Leviticus 6:23
New International Version
23 Every grain offering of a priest shall be burned completely; it must not be eaten.”
Leviticus 6:16-17
New International Version
16 Aaron and his sons(A) shall eat the rest(B) of it, but it is to be eaten without yeast(C) in the sanctuary area;(D) they are to eat it in the courtyard(E) of the tent of meeting.(F) 17 It must not be baked with yeast; I have given it as their share(G) of the food offerings presented to me.(H) Like the sin offering[a] and the guilt offering, it is most holy.(I)
- Leviticus 6:17 Or purification offering; also in verses 25 and 30
Leviticus 2:10
New International Version
10 The rest of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons;(A) it is a most holy part of the food offerings presented to the Lord.(B)
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NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.
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