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15 So then, Achim b’Moshiach, stand fast and hold fast to the [orthodox Jewish] emunah, the Moshiach’s pnimiyus hatorah that was handed over and transmitted to you, which you were taught, whether by divrei pinu (words of our mouth) or by our iggeret hakodesh.

16 Now may HaMelech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu Himself and Elohim Avinu, who has regarded us with ahavah (agape), and has granted us nechamat olam (eternal consolation) and tikvah tovah (good hope) by the unmerited Chesed of Hashem

17 May He give chozek (strength) and encouragement to you in every mitzvah (good deed) you do and in every dibur (utterance) you speak.

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15 So then, Achim b’Moshiach, stand fast and hold fast to the [orthodox Jewish] emunah, the Moshiach’s pnimiyus hatorah that was handed over and transmitted to you, which you were taught, whether by divrei pinu (words of our mouth) or by our iggeret hakodesh.

16 Now may HaMelech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu Himself and Elohim Avinu, who has regarded us with ahavah (agape), and has granted us nechamat olam (eternal consolation) and tikvah tovah (good hope) by the unmerited Chesed of Hashem

17 May He give chozek (strength) and encouragement to you in every mitzvah (good deed) you do and in every dibur (utterance) you speak.

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