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Las tristezas de Sion vienen de Jehová

¡Cómo oscureció el Señor en su furor a la hija de Sion!

Derribó del cielo a la tierra la hermosura de Israel,

Y no se acordó del estrado de sus pies en el día de su furor.

Destruyó el Señor, y no perdonó;

Destruyó en su furor todas las tiendas de Jacob;

Echó por tierra las fortalezas de la hija de Judá,

Humilló al reino y a sus príncipes.

Cortó con el ardor de su ira todo el poderío de Israel;

Retiró de él su diestra frente al enemigo,

Y se encendió en Jacob como llama de fuego que ha devorado alrededor.

Entesó su arco como enemigo, afirmó su mano derecha como adversario,

Y destruyó cuanto era hermoso.

En la tienda de la hija de Sion derramó como fuego su enojo.

El Señor llegó a ser como enemigo, destruyó a Israel;

Destruyó todos sus palacios, derribó sus fortalezas,

Y multiplicó en la hija de Judá la tristeza y el lamento.

Quitó su tienda como enramada de huerto;

Destruyó el lugar en donde se congregaban;

Jehová ha hecho olvidar las fiestas solemnes y los días de reposo[a] en Sion,

Y en el ardor de su ira ha desechado al rey y al sacerdote.

Desechó el Señor su altar, menospreció su santuario;

Ha entregado en mano del enemigo los muros de sus palacios;

Hicieron resonar su voz en la casa de Jehová como en día de fiesta.

Jehová determinó destruir el muro de la hija de Sion;

Extendió el cordel, no retrajo su mano de la destrucción;

Hizo, pues, que se lamentara el antemuro y el muro; fueron desolados juntamente.

Sus puertas fueron echadas por tierra, destruyó y quebrantó sus cerrojos;

Su rey y sus príncipes están entre las naciones donde no hay ley;

Sus profetas tampoco hallaron visión de Jehová.

10 Se sentaron en tierra, callaron los ancianos de la hija de Sion;

Echaron polvo sobre sus cabezas, se ciñeron de cilicio;

Las vírgenes de Jerusalén bajaron sus cabezas a tierra.

11 Mis ojos desfallecieron de lágrimas, se conmovieron mis entrañas,

Mi hígado se derramó por tierra a causa del quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo,

Cuando desfallecía el niño y el que mamaba, en las plazas de la ciudad.

12 Decían a sus madres: ¿Dónde está el trigo y el vino?

Desfallecían como heridos en las calles de la ciudad,

Derramando sus almas en el regazo de sus madres.

13 ¿Qué testigo te traeré, o a quién te haré semejante, hija de Jerusalén?

¿A quién te compararé para consolarte, oh virgen hija de Sion?

Porque grande como el mar es tu quebrantamiento; ¿quién te sanará?

14 Tus profetas vieron para ti vanidad y locura;

Y no descubrieron tu pecado para impedir tu cautiverio,

Sino que te predicaron vanas profecías y extravíos.

15 Todos los que pasaban por el camino batieron las manos sobre ti;

Silbaron, y movieron despectivamente sus cabezas sobre la hija de Jerusalén, diciendo:

¿Es esta la ciudad que decían de perfecta hermosura, el gozo de toda la tierra?

16 Todos tus enemigos abrieron contra ti su boca;

Se burlaron, y crujieron los dientes; dijeron: Devorémosla;

Ciertamente este es el día que esperábamos; lo hemos hallado, lo hemos visto.

17 Jehová ha hecho lo que tenía determinado;

Ha cumplido su palabra, la cual él había mandado desde tiempo antiguo.

Destruyó, y no perdonó;

Y ha hecho que el enemigo se alegre sobre ti,

Y enalteció el poder de tus adversarios.

18 El corazón de ellos clamaba al Señor;

Oh hija de Sion, echa lágrimas cual arroyo día y noche;

No descanses, ni cesen las niñas de tus ojos.

19 Levántate, da voces en la noche, al comenzar las vigilias;

Derrama como agua tu corazón ante la presencia del Señor;

Alza tus manos a él implorando la vida de tus pequeñitos,

Que desfallecen de hambre en las entradas de todas las calles.

20 Mira, oh Jehová, y considera a quién has hecho así.

¿Han de comer las mujeres el fruto de sus entrañas, los pequeñitos a su tierno cuidado?

¿Han de ser muertos en el santuario del Señor el sacerdote y el profeta?

21 Niños y viejos yacían por tierra en las calles;

Mis vírgenes y mis jóvenes cayeron a espada;

Mataste en el día de tu furor; degollaste, no perdonaste.

22 Has convocado de todas partes mis temores, como en un día de solemnidad;

Y en el día del furor de Jehová no hubo quien escapase ni quedase vivo;

Los que crie y mantuve, mi enemigo los acabó.

Esperanza de liberación por la misericordia de Dios

Yo soy el hombre que ha visto aflicción bajo el látigo de su enojo.

Me guio y me llevó en tinieblas, y no en luz;

Ciertamente contra mí volvió y revolvió su mano todo el día.

Hizo envejecer mi carne y mi piel; quebrantó mis huesos;

Edificó baluartes contra mí, y me rodeó de amargura y de trabajo.

Me dejó en oscuridad, como los ya muertos de mucho tiempo.

Me cercó por todos lados, y no puedo salir; ha hecho más pesadas mis cadenas;

Aun cuando clamé y di voces, cerró los oídos a mi oración;

Cercó mis caminos con piedra labrada, torció mis senderos.

10 Fue para mí como oso que acecha, como león en escondrijos;

11 Torció mis caminos, y me despedazó; me dejó desolado.

12 Entesó su arco, y me puso como blanco para la saeta.

13 Hizo entrar en mis entrañas las saetas de su aljaba.

14 Fui escarnio a todo mi pueblo, burla de ellos todos los días;

15 Me llenó de amarguras, me embriagó de ajenjos.

16 Mis dientes quebró con cascajo, me cubrió de ceniza;

17 Y mi alma se alejó de la paz, me olvidé del bien,

18 Y dije: Perecieron mis fuerzas, y mi esperanza en Jehová.

19 Acuérdate de mi aflicción y de mi abatimiento, del ajenjo y de la hiel;

20 Lo tendré aún en memoria, porque mi alma está abatida dentro de mí;

21 Esto recapacitaré en mi corazón, por lo tanto esperaré.

22 Por la misericordia de Jehová no hemos sido consumidos, porque nunca decayeron sus misericordias.

23 Nuevas son cada mañana; grande es tu fidelidad.

24 Mi porción es Jehová, dijo mi alma; por tanto, en él esperaré.

25 Bueno es Jehová a los que en él esperan, al alma que le busca.

26 Bueno es esperar en silencio la salvación de Jehová.

27 Bueno le es al hombre llevar el yugo desde su juventud.

28 Que se siente solo y calle, porque es Dios quien se lo impuso;

29 Ponga su boca en el polvo, por si aún hay esperanza;

30 Dé la mejilla al que le hiere, y sea colmado de afrentas.

31 Porque el Señor no desecha para siempre;

32 Antes si aflige, también se compadece según la multitud de sus misericordias;

33 Porque no aflige ni entristece voluntariamente a los hijos de los hombres.

34 Desmenuzar bajo los pies a todos los encarcelados de la tierra,

35 Torcer el derecho del hombre delante de la presencia del Altísimo,

36 Trastornar al hombre en su causa, el Señor no lo aprueba.

37 ¿Quién será aquel que diga que sucedió algo que el Señor no mandó?

38 ¿De la boca del Altísimo no sale lo malo y lo bueno?

39 ¿Por qué se lamenta el hombre viviente? Laméntese el hombre en su pecado.

40 Escudriñemos nuestros caminos, y busquemos, y volvámonos a Jehová;

41 Levantemos nuestros corazones y manos a Dios en los cielos;

42 Nosotros nos hemos rebelado, y fuimos desleales; tú no perdonaste.

43 Desplegaste la ira y nos perseguiste; mataste, y no perdonaste;

44 Te cubriste de nube para que no pasase la oración nuestra;

45 Nos volviste en oprobio y abominación en medio de los pueblos.

46 Todos nuestros enemigos abrieron contra nosotros su boca;

47 Temor y lazo fueron para nosotros, asolamiento y quebranto;

48 Ríos de aguas echan mis ojos por el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo.

49 Mis ojos destilan y no cesan, porque no hay alivio

50 Hasta que Jehová mire y vea desde los cielos;

51 Mis ojos contristaron mi alma por todas las hijas de mi ciudad.

52 Mis enemigos me dieron caza como a ave, sin haber por qué;

53 Ataron mi vida en cisterna, pusieron piedra sobre mí;

54 Aguas cubrieron mi cabeza; yo dije: Muerto soy.

55 Invoqué tu nombre, oh Jehová, desde la cárcel profunda;

56 Oíste mi voz; no escondas tu oído al clamor de mis suspiros.

57 Te acercaste el día que te invoqué; dijiste: No temas.

58 Abogaste, Señor, la causa de mi alma; redimiste mi vida.

59 Tú has visto, oh Jehová, mi agravio; defiende mi causa.

60 Has visto toda su venganza, todos sus pensamientos contra mí.

61 Has oído el oprobio de ellos, oh Jehová, todas sus maquinaciones contra mí;

62 Los dichos de los que contra mí se levantaron, y su designio contra mí todo el día.

63 Su sentarse y su levantarse mira; yo soy su canción.

64 Dales el pago, oh Jehová, según la obra de sus manos.

65 Entrégalos al endurecimiento de corazón; tu maldición caiga sobre ellos.

66 Persíguelos en tu furor, y quebrántalos de debajo de los cielos, oh Jehová.

El castigo de Sion consumado

¡Cómo se ha ennegrecido el oro!

¡Cómo el buen oro ha perdido su brillo!

Las piedras del santuario están esparcidas por las encrucijadas de todas las calles.

Los hijos de Sion, preciados y estimados más que el oro puro,

¡Cómo son tenidos por vasijas de barro, obra de manos de alfarero!

Aun los chacales dan la teta, y amamantan a sus cachorros;

La hija de mi pueblo es cruel como los avestruces en el desierto.

La lengua del niño de pecho se pegó a su paladar por la sed;

Los pequeñuelos pidieron pan, y no hubo quien se lo repartiese.

Los que comían delicadamente fueron asolados en las calles;

Los que se criaron entre púrpura se abrazaron a los estercoleros.

Porque se aumentó la iniquidad de la hija de mi pueblo más que el pecado de Sodoma,(A)

Que fue destruida en un momento, sin que acamparan contra ella compañías.

Sus nobles fueron más puros que la nieve, más blancos que la leche;

Más rubios eran sus cuerpos que el coral, su talle más hermoso que el zafiro.

Oscuro más que la negrura es su aspecto; no los conocen por las calles;

Su piel está pegada a sus huesos, seca como un palo.

Más dichosos fueron los muertos a espada que los muertos por el hambre;

Porque estos murieron poco a poco por falta de los frutos de la tierra.

10 Las manos de mujeres piadosas cocieron a sus hijos;(B)

Sus propios hijos les sirvieron de comida en el día del quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo.

11 Cumplió Jehová su enojo, derramó el ardor de su ira;

Y encendió en Sion fuego que consumió hasta sus cimientos.

12 Nunca los reyes de la tierra, ni todos los que habitan en el mundo,

Creyeron que el enemigo y el adversario entrara por las puertas de Jerusalén.

13 Es por causa de los pecados de sus profetas, y las maldades de sus sacerdotes,

Quienes derramaron en medio de ella la sangre de los justos.

14 Titubearon como ciegos en las calles, fueron contaminados con sangre,

De modo que no pudiesen tocarse sus vestiduras.

15 ¡Apartaos! ¡Inmundos! les gritaban; ¡Apartaos, apartaos, no toquéis!

Huyeron y fueron dispersados; se dijo entre las naciones:

Nunca más morarán aquí.

16 La ira de Jehová los apartó, no los mirará más;

No respetaron la presencia de los sacerdotes, ni tuvieron compasión de los viejos.

17 Aun han desfallecido nuestros ojos esperando en vano nuestro socorro;

En nuestra esperanza aguardamos a una nación que no puede salvar.

18 Cazaron nuestros pasos, para que no anduviésemos por nuestras calles;

Se acercó nuestro fin, se cumplieron nuestros días; porque llegó nuestro fin.

19 Ligeros fueron nuestros perseguidores más que las águilas del cielo;

Sobre los montes nos persiguieron, en el desierto nos pusieron emboscadas.

20 El aliento de nuestras vidas, el ungido de Jehová,

De quien habíamos dicho: A su sombra tendremos vida entre las naciones, fue apresado en sus lazos.

21 Gózate y alégrate, hija de Edom, la que habitas en tierra de Uz;

Aun hasta ti llegará la copa; te embriagarás, y vomitarás.

22 Se ha cumplido tu castigo, oh hija de Sion;

Nunca más te hará llevar cautiva.

Castigará tu iniquidad, oh hija de Edom;

Descubrirá tus pecados.


  1. Lamentaciones 2:6 Aquí equivale a sábado.

God’s Anger over Israel

How the Lord has [a](A)covered the daughter of Zion
With a cloud in His anger!
He has (B)hurled
The (C)glory of Israel from heaven to earth,
And has not remembered His (D)footstool
In the day of His anger.
The Lord has [b](E)destroyed; He has not spared
All the settlements of Jacob.
In His wrath He has (F)overthrown
The strongholds of the daughter of Judah,
He has (G)hurled them down to the ground;
He has (H)profaned the kingdom and its leaders.
In fierce anger He has cut off
[c]All the (I)strength of Israel;
He has (J)pulled back His right hand
From the enemy.
And He has (K)burned in Jacob like a flaming fire
Consuming on all sides.
He has bent His (L)bow like an enemy;
His right hand is positioned like an adversary,
And He has killed everything that was (M)pleasant to the eye.
In the tent of the daughter of Zion
He has (N)poured out His wrath like fire.
The Lord has become like an (O)enemy.
He has (P)engulfed Israel;
He has engulfed all its (Q)palaces,
He has destroyed its strongholds
And (R)caused great mourning and grieving in the daughter of Judah.
And He has treated His [d]tabernacle violently, like a despised garden;
He has (S)destroyed His appointed [e]meeting place.
The Lord has (T)caused
The appointed feast and Sabbath in Zion to be forgotten,
And He has (U)despised king and priest
In the indignation of His anger.
The Lord has (V)rejected His altar,
He has [f]repudiated His sanctuary;
He (W)has handed over
The walls of her palaces to the enemy.
They have made a (X)noise in the house of the Lord
As on the day of an appointed feast.
The Lord determined to destroy
The wall of the daughter of Zion.
He has (Y)stretched out a line,
He has not restrained His hand from [g]destroying,
And He has (Z)caused rampart and wall to mourn;
They have languished together.
Her (AA)gates have sunk into the ground,
He has destroyed and broken her bars.
Her king and her leaders are among the nations;
The (AB)Law is gone.
Her prophets, too, find
(AC)No vision from the Lord.
10 The elders of the daughter of Zion
(AD)Sit on the ground and [h](AE)are silent.
They have thrown (AF)dust on their heads;
They have put on (AG)sackcloth.
The (AH)virgins of Jerusalem
Have bowed their heads to the ground.
11 My (AI)eyes fail because of tears,
My [i](AJ)spirit is greatly troubled;
My [j](AK)heart is poured out on the earth
(AL)Because of the [k]destruction of the daughter of my people,
When (AM)little ones and infants languish
In the streets of the city.
12 They say to their mothers,
(AN)Where is grain and wine?”
As they faint like a wounded person
In the streets of the city,
As their (AO)lives are poured out
[l]In their mothers’ arms.
13 How shall I admonish you?
What (AP)shall I compare to you,
Daughter of Jerusalem?
What shall I liken to you as I comfort you,
(AQ)Virgin daughter of Zion?
For your collapse is as vast as the sea;
Who can (AR)heal you?
14 Your (AS)prophets have seen for you
Worthless and deceptive visions;
And they have not (AT)exposed your wrongdoing
So as to restore you from captivity,
But they have (AU)seen for you worthless and misleading pronouncements.
15 All who pass along the way
(AV)Clap their hands in ridicule at you;
They (AW)[m]hiss and shake their heads
At the daughter of Jerusalem:
“Is this the city of which they said,
(AX)Perfect in beauty,
(AY)A joy to all the earth’?”
16 All (AZ)your enemies
Have opened their mouths wide against you;
They [n]hiss and (BA)gnash their teeth.
They say, “We have (BB)engulfed her!
This certainly is the (BC)day which we awaited;
We have reached it, we have seen it!”
17 The Lord has (BD)done what He determined;
He has accomplished His word
Which He commanded from days of old.
He has torn down (BE)without sparing,
And He has helped the enemy to (BF)rejoice over you;
He has (BG)exalted the [o]might of your adversaries.
18 Their (BH)heart cried out to the Lord:
“You (BI)wall of the daughter of Zion,
Let your (BJ)tears stream down like a river day and night;
Give yourself no relief,
Let [p]your eyes have no rest.
19 Arise, whimper in the (BK)night
At the beginning of the night watches;
(BL)Pour out your heart like water
Before the presence of the Lord;
Raise your hands to Him
For the (BM)life of your little ones
Who (BN)languish because of hunger
At the head of every street.
20 See, Lord, and look!
With (BO)whom have You dealt this way?
Should women really (BP)eat their [q]children,
The little ones who were [r]born healthy?
Should (BQ)priest and prophet really be killed
In the sanctuary of the Lord?
21 On the ground in the streets
Lie (BR)young and old;
My (BS)virgins and my young men
Have fallen by the sword.
You have put them to death on the day of Your anger,
You have slaughtered, (BT)without sparing.
22 You called as on the day of an appointed feast
My (BU)terrors on every side;
And there was (BV)no one who survived or escaped
On the day of the Lords anger.
As for those (BW)whom I brought forth healthy and whom I raised,
My enemy annihilated them.”

Jeremiah Shares Israel’s Misery

I am the man who has (BX)seen misery
Because of the rod of His wrath.
He has driven me and made me walk
In (BY)darkness and not in light.
Indeed, He has (BZ)turned His hand against me
Repeatedly all the day.
He has consumed my (CA)flesh and my skin,
He has (CB)broken my bones.
He has [s](CC)besieged and surrounded me with [t](CD)bitterness and hardship.
He has made me live in (CE)dark places,
Like those who have long been dead.
He has (CF)walled me in so that I cannot go out;
He has made my [u](CG)chain heavy.
Even when I cry out and call for help,
He (CH)shuts out my prayer.
He has (CI)blocked my ways with cut stone;
He has twisted my paths.
10 He is to me like a bear lying in wait,
Like a lion in secret places.
11 He has made my ways deviate, and (CJ)torn me to pieces;
He has made me desolate.
12 He (CK)bent His bow
And (CL)took aim at me as a target for the arrow.
13 He made the [v]arrows of His (CM)quiver
Enter my [w]inward parts.
14 I have become a (CN)laughingstock to all my people,
Their (CO)song of ridicule all the day.
15 He has (CP)filled me with bitterness,
He has made me drink plenty of wormwood.
16 He has also (CQ)made my teeth grind with (CR)gravel;
He has made me cower in the (CS)dust.
17 My soul has been excluded (CT)from peace;
I have forgotten [x]happiness.
18 So I say, “My [y]strength has failed,
And so has my (CU)hope from the Lord.”

Hope of Relief in God’s Mercy

19 Remember my misery and my homelessness, the (CV)wormwood and [z]bitterness.
20 (CW)My soul certainly remembers,
And [aa]is (CX)bent over within me.
21 I recall this to my mind,
Therefore I [ab](CY)wait.
22 [ac]The Lords (CZ)acts of mercy indeed do not end,
(DA)For His compassions do not fail.
23 They are new (DB)every morning;
Great is (DC)Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my (DD)portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I [ad](DE)wait for Him.”
25 The Lord is good to those who [ae](DF)await Him,
To the [af]person who (DG)seeks Him.
26 It is good that he (DH)waits silently
For the salvation of the Lord.
27 It is good for a man to bear
The yoke in his youth.
28 Let him (DI)sit alone and keep quiet,
Since He has laid it on him.
29 Let him [ag]put his mouth in the (DJ)dust;
Perhaps there is (DK)hope.
30 Let him give his (DL)cheek to the one who is going to strike him;
Let him be filled with shame.
31 For the Lord will (DM)not reject forever,
32 For if He causes grief,
Then He will have (DN)compassion
In proportion to His abundant mercy.
33 For He (DO)does not [ah]afflict [ai]willingly
Or [aj]grieve the sons of mankind.
34 To crush under [ak]one’s feet
All the prisoners of the [al]land,
35 To [am]deprive a man of (DP)justice
In the presence of the Most High,
36 To [an](DQ)defraud someone in his lawsuit—
Of these things the Lord does not [ao]approve.
37 Who is [ap]there who speaks and it (DR)comes to pass,
Unless the Lord has commanded it?
38 Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
That [aq](DS)both adversity and good proceed?

39 Of what can any living [ar]mortal, or any man,
(DT)Complain [as]in view of his sins?
40 Let’s (DU)examine and search out our ways,
And let’s return to the Lord.
41 We (DV)raise our heart [at]and hands
Toward God in heaven;
42 We have (DW)done wrong and rebelled;
You have (DX)not pardoned.
43 You have covered Yourself with (DY)anger
And (DZ)pursued us;
You have slain and (EA)have not spared.
44 You have (EB)veiled Yourself with a cloud
So that (EC)no prayer can pass through.
45 You have made us mere (ED)refuse and rubbish
In the midst of the peoples.
46 All our enemies have (EE)opened their mouths against us.
47 (EF)Panic and pitfall have come upon us,
Devastation and destruction;
48 My [au](EG)eyes run down with streams of water
Because of the destruction of the daughter of my people.
49 My eyes flow (EH)unceasingly,
Without stopping,
50 Until the Lord (EI)looks down
And sees from heaven.
51 My eyes bring pain to my soul
Because of all the daughters of my city.
52 My enemies (EJ)without reason
Hunted me down (EK)like a bird;
53 They have silenced [av]me (EL)in the pit
And have [aw](EM)thrown stones on me.
54 Waters flowed (EN)over my head;
I said, “I am [ax]cut off!”
55 I (EO)called on Your name, Lord,
Out of the lowest pit.
56 You have (EP)heard my voice,
(EQ)Do not cover Your ear from my plea for relief,
From my cry for help.”
57 You (ER)came near on the day I called to You;
You said, “(ES)Do not fear!”
58 Lord, You (ET)have pleaded my soul’s cause;
You have (EU)redeemed my life.
59 Lord, You have (EV)seen my oppression;
(EW)Judge my case.
60 You have seen all their vengeance,
All their (EX)schemes against me.
61 You have heard their (EY)reproach, Lord,
All their schemes against me.
62 The (EZ)lips of my assailants and their talk
Are against me all day long.
63 Look at their [ay](FA)sitting and their rising;
(FB)I am their mocking song.
64 You will (FC)repay them, Lord,
In accordance with the work of their hands.
65 You will give them [az](FD)shamelessness of heart,
Your curse will be on them.
66 You will (FE)pursue them in anger and eliminate them
From under the (FF)heavens of the Lord!

Distress of the Siege Described

How (FG)dark the gold has become,
How the pure gold has changed!
The sacred stones are spilled out
At the [ba]corner of every street.
The precious sons of Zion,
Weighed against pure gold,
How they are regarded as (FH)earthenware jars,
The work of a potter’s hands!
Even (FI)jackals offer the breast,
They nurse their young;
But the daughter of my people has proved herself (FJ)cruel,
Like (FK)ostriches in the wilderness.
The (FL)tongue of the infant clings
To the roof of its mouth because of (FM)thirst;
The children (FN)ask for bread,
But no one breaks it for them.
Those who used to eat (FO)delicacies
Are made to tremble in the streets;
Those who were raised in crimson clothing
Embrace garbage heaps.
For the [bb]wrongdoing of the daughter of my people
Is greater than the [bc](FP)sin of Sodom,
Which was (FQ)overthrown as in a moment,
[bd]And no hands were turned toward her.
Her [be]consecrated ones were (FR)purer than snow,
They shined more than milk;
They were more ruddy in [bf]body than pearls of coral,
Their form was like [bg](FS)lapis lazuli.
Their appearance is (FT)darker than soot,
They are not recognized in the streets;
Their (FU)skin is shriveled on their bones,
It is dry, it has become like wood.
Better off are those (FV)killed by the sword
Than those killed by hunger;
For they [bh](FW)waste away, [bi]stricken
By the lack of the produce of the field.
10 The hands of compassionate women
(FX)Boiled their own children;
They became (FY)food for them
Due to the destruction of the daughter of my people.
11 The Lord has (FZ)expended His wrath,
He has poured out His fierce anger;
And He has (GA)kindled a fire in Zion,
And it has consumed its foundations.
12 The kings of the earth did not believe,
Nor did any of (GB)the inhabitants of the world,
That the adversary and the enemy
Would (GC)enter the gates of Jerusalem.
13 Because of the sins of her (GD)prophets
And the wrongdoings of her priests,
Who have shed in her midst
The (GE)blood of the righteous,
14 They wandered, (GF)blind, in the streets;
They were defiled with (GG)blood,
Such that no one could touch their (GH)garments.
15 “Keep away! (GI)Unclean!” [bj]they cried out of themselves.
“Keep away, keep away, do not touch!”
For they (GJ)distanced themselves as well as wandered;
People among the nations said,
“They shall not continue to reside with us.”
16 The presence of the Lord has scattered them,
He will not continue to look at them;
They did not [bk](GK)honor the priests,
They did not favor the elders.
17 Yet our eyes failed,
Looking for [bl]help was (GL)useless;
At our observation point we have watched
For a (GM)nation that could not save.
18 They (GN)hunted our steps
So that we could not walk in our streets;
Our (GO)end drew near,
Our days were [bm]finished
For our end had come.
19 Our pursuers were (GP)swifter
Than the eagles of the sky;
They chased us on the mountains,
They waited in ambush for us in the wilderness.
20 The (GQ)breath of our nostrils, the (GR)Lords anointed,
Was (GS)captured in their pits,
Of whom we had said, “[bn]In his (GT)shadow
We shall live among the nations.”
21 Rejoice and be joyful, daughter of (GU)Edom,
Who lives in the land of Uz;
But the (GV)cup will pass to you as well,
You will become drunk and expose yourself.
22 The punishment of your wrongdoing has been (GW)completed, daughter of Zion;
He will no longer exile you.
But He (GX)will punish your wrongdoing, daughter of Edom;
He will expose your sins!


  1. Lamentations 2:1 Or scorned...Zion in His anger
  2. Lamentations 2:2 Lit engulfed
  3. Lamentations 2:3 Lit Every horn
  4. Lamentations 2:6 Or booth
  5. Lamentations 2:6 Or feast
  6. Lamentations 2:7 I.e., scornfully rejected
  7. Lamentations 2:8 Lit engulfing
  8. Lamentations 2:10 Another reading is wail
  9. Lamentations 2:11 Lit inward parts are in ferment
  10. Lamentations 2:11 Lit liver
  11. Lamentations 2:11 Lit breaking
  12. Lamentations 2:12 Lit on...breast
  13. Lamentations 2:15 Or whistle
  14. Lamentations 2:16 Or whistle
  15. Lamentations 2:17 Lit horn
  16. Lamentations 2:18 Lit the daughter of your eye
  17. Lamentations 2:20 Lit fruit
  18. Lamentations 2:20 Or tenderly cared for
  19. Lamentations 3:5 Lit built against
  20. Lamentations 3:5 Lit poison
  21. Lamentations 3:7 Lit bronze piece
  22. Lamentations 3:13 Lit sons
  23. Lamentations 3:13 Lit kidneys
  24. Lamentations 3:17 Lit good
  25. Lamentations 3:18 Or splendor
  26. Lamentations 3:19 Lit poison
  27. Lamentations 3:20 Or bows down
  28. Lamentations 3:21 Lit have hope
  29. Lamentations 3:22 As in ancient versions; MT It is...mercy that we do not end
  30. Lamentations 3:24 Or hope in
  31. Lamentations 3:25 Or hope in
  32. Lamentations 3:25 Lit soul
  33. Lamentations 3:29 Lit give
  34. Lamentations 3:33 Or oppress
  35. Lamentations 3:33 Lit from His heart
  36. Lamentations 3:33 Or torment
  37. Lamentations 3:34 Lit his
  38. Lamentations 3:34 Or earth
  39. Lamentations 3:35 Or turn aside a man’s case
  40. Lamentations 3:36 Lit bend
  41. Lamentations 3:36 Lit see
  42. Lamentations 3:37 Lit this
  43. Lamentations 3:38 Lit the evil things and the good
  44. Lamentations 3:39 Or human being
  45. Lamentations 3:39 Or on the basis of
  46. Lamentations 3:41 Lit toward our
  47. Lamentations 3:48 Lit eye goes down
  48. Lamentations 3:53 Lit my life
  49. Lamentations 3:53 Or thrown a stone
  50. Lamentations 3:54 Or destroyed
  51. Lamentations 3:63 I.e., daily activities
  52. Lamentations 3:65 Or insanity
  53. Lamentations 4:1 Lit head
  54. Lamentations 4:6 Or punishment for wrongdoing
  55. Lamentations 4:6 Or punishment for sin
  56. Lamentations 4:6 I.e., without human intervention
  57. Lamentations 4:7 Or Nazirites
  58. Lamentations 4:7 Lit bones
  59. Lamentations 4:7 Heb sappir
  60. Lamentations 4:9 Lit flow away
  61. Lamentations 4:9 Lit pierced through
  62. Lamentations 4:15 Or they (other people) cried to them
  63. Lamentations 4:16 Lit lift up the faces of
  64. Lamentations 4:17 Lit our help
  65. Lamentations 4:18 Lit full
  66. Lamentations 4:20 I.e., under his protection

Las tristezas de Sion vienen de Jehová

¡Cómo oscureció el Señor en su furor a la hija de Sion!

Derribó del cielo a la tierra la hermosura de Israel,

Y no se acordó del estrado de sus pies en el día de su furor.

Destruyó el Señor, y no perdonó;

Destruyó en su furor todas las tiendas de Jacob;

Echó por tierra las fortalezas de la hija de Judá,

Humilló al reino y a sus príncipes.

Cortó con el ardor de su ira todo el poderío de Israel;

Retiró de él su diestra frente al enemigo,

Y se encendió en Jacob como llama de fuego que ha devorado alrededor.

Entesó su arco como enemigo, afirmó su mano derecha como adversario,

Y destruyó cuanto era hermoso.

En la tienda de la hija de Sion derramó como fuego su enojo.

El Señor llegó a ser como enemigo, destruyó a Israel;

Destruyó todos sus palacios, derribó sus fortalezas,

Y multiplicó en la hija de Judá la tristeza y el lamento.

Quitó su tienda como enramada de huerto;

Destruyó el lugar en donde se congregaban;

Jehová ha hecho olvidar las fiestas solemnes y los días de reposo[a] en Sion,

Y en el ardor de su ira ha desechado al rey y al sacerdote.

Desechó el Señor su altar, menospreció su santuario;

Ha entregado en mano del enemigo los muros de sus palacios;

Hicieron resonar su voz en la casa de Jehová como en día de fiesta.

Jehová determinó destruir el muro de la hija de Sion;

Extendió el cordel, no retrajo su mano de la destrucción;

Hizo, pues, que se lamentara el antemuro y el muro; fueron desolados juntamente.

Sus puertas fueron echadas por tierra, destruyó y quebrantó sus cerrojos;

Su rey y sus príncipes están entre las naciones donde no hay ley;

Sus profetas tampoco hallaron visión de Jehová.

10 Se sentaron en tierra, callaron los ancianos de la hija de Sion;

Echaron polvo sobre sus cabezas, se ciñeron de cilicio;

Las vírgenes de Jerusalén bajaron sus cabezas a tierra.

11 Mis ojos desfallecieron de lágrimas, se conmovieron mis entrañas,

Mi hígado se derramó por tierra a causa del quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo,

Cuando desfallecía el niño y el que mamaba, en las plazas de la ciudad.

12 Decían a sus madres: ¿Dónde está el trigo y el vino?

Desfallecían como heridos en las calles de la ciudad,

Derramando sus almas en el regazo de sus madres.

13 ¿Qué testigo te traeré, o a quién te haré semejante, hija de Jerusalén?

¿A quién te compararé para consolarte, oh virgen hija de Sion?

Porque grande como el mar es tu quebrantamiento; ¿quién te sanará?

14 Tus profetas vieron para ti vanidad y locura;

Y no descubrieron tu pecado para impedir tu cautiverio,

Sino que te predicaron vanas profecías y extravíos.

15 Todos los que pasaban por el camino batieron las manos sobre ti;

Silbaron, y movieron despectivamente sus cabezas sobre la hija de Jerusalén, diciendo:

¿Es esta la ciudad que decían de perfecta hermosura, el gozo de toda la tierra?

16 Todos tus enemigos abrieron contra ti su boca;

Se burlaron, y crujieron los dientes; dijeron: Devorémosla;

Ciertamente este es el día que esperábamos; lo hemos hallado, lo hemos visto.

17 Jehová ha hecho lo que tenía determinado;

Ha cumplido su palabra, la cual él había mandado desde tiempo antiguo.

Destruyó, y no perdonó;

Y ha hecho que el enemigo se alegre sobre ti,

Y enalteció el poder de tus adversarios.

18 El corazón de ellos clamaba al Señor;

Oh hija de Sion, echa lágrimas cual arroyo día y noche;

No descanses, ni cesen las niñas de tus ojos.

19 Levántate, da voces en la noche, al comenzar las vigilias;

Derrama como agua tu corazón ante la presencia del Señor;

Alza tus manos a él implorando la vida de tus pequeñitos,

Que desfallecen de hambre en las entradas de todas las calles.

20 Mira, oh Jehová, y considera a quién has hecho así.

¿Han de comer las mujeres el fruto de sus entrañas, los pequeñitos a su tierno cuidado?

¿Han de ser muertos en el santuario del Señor el sacerdote y el profeta?

21 Niños y viejos yacían por tierra en las calles;

Mis vírgenes y mis jóvenes cayeron a espada;

Mataste en el día de tu furor; degollaste, no perdonaste.

22 Has convocado de todas partes mis temores, como en un día de solemnidad;

Y en el día del furor de Jehová no hubo quien escapase ni quedase vivo;

Los que crie y mantuve, mi enemigo los acabó.

Esperanza de liberación por la misericordia de Dios

Yo soy el hombre que ha visto aflicción bajo el látigo de su enojo.

Me guio y me llevó en tinieblas, y no en luz;

Ciertamente contra mí volvió y revolvió su mano todo el día.

Hizo envejecer mi carne y mi piel; quebrantó mis huesos;

Edificó baluartes contra mí, y me rodeó de amargura y de trabajo.

Me dejó en oscuridad, como los ya muertos de mucho tiempo.

Me cercó por todos lados, y no puedo salir; ha hecho más pesadas mis cadenas;

Aun cuando clamé y di voces, cerró los oídos a mi oración;

Cercó mis caminos con piedra labrada, torció mis senderos.

10 Fue para mí como oso que acecha, como león en escondrijos;

11 Torció mis caminos, y me despedazó; me dejó desolado.

12 Entesó su arco, y me puso como blanco para la saeta.

13 Hizo entrar en mis entrañas las saetas de su aljaba.

14 Fui escarnio a todo mi pueblo, burla de ellos todos los días;

15 Me llenó de amarguras, me embriagó de ajenjos.

16 Mis dientes quebró con cascajo, me cubrió de ceniza;

17 Y mi alma se alejó de la paz, me olvidé del bien,

18 Y dije: Perecieron mis fuerzas, y mi esperanza en Jehová.

19 Acuérdate de mi aflicción y de mi abatimiento, del ajenjo y de la hiel;

20 Lo tendré aún en memoria, porque mi alma está abatida dentro de mí;

21 Esto recapacitaré en mi corazón, por lo tanto esperaré.

22 Por la misericordia de Jehová no hemos sido consumidos, porque nunca decayeron sus misericordias.

23 Nuevas son cada mañana; grande es tu fidelidad.

24 Mi porción es Jehová, dijo mi alma; por tanto, en él esperaré.

25 Bueno es Jehová a los que en él esperan, al alma que le busca.

26 Bueno es esperar en silencio la salvación de Jehová.

27 Bueno le es al hombre llevar el yugo desde su juventud.

28 Que se siente solo y calle, porque es Dios quien se lo impuso;

29 Ponga su boca en el polvo, por si aún hay esperanza;

30 Dé la mejilla al que le hiere, y sea colmado de afrentas.

31 Porque el Señor no desecha para siempre;

32 Antes si aflige, también se compadece según la multitud de sus misericordias;

33 Porque no aflige ni entristece voluntariamente a los hijos de los hombres.

34 Desmenuzar bajo los pies a todos los encarcelados de la tierra,

35 Torcer el derecho del hombre delante de la presencia del Altísimo,

36 Trastornar al hombre en su causa, el Señor no lo aprueba.

37 ¿Quién será aquel que diga que sucedió algo que el Señor no mandó?

38 ¿De la boca del Altísimo no sale lo malo y lo bueno?

39 ¿Por qué se lamenta el hombre viviente? Laméntese el hombre en su pecado.

40 Escudriñemos nuestros caminos, y busquemos, y volvámonos a Jehová;

41 Levantemos nuestros corazones y manos a Dios en los cielos;

42 Nosotros nos hemos rebelado, y fuimos desleales; tú no perdonaste.

43 Desplegaste la ira y nos perseguiste; mataste, y no perdonaste;

44 Te cubriste de nube para que no pasase la oración nuestra;

45 Nos volviste en oprobio y abominación en medio de los pueblos.

46 Todos nuestros enemigos abrieron contra nosotros su boca;

47 Temor y lazo fueron para nosotros, asolamiento y quebranto;

48 Ríos de aguas echan mis ojos por el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo.

49 Mis ojos destilan y no cesan, porque no hay alivio

50 Hasta que Jehová mire y vea desde los cielos;

51 Mis ojos contristaron mi alma por todas las hijas de mi ciudad.

52 Mis enemigos me dieron caza como a ave, sin haber por qué;

53 Ataron mi vida en cisterna, pusieron piedra sobre mí;

54 Aguas cubrieron mi cabeza; yo dije: Muerto soy.

55 Invoqué tu nombre, oh Jehová, desde la cárcel profunda;

56 Oíste mi voz; no escondas tu oído al clamor de mis suspiros.

57 Te acercaste el día que te invoqué; dijiste: No temas.

58 Abogaste, Señor, la causa de mi alma; redimiste mi vida.

59 Tú has visto, oh Jehová, mi agravio; defiende mi causa.

60 Has visto toda su venganza, todos sus pensamientos contra mí.

61 Has oído el oprobio de ellos, oh Jehová, todas sus maquinaciones contra mí;

62 Los dichos de los que contra mí se levantaron, y su designio contra mí todo el día.

63 Su sentarse y su levantarse mira; yo soy su canción.

64 Dales el pago, oh Jehová, según la obra de sus manos.

65 Entrégalos al endurecimiento de corazón; tu maldición caiga sobre ellos.

66 Persíguelos en tu furor, y quebrántalos de debajo de los cielos, oh Jehová.

El castigo de Sion consumado

¡Cómo se ha ennegrecido el oro!

¡Cómo el buen oro ha perdido su brillo!

Las piedras del santuario están esparcidas por las encrucijadas de todas las calles.

Los hijos de Sion, preciados y estimados más que el oro puro,

¡Cómo son tenidos por vasijas de barro, obra de manos de alfarero!

Aun los chacales dan la teta, y amamantan a sus cachorros;

La hija de mi pueblo es cruel como los avestruces en el desierto.

La lengua del niño de pecho se pegó a su paladar por la sed;

Los pequeñuelos pidieron pan, y no hubo quien se lo repartiese.

Los que comían delicadamente fueron asolados en las calles;

Los que se criaron entre púrpura se abrazaron a los estercoleros.

Porque se aumentó la iniquidad de la hija de mi pueblo más que el pecado de Sodoma,(A)

Que fue destruida en un momento, sin que acamparan contra ella compañías.

Sus nobles fueron más puros que la nieve, más blancos que la leche;

Más rubios eran sus cuerpos que el coral, su talle más hermoso que el zafiro.

Oscuro más que la negrura es su aspecto; no los conocen por las calles;

Su piel está pegada a sus huesos, seca como un palo.

Más dichosos fueron los muertos a espada que los muertos por el hambre;

Porque estos murieron poco a poco por falta de los frutos de la tierra.

10 Las manos de mujeres piadosas cocieron a sus hijos;(B)

Sus propios hijos les sirvieron de comida en el día del quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo.

11 Cumplió Jehová su enojo, derramó el ardor de su ira;

Y encendió en Sion fuego que consumió hasta sus cimientos.

12 Nunca los reyes de la tierra, ni todos los que habitan en el mundo,

Creyeron que el enemigo y el adversario entrara por las puertas de Jerusalén.

13 Es por causa de los pecados de sus profetas, y las maldades de sus sacerdotes,

Quienes derramaron en medio de ella la sangre de los justos.

14 Titubearon como ciegos en las calles, fueron contaminados con sangre,

De modo que no pudiesen tocarse sus vestiduras.

15 ¡Apartaos! ¡Inmundos! les gritaban; ¡Apartaos, apartaos, no toquéis!

Huyeron y fueron dispersados; se dijo entre las naciones:

Nunca más morarán aquí.

16 La ira de Jehová los apartó, no los mirará más;

No respetaron la presencia de los sacerdotes, ni tuvieron compasión de los viejos.

17 Aun han desfallecido nuestros ojos esperando en vano nuestro socorro;

En nuestra esperanza aguardamos a una nación que no puede salvar.

18 Cazaron nuestros pasos, para que no anduviésemos por nuestras calles;

Se acercó nuestro fin, se cumplieron nuestros días; porque llegó nuestro fin.

19 Ligeros fueron nuestros perseguidores más que las águilas del cielo;

Sobre los montes nos persiguieron, en el desierto nos pusieron emboscadas.

20 El aliento de nuestras vidas, el ungido de Jehová,

De quien habíamos dicho: A su sombra tendremos vida entre las naciones, fue apresado en sus lazos.

21 Gózate y alégrate, hija de Edom, la que habitas en tierra de Uz;

Aun hasta ti llegará la copa; te embriagarás, y vomitarás.

22 Se ha cumplido tu castigo, oh hija de Sion;

Nunca más te hará llevar cautiva.

Castigará tu iniquidad, oh hija de Edom;

Descubrirá tus pecados.


  1. Lamentaciones 2:6 Aquí equivale a sábado.

God’s Anger over Israel

How the Lord has [a](A)covered the daughter of Zion
With a cloud in His anger!
He has (B)hurled
The (C)glory of Israel from heaven to earth,
And has not remembered His (D)footstool
In the day of His anger.
The Lord has [b](E)destroyed; He has not spared
All the settlements of Jacob.
In His wrath He has (F)overthrown
The strongholds of the daughter of Judah,
He has (G)hurled them down to the ground;
He has (H)profaned the kingdom and its leaders.
In fierce anger He has cut off
[c]All the (I)strength of Israel;
He has (J)pulled back His right hand
From the enemy.
And He has (K)burned in Jacob like a flaming fire
Consuming on all sides.
He has bent His (L)bow like an enemy;
His right hand is positioned like an adversary,
And He has killed everything that was (M)pleasant to the eye.
In the tent of the daughter of Zion
He has (N)poured out His wrath like fire.
The Lord has become like an (O)enemy.
He has (P)engulfed Israel;
He has engulfed all its (Q)palaces,
He has destroyed its strongholds
And (R)caused great mourning and grieving in the daughter of Judah.
And He has treated His [d]tabernacle violently, like a despised garden;
He has (S)destroyed His appointed [e]meeting place.
The Lord has (T)caused
The appointed feast and Sabbath in Zion to be forgotten,
And He has (U)despised king and priest
In the indignation of His anger.
The Lord has (V)rejected His altar,
He has [f]repudiated His sanctuary;
He (W)has handed over
The walls of her palaces to the enemy.
They have made a (X)noise in the house of the Lord
As on the day of an appointed feast.
The Lord determined to destroy
The wall of the daughter of Zion.
He has (Y)stretched out a line,
He has not restrained His hand from [g]destroying,
And He has (Z)caused rampart and wall to mourn;
They have languished together.
Her (AA)gates have sunk into the ground,
He has destroyed and broken her bars.
Her king and her leaders are among the nations;
The (AB)Law is gone.
Her prophets, too, find
(AC)No vision from the Lord.
10 The elders of the daughter of Zion
(AD)Sit on the ground and [h](AE)are silent.
They have thrown (AF)dust on their heads;
They have put on (AG)sackcloth.
The (AH)virgins of Jerusalem
Have bowed their heads to the ground.
11 My (AI)eyes fail because of tears,
My [i](AJ)spirit is greatly troubled;
My [j](AK)heart is poured out on the earth
(AL)Because of the [k]destruction of the daughter of my people,
When (AM)little ones and infants languish
In the streets of the city.
12 They say to their mothers,
(AN)Where is grain and wine?”
As they faint like a wounded person
In the streets of the city,
As their (AO)lives are poured out
[l]In their mothers’ arms.
13 How shall I admonish you?
What (AP)shall I compare to you,
Daughter of Jerusalem?
What shall I liken to you as I comfort you,
(AQ)Virgin daughter of Zion?
For your collapse is as vast as the sea;
Who can (AR)heal you?
14 Your (AS)prophets have seen for you
Worthless and deceptive visions;
And they have not (AT)exposed your wrongdoing
So as to restore you from captivity,
But they have (AU)seen for you worthless and misleading pronouncements.
15 All who pass along the way
(AV)Clap their hands in ridicule at you;
They (AW)[m]hiss and shake their heads
At the daughter of Jerusalem:
“Is this the city of which they said,
(AX)Perfect in beauty,
(AY)A joy to all the earth’?”
16 All (AZ)your enemies
Have opened their mouths wide against you;
They [n]hiss and (BA)gnash their teeth.
They say, “We have (BB)engulfed her!
This certainly is the (BC)day which we awaited;
We have reached it, we have seen it!”
17 The Lord has (BD)done what He determined;
He has accomplished His word
Which He commanded from days of old.
He has torn down (BE)without sparing,
And He has helped the enemy to (BF)rejoice over you;
He has (BG)exalted the [o]might of your adversaries.
18 Their (BH)heart cried out to the Lord:
“You (BI)wall of the daughter of Zion,
Let your (BJ)tears stream down like a river day and night;
Give yourself no relief,
Let [p]your eyes have no rest.
19 Arise, whimper in the (BK)night
At the beginning of the night watches;
(BL)Pour out your heart like water
Before the presence of the Lord;
Raise your hands to Him
For the (BM)life of your little ones
Who (BN)languish because of hunger
At the head of every street.
20 See, Lord, and look!
With (BO)whom have You dealt this way?
Should women really (BP)eat their [q]children,
The little ones who were [r]born healthy?
Should (BQ)priest and prophet really be killed
In the sanctuary of the Lord?
21 On the ground in the streets
Lie (BR)young and old;
My (BS)virgins and my young men
Have fallen by the sword.
You have put them to death on the day of Your anger,
You have slaughtered, (BT)without sparing.
22 You called as on the day of an appointed feast
My (BU)terrors on every side;
And there was (BV)no one who survived or escaped
On the day of the Lords anger.
As for those (BW)whom I brought forth healthy and whom I raised,
My enemy annihilated them.”

Jeremiah Shares Israel’s Misery

I am the man who has (BX)seen misery
Because of the rod of His wrath.
He has driven me and made me walk
In (BY)darkness and not in light.
Indeed, He has (BZ)turned His hand against me
Repeatedly all the day.
He has consumed my (CA)flesh and my skin,
He has (CB)broken my bones.
He has [s](CC)besieged and surrounded me with [t](CD)bitterness and hardship.
He has made me live in (CE)dark places,
Like those who have long been dead.
He has (CF)walled me in so that I cannot go out;
He has made my [u](CG)chain heavy.
Even when I cry out and call for help,
He (CH)shuts out my prayer.
He has (CI)blocked my ways with cut stone;
He has twisted my paths.
10 He is to me like a bear lying in wait,
Like a lion in secret places.
11 He has made my ways deviate, and (CJ)torn me to pieces;
He has made me desolate.
12 He (CK)bent His bow
And (CL)took aim at me as a target for the arrow.
13 He made the [v]arrows of His (CM)quiver
Enter my [w]inward parts.
14 I have become a (CN)laughingstock to all my people,
Their (CO)song of ridicule all the day.
15 He has (CP)filled me with bitterness,
He has made me drink plenty of wormwood.
16 He has also (CQ)made my teeth grind with (CR)gravel;
He has made me cower in the (CS)dust.
17 My soul has been excluded (CT)from peace;
I have forgotten [x]happiness.
18 So I say, “My [y]strength has failed,
And so has my (CU)hope from the Lord.”

Hope of Relief in God’s Mercy

19 Remember my misery and my homelessness, the (CV)wormwood and [z]bitterness.
20 (CW)My soul certainly remembers,
And [aa]is (CX)bent over within me.
21 I recall this to my mind,
Therefore I [ab](CY)wait.
22 [ac]The Lords (CZ)acts of mercy indeed do not end,
(DA)For His compassions do not fail.
23 They are new (DB)every morning;
Great is (DC)Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my (DD)portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I [ad](DE)wait for Him.”
25 The Lord is good to those who [ae](DF)await Him,
To the [af]person who (DG)seeks Him.
26 It is good that he (DH)waits silently
For the salvation of the Lord.
27 It is good for a man to bear
The yoke in his youth.
28 Let him (DI)sit alone and keep quiet,
Since He has laid it on him.
29 Let him [ag]put his mouth in the (DJ)dust;
Perhaps there is (DK)hope.
30 Let him give his (DL)cheek to the one who is going to strike him;
Let him be filled with shame.
31 For the Lord will (DM)not reject forever,
32 For if He causes grief,
Then He will have (DN)compassion
In proportion to His abundant mercy.
33 For He (DO)does not [ah]afflict [ai]willingly
Or [aj]grieve the sons of mankind.
34 To crush under [ak]one’s feet
All the prisoners of the [al]land,
35 To [am]deprive a man of (DP)justice
In the presence of the Most High,
36 To [an](DQ)defraud someone in his lawsuit—
Of these things the Lord does not [ao]approve.
37 Who is [ap]there who speaks and it (DR)comes to pass,
Unless the Lord has commanded it?
38 Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
That [aq](DS)both adversity and good proceed?

39 Of what can any living [ar]mortal, or any man,
(DT)Complain [as]in view of his sins?
40 Let’s (DU)examine and search out our ways,
And let’s return to the Lord.
41 We (DV)raise our heart [at]and hands
Toward God in heaven;
42 We have (DW)done wrong and rebelled;
You have (DX)not pardoned.
43 You have covered Yourself with (DY)anger
And (DZ)pursued us;
You have slain and (EA)have not spared.
44 You have (EB)veiled Yourself with a cloud
So that (EC)no prayer can pass through.
45 You have made us mere (ED)refuse and rubbish
In the midst of the peoples.
46 All our enemies have (EE)opened their mouths against us.
47 (EF)Panic and pitfall have come upon us,
Devastation and destruction;
48 My [au](EG)eyes run down with streams of water
Because of the destruction of the daughter of my people.
49 My eyes flow (EH)unceasingly,
Without stopping,
50 Until the Lord (EI)looks down
And sees from heaven.
51 My eyes bring pain to my soul
Because of all the daughters of my city.
52 My enemies (EJ)without reason
Hunted me down (EK)like a bird;
53 They have silenced [av]me (EL)in the pit
And have [aw](EM)thrown stones on me.
54 Waters flowed (EN)over my head;
I said, “I am [ax]cut off!”
55 I (EO)called on Your name, Lord,
Out of the lowest pit.
56 You have (EP)heard my voice,
(EQ)Do not cover Your ear from my plea for relief,
From my cry for help.”
57 You (ER)came near on the day I called to You;
You said, “(ES)Do not fear!”
58 Lord, You (ET)have pleaded my soul’s cause;
You have (EU)redeemed my life.
59 Lord, You have (EV)seen my oppression;
(EW)Judge my case.
60 You have seen all their vengeance,
All their (EX)schemes against me.
61 You have heard their (EY)reproach, Lord,
All their schemes against me.
62 The (EZ)lips of my assailants and their talk
Are against me all day long.
63 Look at their [ay](FA)sitting and their rising;
(FB)I am their mocking song.
64 You will (FC)repay them, Lord,
In accordance with the work of their hands.
65 You will give them [az](FD)shamelessness of heart,
Your curse will be on them.
66 You will (FE)pursue them in anger and eliminate them
From under the (FF)heavens of the Lord!

Distress of the Siege Described

How (FG)dark the gold has become,
How the pure gold has changed!
The sacred stones are spilled out
At the [ba]corner of every street.
The precious sons of Zion,
Weighed against pure gold,
How they are regarded as (FH)earthenware jars,
The work of a potter’s hands!
Even (FI)jackals offer the breast,
They nurse their young;
But the daughter of my people has proved herself (FJ)cruel,
Like (FK)ostriches in the wilderness.
The (FL)tongue of the infant clings
To the roof of its mouth because of (FM)thirst;
The children (FN)ask for bread,
But no one breaks it for them.
Those who used to eat (FO)delicacies
Are made to tremble in the streets;
Those who were raised in crimson clothing
Embrace garbage heaps.
For the [bb]wrongdoing of the daughter of my people
Is greater than the [bc](FP)sin of Sodom,
Which was (FQ)overthrown as in a moment,
[bd]And no hands were turned toward her.
Her [be]consecrated ones were (FR)purer than snow,
They shined more than milk;
They were more ruddy in [bf]body than pearls of coral,
Their form was like [bg](FS)lapis lazuli.
Their appearance is (FT)darker than soot,
They are not recognized in the streets;
Their (FU)skin is shriveled on their bones,
It is dry, it has become like wood.
Better off are those (FV)killed by the sword
Than those killed by hunger;
For they [bh](FW)waste away, [bi]stricken
By the lack of the produce of the field.
10 The hands of compassionate women
(FX)Boiled their own children;
They became (FY)food for them
Due to the destruction of the daughter of my people.
11 The Lord has (FZ)expended His wrath,
He has poured out His fierce anger;
And He has (GA)kindled a fire in Zion,
And it has consumed its foundations.
12 The kings of the earth did not believe,
Nor did any of (GB)the inhabitants of the world,
That the adversary and the enemy
Would (GC)enter the gates of Jerusalem.
13 Because of the sins of her (GD)prophets
And the wrongdoings of her priests,
Who have shed in her midst
The (GE)blood of the righteous,
14 They wandered, (GF)blind, in the streets;
They were defiled with (GG)blood,
Such that no one could touch their (GH)garments.
15 “Keep away! (GI)Unclean!” [bj]they cried out of themselves.
“Keep away, keep away, do not touch!”
For they (GJ)distanced themselves as well as wandered;
People among the nations said,
“They shall not continue to reside with us.”
16 The presence of the Lord has scattered them,
He will not continue to look at them;
They did not [bk](GK)honor the priests,
They did not favor the elders.
17 Yet our eyes failed,
Looking for [bl]help was (GL)useless;
At our observation point we have watched
For a (GM)nation that could not save.
18 They (GN)hunted our steps
So that we could not walk in our streets;
Our (GO)end drew near,
Our days were [bm]finished
For our end had come.
19 Our pursuers were (GP)swifter
Than the eagles of the sky;
They chased us on the mountains,
They waited in ambush for us in the wilderness.
20 The (GQ)breath of our nostrils, the (GR)Lords anointed,
Was (GS)captured in their pits,
Of whom we had said, “[bn]In his (GT)shadow
We shall live among the nations.”
21 Rejoice and be joyful, daughter of (GU)Edom,
Who lives in the land of Uz;
But the (GV)cup will pass to you as well,
You will become drunk and expose yourself.
22 The punishment of your wrongdoing has been (GW)completed, daughter of Zion;
He will no longer exile you.
But He (GX)will punish your wrongdoing, daughter of Edom;
He will expose your sins!


  1. Lamentations 2:1 Or scorned...Zion in His anger
  2. Lamentations 2:2 Lit engulfed
  3. Lamentations 2:3 Lit Every horn
  4. Lamentations 2:6 Or booth
  5. Lamentations 2:6 Or feast
  6. Lamentations 2:7 I.e., scornfully rejected
  7. Lamentations 2:8 Lit engulfing
  8. Lamentations 2:10 Another reading is wail
  9. Lamentations 2:11 Lit inward parts are in ferment
  10. Lamentations 2:11 Lit liver
  11. Lamentations 2:11 Lit breaking
  12. Lamentations 2:12 Lit on...breast
  13. Lamentations 2:15 Or whistle
  14. Lamentations 2:16 Or whistle
  15. Lamentations 2:17 Lit horn
  16. Lamentations 2:18 Lit the daughter of your eye
  17. Lamentations 2:20 Lit fruit
  18. Lamentations 2:20 Or tenderly cared for
  19. Lamentations 3:5 Lit built against
  20. Lamentations 3:5 Lit poison
  21. Lamentations 3:7 Lit bronze piece
  22. Lamentations 3:13 Lit sons
  23. Lamentations 3:13 Lit kidneys
  24. Lamentations 3:17 Lit good
  25. Lamentations 3:18 Or splendor
  26. Lamentations 3:19 Lit poison
  27. Lamentations 3:20 Or bows down
  28. Lamentations 3:21 Lit have hope
  29. Lamentations 3:22 As in ancient versions; MT It is...mercy that we do not end
  30. Lamentations 3:24 Or hope in
  31. Lamentations 3:25 Or hope in
  32. Lamentations 3:25 Lit soul
  33. Lamentations 3:29 Lit give
  34. Lamentations 3:33 Or oppress
  35. Lamentations 3:33 Lit from His heart
  36. Lamentations 3:33 Or torment
  37. Lamentations 3:34 Lit his
  38. Lamentations 3:34 Or earth
  39. Lamentations 3:35 Or turn aside a man’s case
  40. Lamentations 3:36 Lit bend
  41. Lamentations 3:36 Lit see
  42. Lamentations 3:37 Lit this
  43. Lamentations 3:38 Lit the evil things and the good
  44. Lamentations 3:39 Or human being
  45. Lamentations 3:39 Or on the basis of
  46. Lamentations 3:41 Lit toward our
  47. Lamentations 3:48 Lit eye goes down
  48. Lamentations 3:53 Lit my life
  49. Lamentations 3:53 Or thrown a stone
  50. Lamentations 3:54 Or destroyed
  51. Lamentations 3:63 I.e., daily activities
  52. Lamentations 3:65 Or insanity
  53. Lamentations 4:1 Lit head
  54. Lamentations 4:6 Or punishment for wrongdoing
  55. Lamentations 4:6 Or punishment for sin
  56. Lamentations 4:6 I.e., without human intervention
  57. Lamentations 4:7 Or Nazirites
  58. Lamentations 4:7 Lit bones
  59. Lamentations 4:7 Heb sappir
  60. Lamentations 4:9 Lit flow away
  61. Lamentations 4:9 Lit pierced through
  62. Lamentations 4:15 Or they (other people) cried to them
  63. Lamentations 4:16 Lit lift up the faces of
  64. Lamentations 4:17 Lit our help
  65. Lamentations 4:18 Lit full
  66. Lamentations 4:20 I.e., under his protection