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20 For HaBri’ah (the Creation) was subjected to hevel (futility), not willingly, but on account of Him who subjected it, in tikvah (hope),

21 Because HaBri’ah also itself will be set free from the avdut (slavery) of corruption into the deror (freedom YESHAYAH 61:1) of the kavod (glory) of the bnei HaElohim.

22 For we have da’as that the whole Bri’ah groans and suffers the chevlei leydah (pangs of childbirth) until now.

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20 For HaBri’ah (the Creation) was subjected to hevel (futility), not willingly, but on account of Him who subjected it, in tikvah (hope),

21 Because HaBri’ah also itself will be set free from the avdut (slavery) of corruption into the deror (freedom YESHAYAH 61:1) of the kavod (glory) of the bnei HaElohim.

22 For we have da’as that the whole Bri’ah groans and suffers the chevlei leydah (pangs of childbirth) until now.

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