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You, sir, you who pass judgment on those who practice such things and yet do the same yourself, do you suppose then that you will escape the Mishpat Hashem?

Or do you think lightly of the wealth of his nedivut (generosity) and of his chesed and of his being ERECH APAYIM ("slow of anger, forbearing" SHEMOT 34:6) and of his zitzfleisch (patience), disregarding the fact that the Chesed Hashem (the kindness of G-d) is to lead you to teshuva (repentance)?

As a result of your KESHI (stubbornness, hardness, DEVARIM 9:27) and your levavot without teshuva, you are storing up for yourself Charon Af Hashem (the burning anger of G-d) in the Yom Af (the Day of Wrath TEHILLIM 110:5, i.e., the Yom HaDin, the Day of Judgment), when will be revealed the Mishpat HaTzedek of Hashem,

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You, sir, you who pass judgment on those who practice such things and yet do the same yourself, do you suppose then that you will escape the Mishpat Hashem?

Or do you think lightly of the wealth of his nedivut (generosity) and of his chesed and of his being ERECH APAYIM ("slow of anger, forbearing" SHEMOT 34:6) and of his zitzfleisch (patience), disregarding the fact that the Chesed Hashem (the kindness of G-d) is to lead you to teshuva (repentance)?

As a result of your KESHI (stubbornness, hardness, DEVARIM 9:27) and your levavot without teshuva, you are storing up for yourself Charon Af Hashem (the burning anger of G-d) in the Yom Af (the Day of Wrath TEHILLIM 110:5, i.e., the Yom HaDin, the Day of Judgment), when will be revealed the Mishpat HaTzedek of Hashem,

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