23 The Lord spoke to Moses: 24 “Tell the Israelites: In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you are to have a day of complete rest, commemoration, and trumpet blasts(A)—a sacred assembly.(B) 25 You must not do any daily work, but you must present a food offering to the Lord.”

26 The Lord again spoke to Moses: 27 “The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement.(C) You are to hold a sacred assembly and practice self-denial;(D) you are to present a food offering to the Lord. 28 On this particular day you are not to do any work, for it is a Day of Atonement to make atonement for yourselves before the Lord your God. 29 If any person does not practice self-denial on this particular day, he is to be cut off from his people. 30 I will destroy among his people anyone who does any work on this same day. 31 You are not to do any work. This is a permanent statute throughout your generations wherever you live. 32 It will be a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you must practice self-denial. You are to observe your Sabbath from the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening.”

33 The Lord spoke to Moses: 34 “Tell the Israelites: The Festival of Shelters[a](E) to the Lord begins on the fifteenth day of this seventh month and continues for seven days. 35 There is to be a sacred assembly on the first day; you are not to do any daily work. 36 You are to present a food offering to the Lord for seven days. On the eighth day you are to hold a sacred assembly and present a food offering to the Lord. It is a solemn assembly;(F) you are not to do any daily work.

37 “These are the Lord’s appointed times that you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies for presenting food offerings to the Lord, burnt offerings and grain offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings, each on its designated day. 38 These are in addition to the offerings for the Lord’s Sabbaths, your gifts, all your vow offerings, and all your freewill offerings that you give to the Lord.

39 “You are to celebrate the Lord’s festival on the fifteenth day of the seventh month for seven days after you have gathered the produce of the land. There will be complete rest on the first day and complete rest on the eighth day. 40 On the first day you are to take the product(G) of majestic trees—palm fronds,(H) boughs of leafy trees,(I) and willows of the brook(J)—and rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days. 41 You are to celebrate it as a festival to the Lord seven days each year. This is a permanent statute for you throughout your generations; celebrate it in the seventh month. 42 You are to live in shelters(K) for seven days. All the native-born of Israel must live in shelters, 43 so that your generations may know that I made the Israelites live in shelters when I brought them out of the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.”

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  1. 23:34 Or Tabernacles, or Booths

Festival of Trumpets Offerings

29 “You are to hold a sacred assembly in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, and you are not to do any daily work.(A) This will be a day of trumpet blasts for you.(B) Offer a burnt offering as a pleasing aroma to the Lord: one young bull, one ram, seven male lambs a year old—all unblemished— with their grain offering of fine flour mixed with oil, six quarts[a] with the bull, four quarts[b] with the ram, and two quarts[c] with each of the seven male lambs. Also offer one male goat as a sin offering to make atonement for yourselves. These are in addition to the monthly and regular burnt offerings with their prescribed grain offerings and drink offerings. They are a pleasing aroma, a food offering to the Lord.

Offerings for the Day of Atonement

“You are to hold a sacred assembly on the tenth day of this seventh month and practice self-denial;(C) do not do any work. Present a burnt offering to the Lord, a pleasing aroma: one young bull, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old. All your animals are to be unblemished. Their grain offering is to be of fine flour mixed with oil, six quarts with the bull, four quarts with the ram, 10 and two quarts with each of the seven lambs. 11 Offer one male goat for a sin offering. The regular burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offerings are in addition to the sin offering of atonement.

Offerings for the Festival of Shelters

12 “You are to hold a sacred assembly on the fifteenth day of the seventh month;(D) you do not do any daily work. You are to celebrate a seven-day festival for the Lord. 13 Present a burnt offering, a food offering, a pleasing aroma to the Lord: thirteen young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old. They are to be unblemished. 14 Their grain offering is to be of fine flour mixed with oil, six quarts with each of the thirteen bulls, four quarts with each of the two rams, 15 and two quarts with each of the fourteen lambs. 16 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering. These are in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain and drink offerings.

17 “On the second day present twelve young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old—all unblemished— 18 with their grain and drink offerings(E) for the bulls, rams, and lambs, in proportion to their number. 19 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering. These are in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain and drink and their drink offerings.

20 “On the third day present eleven bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a year old—all unblemished— 21 with their grain and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, in proportion to their number. 22 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering. These are in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain and drink offerings.

23 “On the fourth day present ten bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a year old—all unblemished— 24 with their grain and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, in proportion to their number. 25 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering. These are in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain and drink offerings.

26 “On the fifth day present nine bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a year old—all unblemished— 27 with their grain and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, in proportion to their number. 28 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering. These are in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain and drink offerings.

29 “On the sixth day present eight bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a year old—all unblemished— 30 with their grain and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, in proportion to their number. 31 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering. These are in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain and drink offerings.

32 “On the seventh day present seven bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old—all unblemished— 33 with their grain and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, in proportion to their number. 34 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering. These are in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain and drink offerings.

35 “On the eighth day you are to hold a solemn assembly; you are not to do any daily work.(F) 36 Present a burnt offering, a food offering, a pleasing aroma to the Lord: one bull, one ram, seven male lambs a year old—all unblemished— 37 with their grain and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, in proportion to their number. 38 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering. These are in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain and drink offerings.

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  1. 29:3 Lit three-tenths (of an ephah), also in vv. 9,14
  2. 29:3 Lit two-tenths (of an ephah), also in vv. 9,14
  3. 29:4 Lit one-tenth (of an ephah), also in vv. 10,15

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