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15 In that they demonstrate the Torah at work [YIRMEYAH 31:33], the Torah written in their levavot, their matzpun (conscience) also bearing witness, while their thoughts bring accusation or even make defense among themselves,

16 In the Yom [HaDin (Day of Judgment)] when, according to my Besuras HaGeulah, Hashem, through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, is to judge the secrets of kol Bnei Adam (all men).

17 But if you are called by the name Yehudi (Jew) and rely on the Torah and boast in Hashem,

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15 In that they demonstrate the Torah at work [YIRMEYAH 31:33], the Torah written in their levavot, their matzpun (conscience) also bearing witness, while their thoughts bring accusation or even make defense among themselves,

16 In the Yom [HaDin (Day of Judgment)] when, according to my Besuras HaGeulah, Hashem, through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, is to judge the secrets of kol Bnei Adam (all men).

17 But if you are called by the name Yehudi (Jew) and rely on the Torah and boast in Hashem,

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