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That there is great agmat nefesh to me and unceasing anguish in my heart.

For I could wish that my neshamah be put under cherem (ban of destruction), under Churban, and Onesh Gehinnom, cut off from Moshiach for the sake of my achim, my own kinsmen, my people and flesh and blood relatives,

In as much as they are Bnei Yisroel: theirs is the Mishpat HaBanim Adoption, the Ma’amad HaBanim Standing as Sons, and the Kavod (glory) and the Shechinah (glorious presence of G-d) and the Beritot (covenants), the Torah, the Avodas Kodesh (worship) and the Havtachot (promises);

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That there is great agmat nefesh to me and unceasing anguish in my heart.

For I could wish that my neshamah be put under cherem (ban of destruction), under Churban, and Onesh Gehinnom, cut off from Moshiach for the sake of my achim, my own kinsmen, my people and flesh and blood relatives,

In as much as they are Bnei Yisroel: theirs is the Mishpat HaBanim Adoption, the Ma’amad HaBanim Standing as Sons, and the Kavod (glory) and the Shechinah (glorious presence of G-d) and the Beritot (covenants), the Torah, the Avodas Kodesh (worship) and the Havtachot (promises);

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