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Having da’as that Moshiach, having been given the Techiyah (Resurrection) from the Mesim (Dead ones), no longer dies, Mavet (death) and Histalkus no longer exercise control over him.

10 For the Mavet Moshiach died, he died to Chet (sin) once and for all; but the Chayyim Moshiach lives, he lives to Hashem.

11 So also you must reckon yourselves mesim (dead ones) to Chet (Sin) but Chayyim l’Hashem baMoshiach Yehoshua (alive to G-d in Messiah Yehoshua).

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Having da’as that Moshiach, having been given the Techiyah (Resurrection) from the Mesim (Dead ones), no longer dies, Mavet (death) and Histalkus no longer exercise control over him.

10 For the Mavet Moshiach died, he died to Chet (sin) once and for all; but the Chayyim Moshiach lives, he lives to Hashem.

11 So also you must reckon yourselves mesim (dead ones) to Chet (Sin) but Chayyim l’Hashem baMoshiach Yehoshua (alive to G-d in Messiah Yehoshua).

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