̱o̱ˋ jmɨɨ˜ jo̱ niˈnéˈˆ niquiee˜naaˈ lajaléˈˋnaaˈ! 24 Dsʉco̱ˈ i̱ jó̱o̱ˋo̱ la huí̱i̱bˉ eáangˊ nɨcangórˉ jo̱guɨ huǿøbˉ eáangˊ nɨcangoˈíiñˊ; jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱ caˈɨ́ˋ dsiiˉ e nɨcajúmˉbre, jo̱ lana lɨ́nˉn e lafaˈ nɨcají̱ˈˊtu̱r e nɨsiñˈˊ la.” Jo̱ lajalémˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do canaaiñˋ guiarˊ guiʉ́ˉ e cajmeáiñˈˋ jmɨɨ˜ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ i̱ caguiéngˈˉ do.

25 ’Jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱ dob nitáangˋ i̱ rúiñˈˋ dseaˋ féngˈˊ do fɨˊ lɨ˜ jmóorˋ ta˜ quiáˈˉ tiquiáˈrˆ. Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangoquiéeiñˊ fɨˊ quiáˈrˉ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ canʉʉˋ, jo̱ canúurˉ e i̱i̱ˉ lúuˊ jo̱ nɨnaangˋ e néeˊ tadséengˋ fɨˊ quiáˈrˉ. 26 Jo̱ mɨ˜ caguiéiñˈˉ quiá̱ˈˉ oˈnʉ́ˆ quiáˈrˉ, jo̱b singˈˊ jaangˋ dseaˋ ˈléengˈ˜, jo̱ cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ i̱ dseaˋ do jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ: “¿E˜guɨˈ jmooˋnaˈ teáangˈ˜naˈ na?” 27 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ i̱ dseaˋ ˈléengˈ˜ do jo̱ cajíñˈˉ: “ˈMɨ́ɨˉ cagüeangˈˉ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ rúnˈˋ i̱ táˈˉ cangongɨˊ do. Jo̱baˈ dsíngˈˉ calɨˈiáangˋ dsíiˊ tiquíiˈˆ, jo̱ caquiʉˈrˊ ta˜ e cajúngˉ jaangˋ güɨtሠjiuung˜ i̱ niguangˈˆguɨ lajeeˇ lajaléngˈˋ i̱ seengˋ quíiˈˉ, jo̱baˈ jmóorˋ jmɨɨ˜ lana.” 28 Jo̱ dsʉˈ mɨ˜ canúuˉ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do lado sóongˆ calɨguíiñˉ, jo̱ joˋ calɨˈiiñ˜ faˈ caˈíˉguɨr e sɨnʉ́ʉˆ lɨ˜ néeˊ jmɨɨ˜ do. Jo̱ mɨ˜ calɨlíˈˆ tiquiáˈrˆ e táangˋ i̱ jó̱o̱rˊ do caluuˇ, dsifɨˊ lajo̱b cagüɨˈɨ́ɨrˊ jo̱ caguitéeˋreiñˈ. 29 Jo̱baˈ cajíngˈˉ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do casɨ́ˈrˉ tiquiáˈrˆ: “Contøømˉ nɨcajméˉe ta˜ quíiˈˆ jo̱ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ néeˈ˜ jaˋ mɨˊ cajméˉe faˈ e jaˋ nʉ́ʉˈ˜ʉ jaléˈˋ ta˜ quiʉ́ˈˋ, dsʉˈ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ néeˈ˜ jaˋ mɨˊ cajmeáanˈ˜ jnea˜ jmɨɨ˜, o̱ˈguɨ mɨˊ cacuǿønˈ˜ jnea˜ faˈ jaamˋ joˈchíˈˆ quíiˈˉ e laco̱ˈ nijmeáangˈ˜ ˈñiáˈˋa jmɨɨ˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ cuíinˋn. 30 Jo̱ dsʉˈ lanaguɨ e nɨcagüeangˈˉtu̱ i̱ rúnˈˋn na, dseaˋ nɨcaˈíiñˉ jaléˈˋ cuuˉ quíiˈˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléˈˋ e ˈlɨˈˆ e seaˋ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ, jo̱ ˈnʉˋ nɨcajngangˈˊ jaangˋ güɨtሠjiuung˜ i̱ niguoˈˆguɨ lajeeˇ lajaléngˈˋ i̱ seengˋ quíˉiiˈ.”

31 ’Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ tiquiáˈrˆ jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ: “Yʉ̱ʉ̱ˋ quíˉiiˈ, contøømˉ guiingˇ ˈnʉˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jnea˜, jo̱ jaléˈˋ e seaˋ quiéˉe e quíiˉbaˈ cajo̱. 32 Jo̱ dsʉˈ lana e nɨcagüeangˈˉ i̱ rúnˈˋ na dsi˜ íˈˋ e nijmeáangˈ˜naaˈr jmɨɨ˜ jo̱ nijmiˈiáangˋ dsiˋnaaˈ jaléˈˋnaaˈ. Co̱ˈ huǿøbˉ nɨcangoˈíiñˊ, jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱ nɨcaˈɨ́ˋ dsiˋnaaˈ e nɨcajúmˉbre; jo̱ dsʉˈ lanaguɨ e nɨcagüeangˈˉtu̱r, lɨ́ɨˊ e lafaˈ nɨcají̱bˈˊtu̱r.”

The Parable of the Lost Sheep(A)

15 Now the tax collectors(B) and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”(C)

Then Jesus told them this parable:(D) “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?(E) And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’(F) I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.(G)

The Parable of the Lost Coin

“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins[a] and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’(H) 10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”(I)

The Parable of the Lost Son

11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons.(J) 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’(K) So he divided his property(L) between them.

13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth(M) in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs.(N) 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.

17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned(O) against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.(P)

21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.(Q) I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe(R) and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger(S) and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again;(T) he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.(U)

25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27 ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’

28 “The older brother became angry(V) and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property(W) with prostitutes(X) comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’

31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”(Y)


  1. Luke 15:8 Greek ten drachmas, each worth about a day’s wages