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16 For this reason the havtachah (promise) is of emunah (faith), in order that it might be in accordance with unmerited Chen v’Chesed Hashem, that the havtachah might be certain to all the zera (seed), not to him who is of the Torah only, but also to bnei emunat Avraham (the sons of the faith of Avraham Avinu, to those who are of the faith of Abraham). Avraham Avinu is the father of us all,

17 as it is written, AV HAMON GOYIM N’TATICHA ("I have made you father of many nations" BERESHIS 17:5). This was in the sight of Hashem in whom "he believed," G-d who gives Chayyim to the Mesim and calls things which have no existence into existence.

18 Against tikvah (hope), in tikvah "he believed," in order that he might become AV HAMON GOYIM ("father of many nations" BERESHIS 17:5) in accordance with what had been said, "So shall your ZERA ("seed’) be" BERESHIS 15:5.

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16 For this reason the havtachah (promise) is of emunah (faith), in order that it might be in accordance with unmerited Chen v’Chesed Hashem, that the havtachah might be certain to all the zera (seed), not to him who is of the Torah only, but also to bnei emunat Avraham (the sons of the faith of Avraham Avinu, to those who are of the faith of Abraham). Avraham Avinu is the father of us all,

17 as it is written, AV HAMON GOYIM N’TATICHA ("I have made you father of many nations" BERESHIS 17:5). This was in the sight of Hashem in whom "he believed," G-d who gives Chayyim to the Mesim and calls things which have no existence into existence.

18 Against tikvah (hope), in tikvah "he believed," in order that he might become AV HAMON GOYIM ("father of many nations" BERESHIS 17:5) in accordance with what had been said, "So shall your ZERA ("seed’) be" BERESHIS 15:5.

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